The Universe Begins with U

A Dr.UGraft™ Celebrity Hair Restoration For A Hollywood, Los Angeles Patient

Many celebrities and public figures have chosen to undergo hair transplant surgeries, from David Beckham to Elon Musk to John Travolta. Constantly being in the public eye makes maintaining a youthful and attractive appearance a crucial part of the celebrity lifestyle. So, it’s no wonder many have chosen FUE surgery upon noticing signs of hair loss. Read more about this Hollywood actor’s transplant procedure.

In Hollywood,  physical attractiveness is immensely important for career success in the entertainment industry. A youthful appearance is associated with energy and vigor. It also helps actors acquire better roles and maintain a high level of relevance to audiences.  With his solid reputation for creating the best hair transplant outcomes, it’s no surprise that entertainment professionals seek Dr. Umar’s help regarding celebrity hair restoration.

Hollywood actor Bernardo de Paula whose list of credits includes Beto from the Showtime series, Shameless and Jackhammer Horton on NCIS, Los Angeles, among others, started noticing that his hair was receding.  He became nervous that this would negatively affect his career.  De Paula would watch footage of his performances and notice his blatant hair loss. He came to Dr. Umar hoping to restore a balding crown and hairline. Using an advanced Dr.UGraft ™ FUE procedure with extraction technology that he developed himself, Dr. Umar was able to restore a youthful head of hair and ensure that the patient was more confident in his appearance.

Best Celebrity Hair Transplant in Los Angeles – Dr. U Delivers Natural-Looking Results

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Before Photos: On-Screen Makeover Celebrity Hair Restoration for Hollywood, Los Angeles Actor

Bernardo arrived at Dr.Umar’s, unhappy about the changes he was seeing in his on-screen appearance due to hair loss. He was suffering from a receding hairline and balding crown and was looking for a long-term solution to his problem.

Celebrity hair restoration patient showing a receded hairline and temples before his procedure with Dr. Umar
Celebrity hair restoration patient showing a receded hairline and temples before his procedure with Dr. Umar


Bernardo hoped to restore a balding crown on the back of his head
Restoring a balding crown was one of the goals of this celebrity actor’s procedure.


An FUE procedure at Dr. U's clinic was chosen to recreate a hairline and temples in celebrity
An FUE procedure at Dr. U’s clinic was chosen to recreate a hairline and temples in a celebrity from Hollywood, Los Angeles.

 A Hair Transplant to Help With Image Management For Celebrities: Procedure Photos:

In this Dr.UGraft ™ Follicular Unit Extraction surgery, Dr. Umar used 2200 grafts to restore a balding crown and receding hairline. The goal of the surgery was to give the Hollywood, Los Angeles actor a more natural appearance to help him look his best and feel more confident about his appearance. Like most patients, Bernardo de Paula was looking for a long-term solution. This procedure ensured that the patient could achieve the growth he wanted. With less experienced doctors, there is the risk of the grafts not growing afterward. Using his world-class technologies and the shave test, Dr. Umar was able to reduce the risk of failed grafts.

In this celebrity hair restoration procedure, Dr. Umar extracted 2200 grafts from across the patient’s nape. He then individually inserted them to recreate the hairline, temples, and crown. Nape hair is great for recreating the soft edge and grows at sharp angles, making it ideal for the patient’s hairline edge. There’s a misconception that follicles will simply grow if they are transplanted. In actuality, if they aren’t treated with care and harvested strategically, the patient will suffer continual balding even after their hair transplant surgery.


To recreate hairlines and temples in a celebrity or other individual, softer nape hair can be inserted to recreate a naturally soft looking edge
To recreate hairlines and temples in a celebrity or other individual, softer nape hair can be inserted to recreate a naturally soft-looking edge


Dr. Umar’s Unique Strategies

One way that Dr. Umar guarantees long-term growth is the FUE Shave Test. Dr. Umar shaves the patient’s head to see the growth potential in the nape and whether or not he should harvest follicles from that area. In this case, Dr. Umar could see that nape hair could be used for this patient’s donor pool.

Another strategy Dr. Umar uses to ensure that follicles are extracted most optimally is by using his Dr.UPunch i ™ device. The device’s flared punch cuts away from the follicle, making the extraction process safer. Notably, this tool also helped the follicles stay hydrated during the surgery process. The drying of grafts is a common cause of poor growth. The fluid irrigation component protects the follicle from drying and replaces the need to forcibly remove grafts using other tools like surgical tweezers. With the UGraft advanced FUE hair transplant tools he invented, a shave test, and a personable, thorough approach, Dr. Umar successfully recreated a hairline and temples for this celebrity.

To create the best framework for this celebrity hair restoration case, Dr. Umar took into account Bernardo’s facial features using certain guiding points and standards set forth by nature for aquiline faces.

