The patient presented in this Dr. U result gallery has the typical profile for those affected by Acne Keloidalis Nuchae also called AKN. As a young African male with tightly curled coarse hair, he fits the typical demographic for AKN. Classically in these patients, short hair that is constantly cut and shaved causes folliculitis to develop. Ultimately swelling of the follicles occurs followed by the development of lesions and keloid-like scarring. Dr. U uses a variety of approaches to cure the condition in very many patients. According to Dr. Umar, the approach adopted is influenced, the disease stage, the location and spread of the lesion, patient preferences, logistical considerations etc. Using these parameters, Dr. U would often choose one or a combination of treatments that could include specialized surgical removal, laser treatments, nonsurgical medical treatment, and ablative treatments. With surgical treatments, Dr. U has a variety of techniques which he chooses depending on your unique presentation. This patient availed himself of the extensive experience of Dr. U. His journey is briefly presented thus.
razor bumps back of neck, barber’s rash back of head, Acne Keloidalis Nuchae cure
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pimples back of head, razor bumps back of head, Acne keloidalis nuchae surgery
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Before Photos: Dr. U AKN Removal Surgery Scar Revision for London United Kingdom – UK Patient
Before seeing Dr. Umar, this patient had visited another doctor at another facility for treatment of his AKN. The doctor removed the lesion using an unknown surgical method. According to the patient, the lesion came right back. He continued to suffer the symptoms of irritation, itchiness, occasional discharge and pain. He continued to endure the embarrassment of having people run away from him in fear of what they think to be a contagious condition. For this reason, he always would avoid being in front of people so they do not get to see the back of his head and the AKN lesions. The image below displays the affected area of skin, years after another doctor’s failed AKN surgery.

As seen in the before image, previous surgical intervention by a different doctor was unsuccessful. After the other doctors attempted surgery, there was a large and noticeable scarring area. Following this typical AKN surgery, he sustained a fish-mouth shaped scar with the AKN lesion persisting.
Procedure Photos: Dr. Umar’s AKN Removal Surgery Scar Revision
Dr. U proceeded to remove the AKN lesion using his unique excision technique as well as tension-assisted stitching. Although the patient was very happy with the result, Dr. U advised revising the scar for a more perfect result. The patient subsequently underwent this minor scar revision surgery.

Dr. U develops a unique approach for every case — in this instance, for example, the initial condition of the AKN keloid-like bump was exacerbated by a previous attempt at another clinic to remove it. Therefore, Dr. U approached this AKN removal surgery scar revision to not only remove the flat mass from the back of his head but to allow tension to help encourage the wound to heal in a more cosmetically acceptable manner.
Before and After Photos – Dr. U AKN Removal Surgery Scar Revision for London, United Kingdom – UK Patient
The photo below depicts the before and after images of the patients back of neck following Dr. U AKN Removal Surgery Scar Revision. The entire AKN disease is eliminated and the scar fits in with his neck hairline. The hairline shape is normal looking with no distortion. The patient is happy and confident with his result to the extent that he shaved his head, clearly no longer afraid to show expose the back of the head anymore

Video: After Dr. U AKN Removal Surgery Scar Revision Result
In the following video, you can listen to the patient’s testimonial in his own words. Before consulting and beginning treatment with Dr. U, this UK patient was very conscious about his condition. He never wanted anyone to stand behind him in line at the supermarket or get close to the back of his scalp. Additionally, the patient would have to answer questions about his noticeable lesion. However, after the AKN surgery with Dr. U, the lesion was no longer a discussion topic or an issue.
In the video, you can see how Dr. U’s unique approach is much more effective when compared to the previous attempts. Dr. U has developed a highly specialized surgical technique that is very effective when treating symptoms of AKN. His approach and expertise were applied in this case in order to significantly improve the patient’s life.
Success with Dr. Umar’s AKN surgery.
Previously the inflamed skin tissue would bleed causing pain and make the scar much more visible. The patient would have to answer questions as well as endure ridicule. After Dr. U’s AKN surgery treatment, the patient described the scar as “much smaller and flatter”. Dr. U’s AKN surgery was a success and resulted in the total removal of all signs of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae. The UK patient is very happy with his results.
Think you are a candidate for Dr U AKN Removal Surgery Scar Revision? Consult with Dr. U for free and find out:
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Frequently Asked Questions – AKN Removal Surgery Scar Revision Result
Will I get stretched scars on the back of my head after AKN removal surgery?
Developing a scar which stretches, like the patient above in his “before” photos, is due to several factors, including skin laxity, the excision shape created during surgery, and the method of closure for the wound. To avoid this cosmetically unacceptable result, Dr. U uses his unique excision shape, combined with the best method of closure to encourage more discreet linear scar, typically along the back hairline. Additionally, it is a good idea to consult your doctor if you are concerned about scarring after surgical AKN bump removal.
How much does scar revision for AKN barber’s rash removal cost?
The cost of an AKN scar revision may vary according to several factors, including the size of the affected area. Dr. U takes financial considerations into account in developing his approach. To learn more about procedure cost, payment, and financing, check out our page dedicated to commonly asked questions about AKN.
Have more questions for Dr. U about AKN removal and surgical scar revisions? Use the button below to ask away:
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Learn about non-surgical medical treatment options for AKN barber’s rash.