This patient found an acne keloidalis nuchae surgical cure at Dr. U Hair and Skin Clinics after six long years seeking a remedy for AKN bumps. A humiliating and aggressive form of scarring folliculitis, the condition had plagued his personal and social life, caused physical pain and emotional distress. When medications and disease management failed to be effective, he was ready for a permanent solution that could get rid of AKN. The best treatment for acne keloidalis nuchae turned out to be Dr. Umar’s unique “Bat” excision technique, through which he was able to remove the bump on the back of the neck with a more normal-looking neck hairline.
Bumps on back of head; acne back of head, Acne Keloidalis Nuchae – AKN surgical cure result
Visit for more information. Acne keloidalis nuchae, or AKN, is a type of c…
Before Photos of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Surgical Cure:
Before discovering Dr. U’s acne keloidalis nuchae surgical cure, the patient’s condition had evolved to a large keloidal tumor over the course of a six year period. This advanced stage of the disease will eventually manifest in most sufferers if treatment for the AKN bumps is not pursued early on. Even in the case that drug treatment is pursued to temporarily resolve a bump on the back of the neck, the disease is likely to continue worsening over time. Such was the case for this patient, who attempted a treatment regimen of oral medications over a span of six months and saw no improvement. Lacking any way to get rid of AKN on his own, the patient awakened every morning to itching, bleeding, and a discharge of pus from the affected area. He hadn’t been to the barbershop or cut his hair short in years due to the embarrassment of his AKN condition.

New York Procedure Photos of the Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Surgical Cure with Dr. U:
Dr. Umar excised the entire keloidal AKN plaque using the “Batman” technique he invented. This distinctive method is the best treatment for acne keloidalis nuchae for those interested in permanent relief. It allows the resulting wound to close on it’s own into the form of a discrete linear scar that is aligned with the typical positioning of the posterior hairline. Without it, both the wound and the lower hairline would be raised much higher on the patient’s scalp, creating an abnormal appearance. Dr. U’s surgical skill makes it possible for even those in the advanced stages of the disease to not only get rid of AKN, but to also achieve acceptable cosmetic results. This enables patients to feel more confident and relaxed in social situations, without the constant worry that others are noticing the back of their head.

Permanent Remedy for AKN Bumps Through Surgery – Before and After Results Photos:
Five months after the surgery, the keloidal mass is completely gone. His scar has healed beautifully and is optimally aligned with the posterior hairline so as to conceal its presence. The patient is quite pleased with the result of Dr. Umar’s acne keloidalis nuchae surgical cure, and has resumed wearing his hair short. Now that he was finally able to get rid of AKN for good, he no longer suffers any physical pain, discomfort, or lack of confidence.

Video: Best Treatment for Acne Keloidalis Nuchae is Surgical Cure
Watch this video to hear this patient’s feedback and learn more about his journey from beingAKN-afflicted to becoming completely free of the disease, with Dr. Umar’s help.
Frequently Asked Questions – Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Surgical Cure
Is it possible to remove a bump on the back of the neck non-surgically if the AKN bump is small?
If the diagnosis for the bump is indeed AKN, you will not be able to remove it permanently through non-surgical means like home remedies or prescribed medications. At best, treatments like oral and/or topical antibiotics, steroids, and steroid injections will alleviate symptoms such as inflammation, itching, bleeding, discharge of pus, and odor. However, because the etiology of the disease remains largely unknown, it is not possible to permanently remove the lesions without surgery at present time.
What is the ideal stage to get rid of AKN?
If you have what appears to be razor bumps on the back of the head and think you may have acne keloidalis nuchae, seek medical attention right away. AKN is a progressive and unrelenting disease. The ideal stage to get rid of AKN is simply as early as possible. If you do not wish to undergo surgery immediately, it is possible to control the advancement of the lesions (to a reasonable degree) though steroid injections and other interventional therapies. However, regardless of disease management, it is the nature of the AKN bumps to eventually proliferate, fuse together and increase in size.
Is it ever too late to pursue a surgical remedy for AKN bumps?
Yes. When the lesions spread beyond the occiput line pass thru and the neck hairline pass thru, the condition is beyond the point of surgical removal with aesthetically pleasing results. See distribution chart below.

Dr. U is happy to answer any additional questions you may have about recieving treatment for AKN and Acne Keloidalia Nuchae in general:
Further Reading:
Get an in-depth understanding of the surgical process for removing Acne Keloidalis Nuchae lesions Read a general overview of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Treatment and the general management of the skin disease Learn about another advanced stage Acne Keloidalis Nuchae patient case which was treated through Dr. Umar’s surgical technique.