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Hair Transplant Scar Revision Before and After Dr.UGraft™

Hair Transplant Scar Revision Before and After: For years, traditional methods of hair transplants such as strip surgery have carried a heavy risk of scarring. These scars often restrict the type of hairstyle a patient can wear and, in some cases, can become highly disfiguring. Fortunately, Dr. Sanusi Umar’s groundbreaking technological advancements in hair restoration offer good news for patients concerned about scarring or who have developed scars from treatment at other clinics. The Dr. UGraft FUE Device & System invented by Dr.Umar allows patients to undergo hair transplant scar revision, such as FUE hair transplant from beard to cover up previous hair transplant scars or botched surgeries.


Best Los Angeles Strip Surgery Scar Repair Using Dr UGraft Advanced FUE Body Hair Transplant Repair

After undergoing several strip procedures, this patient was left with a number of stretched linear scars. Due to a depleted donor supply, it was necessary t…

Hair Transplant Scar Revision Before & After – Before Photos:

Hair Transplant Revision Near Me: The patient profiled here had strip surgery at another clinic before seeing Dr. Umar. After the surgery, the patient ended up with two problematic scars. He realized that he needed to go to another doctor to treat the scarring from the previous surgery at another clinic. Making the situation even more problematic, the patient had the scars tattooed before seeing Dr. Umar.

Before Hair Transplant Scar Revision: visible scarring
Before Hair Transplant Scar Revision: The patient had tried tattooing to conceal his strip scars. The tattoos did little to mask their appearance.


The patient had always liked to wear a short, buzzed-look hairstyle. Unfortunately, the heavy scarring showed whenever the patient cut his hair short. The tattooing did little to correct the issue either.

Even trichopigmentation did not conceal this patient's extensive scarring.
The patient had noticeable scarring on his head from previous surgeries performed at other clinics.


The Solution – Hair Transplant Scar Revision Before and After Photos:

Hair Transplant Scar Revision Cost: A good hair transplant revision focuses on the expertise and experience of the surgeon performing the revision, and the results can be priceless. Dr. Umar recommended treatment using 1200 grafts with the follicular unit extraction (FUE) Dr.UGraft procedure using the UPunch Rotor. He opted to use body hair transplantation (BHT) from the patient’s beard for the best results. The surgery resulted in a seamless, natural-looking head of hair. The patient could even wear a buzz-cut hairstyle again!

Hair Transplant Scar Revision: Before and After - dramatic difference
Hair Transplant Scar Revision: Before and After*


FUE hair transplant from beard: Hair transplant scar revision before and after
FUE hair transplant from beard: before and after*


Patient Transplant Scar Treatment Results Before & After Photos:

His scars are camouflaged seamlessly following the procedure, with the patient’s tattoos concealed. Following the surgery, the back of the patient’s head looked stellar! Dr. Umar successfully gave his patient the desired look that other doctors could not match.

FUE hair transplant from beard: The Dr.UGraft procedure left the patient with little to no trace of scar tissue or wounds.
FUE using beard hair: The Dr.UGraft procedure left the patient with little to no trace of scar tissue or wounds.*


Hair transplant scar cover up using FUE using beard hair
Hair transplant scar cover up using FUE using beard hair: Before and After*


Patient Results Video: Dr.UGraft Advanced FUE Hair Transplant from Beard Repairs Strip Scar

Contact Dr. Umar Now For Hair Transplant Scar Revision & More Hair Transplant Related Services


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Hair Transplant Scar Revisions – Frequently Asked Questions:

How does FUE with the Dr.UGraft differ from other hair transplants, like the strip surgery?

Strip surgeries involve a highly invasive procedure that removes a strip of hair from the back of the head. They have become known for their complications—including scars—and unnatural-looking results.

By contrast, the FUE Dr.UGraft procedure transplants individual follicles from the head, beard, or elsewhere on the body to the head, restoring hair. Unlike strip surgery, Dr.UGraft carries little chance of visible scarring or other complications.

I, too, have undergone strip surgery and have visible scars. Other doctors have told me that I exhausted my donor area. Can Dr. Umar help me?

Yes! Unlike strip surgeries or basic FUE methods, which rely solely on head hair, the advanced FUE offered by the Dr.UGraft procedure can utilize hair from anywhere on the body. This dramatically expands the donor pool, allowing Dr. Umar far more options to restore hair and carry out repair work.

If you’ve got questions on the best way forward when you’ve found yourself with a botched strip surgery scar, click the button below to forward any questions you may have to Dr. U:


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Further Reading:

Article by Dr. Umar detailing the use of beard hair in BHT and scar concealment with Dr.UGraft.

Another case of strip surgery repair with the Dr.UGraft

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