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4 Reasons Why EMSCULPT is the Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift for Couples Who Workout Together

EMSCULPT Valentine’s Day Gift: You’d like to believe that all couples who work out together stay together. But skip your better half’s Valentine’s Day gift once, and they’ll forget about that one time on the tandem bicycle. That’s because a relationship is nothing without its traditions. Call it a useless Hallmark holiday all you want, but Valentine’s Day remains an essential custom for a simple reason: love feels good. And there’s no better way to show them love than with a practical and generous gift. Enter EMSCULPT, the world’s only procedure to help women and men build muscle and sculpt their bodies. We’re recommending it to the fittest couples out there this year for the following five reasons:

Article Update July 2022:

What are the statistical benefits of EMSCULPT?

As there have been new improvements to EMSCULPT, know that EMSCULPT offers more fat reduction and muscle growth than before.

As reported by PR Newswire, Clinical studies have shown that, on average, [EMSCULPT] patients experience up to 30% fat reduction and 25% increase in muscle in the treated area.

With over 1 million treatments administered, EMSCULPT remains the gold-standard treatment in noninvasive body contouring therapy.

Now read below to see 4 reasons EMSCULPT would be the perfect valentine’s day gift for your boo!

Couples who workout together stay together! 4 Reasons why EMSCULPT is the perfect valentine's day gift for couples who workout together.

1. You’re already doing half the work.

If you’re sweating, she’s probably by your side. And the results are showing. But is the mindset you share with your mister or missus as perfectionistic as it is fit-conscious? If it is, there’s still more room for you and your sweetie to improve. EMSCULPT works its best magic when a patient is closest to their ideal weight. So, when your honey is already looking healthy, the gift of EMSCULPT could be just enough to ramp them up to trophy spouse status fast. EMSCULPT will only work for adults dedicated to an active and healthy lifestyle but still wish for the additional definition of the abs, lifting the buttocks, and building and toning calf and arm muscles. The procedure is ideal for people who cannot achieve a six-pack, toned arms, legs, or a perky behind with their usual workouts. 

2. It only takes 30 minutes.

Couples like you guys are always on-the-go, so you’ll be pleased to find out that one session of EMSCULPT only takes a half-hour. That means it’ll wedge between your workouts, meal prep seshes, and meetings-that-should’ve-been-emails just fine. 

Couples who workout together stay together!*
Couples who work out together stay together!*

3. You’re both overachievers.

You knew the second you met them that your power couple dreams would be realized, and they have been in every way—especially when it comes to the gym. So you know that if they heard there was a way they could complete 20,000 crunches in 30 minutes, they’d demand to know how. EMSCULPT’s HIFEM® (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Energy) technology triggers “supramaximal” muscle contraction. It implements a variety of patterns of muscle contractions throughout the treatment. You can compare one EMSCULPT treatment to doing about 20,000 sit-ups or squats. As the muscles contract, new muscle mass increases tone, and muscle definition build. Lipolysis, or the destruction of fat cells, also enhances fat metabolism.

4. The results last.

Chocolate rot—Flowers wilt. EMSCULPT lasts. On average, patients see a 16% increase in muscle mass after EMSCULPT treatments, and the results can extend for six months or more. These results will last longer the more active the patient’s lifestyle is. Some patients undergo EMSCULPT and decide to maintain their results with regular exercise. In contrast, other patients plan to maintain their results with regular returns to the doctor for more treatment.

EMSCULPT Valentine’s Day Gift: Make Valentine’s Day Memorable! Book an EMSCULPT Appointment for Your Sweetheart Today. 


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  1. 1. Jacob CI, Paskova K. Safety and efficacy of a novel high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology device for noninvasive abdominal body shaping. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. 2018;17(5):783-787. doi:10.1111/jocd.12779
  2. Aesthetics BTL. BTL aesthetics introduces a new EMSCULPT Neo Edge™ Applicator for the lateral abdomen. BTL AESTHETICS INTRODUCES A NEW EMSCULPT NEO EDGE™ APPLICATOR FOR THE LATERAL ABDOMEN. Published July 12, 2022. Accessed July 25, 2022.

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