Before and After Results Photos: Stop Hair Loss Progression in Celebrities & Restoring a Balding Crown 

Twelve months after surgery, the Hollywood patient reported feeling more confident and happier about his appearance. One year after his Dr.UGraft celebrity hair transplant, the patient had a fuller crown and a thicker hairline. In addition, he could style his hair by spiking it and felt at peace about his hairline. Notably, the patient reported that the people involved in image management, makeup artists, and hair stylists were at ease with his appearance and also didn’t have to worry about covering up his balding crown.

Overall, the patient was pleased that Dr.Umar’s celebrity hair restoration gave him a natural and youthful appearance.


Hair restoration can be a transformational course of action when it comes to image management for celebrities
Hair restoration can be a transformational course of action when it comes to image management for celebrities *


Hollywood, Los Angeles patient shown from the side before and after his celebrity hair restoration
Hollywood, Los Angeles patient shown from the side before and after his celebrity hair restoration *


Hollywood, Los Angeles patient shown from the side before and after his celebrity hair restoration
Dr. Umar’s procedure for restoring a balding crown succeeded *


Dr. Umar was able to recreate hairline and temples in a celebrity
Dr. Umar was able to recreate hairline and temples in a celebrity *


Video: Recreate Hairline and Temples in a Celebrity With Dr. U

In this video, the celebrity patient discusses his own experience reaching out to Dr. Umar. He needed the doctor’s help in recreating his hairline and temples. In addition, the patient walks through what it’s like to have a successful basic FUE surgery and how it positively impacted his career.


Click the button below if you want to achieve a natural-looking restoration of areas like the hairline and crown. You can discuss your condition with Dr. Umar and ask him any questions through a complimentary consultation.


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Frequently Asked Questions – Celebrity Hair Restoration

Some celebrities are known for having undergone bad hair transplants. If they can afford the very best doctors, why does this happen?

Just because a doctor is popular or expensive doesn’t mean they have the right tools and knowledge to conduct successful hair transplant surgeries. In fact, often, a celebrity’s manager might choose a bad hair transplant doctor. This is because they may choose the doctor based on their publicity and reputation rather than whether they actually know how to perform FUE surgery. Dr. Umar takes a highly individualistic approach to patients, treating each patient as a unique case. In addition, many dermatologists lack the proper tools to help African American patients. So, even if they are advertised to be the best, they might simply not know how to treat the patient. A few examples of bad celebrity hair restoration mistakes include visible strip scarring, poor growth, and pluggy hairlines. These errors occur because of carelessness and a lack of an individualistic approach to hair treatment.

If a celebrity has had a bad hair transplant, what can be done to fix it?

Dr. Umar has dealt with many patients who come to him after a botched hair transplant surgery. Though things might look dire, he reassures them not to worry. Using an advanced FUE method, he can restore density to areas that look unnatural and cover up scars. When Dr. Umar gets a patient who has suffered botched hair transplant surgery, he assesses how much donor hair is available on their head. After assessing the patient’s unique situation, he sees if it will be necessary to use body hair. If the patient’s scalp follicles appear prone to balding or there aren’t enough durable follicles on the scalp, Dr. Umar proceeds to use body hair. Unlike other hair transplant doctors, Dr. Umar specializes in body hair transplants (BHT). He has both the tools and knowledge to safely administer these highly complex procedures.


The Hollywood Reporter did an article about hair restoration for celebrities and referenced Dr. Umar’s work with leg hair. Is leg hair absolutely necessary for creating the most natural-looking hairlines possible?

Though Dr. Umar uses leg hair in his advanced FUE surgeries, it’s unnecessary to create the most natural-looking hairlines possible. While other FUE methods only extract head hair follicles, Dr. Umar uses follicles from all over the body. Donor areas include the back, nape, face, and more.

For example, nape hair can be used to recreate the soft edge. However, since nape hair grows at sharp angles, it requires special tools to be extracted safely and thoroughly. Before using nape hair in surgery, Dr. Umar administers a shave test to determine whether the patient’s nape hair has long-term growth potential. If the patient passes the shave test, Dr. Umar proceeds to extract and transplant the nape hair.


Have more questions about hair restoration? Use the button below to ask Dr. Umar.

Free Hair Consultation


  1. 2022. Graft (surgery) – Wikipedia. [online] Available at: <,intact%20is%20called%20a%20flap.> [Accessed 24 August 2022].
  2. 2022. Shameless (American TV series) – Wikipedia. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 August 2022].
  3. IMDb. 2022. Bernardo De Paula – IMDb. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 August 2022].


Further Reading:

Learn more about the unique features of Dr.UGraft ™ technology and how it contributes to better Follicular Unit Extraction outcomes.

Discover how nape hair can be used to achieve more natural-looking hairline restoration results.


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