New AKN Laser Treatment: For certain patient cases, the long-term resolution of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae bumps can be achieved with a laser. Dr.U notes that a common factor for the successful, long-term treatment of AKN is the elimination of hair within the lesion tissue, which is usually the trigger that offsets the prolonged inflammation of the follicles. This results in the formation of follicle-centric lesions. However, while many studies generally document favorable results overall, they also discuss that the quality of outcomes typically varies across individuals, which necessitates a standardized system of scoring and classifying specific manifestations of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae.
It serves two primary purposes in the treatment of AKN. First, it defines which patient cases can benefit from successful outcomes through laser treatment. Secondly, it provides a classification system that enables patients to achieve optimal results while establishing realistic expectations.
Article Update August 2022
Dr. U has dedicated a new website to his fight against AKN. For more information on AKN, Dr. U’s pioneering work in AKN research and treatment, patient results, happy patient testimonies, and more, visit our dedicated website on AKN.
Brief Summary on How Laser Works to Treat Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Bumps
The pigmentation absorbs laser energy in the hair shaft, which serves as its point of entry. It then destroys the hair follicle so it can no longer produce hair and triggers the immune system’s inflammatory processes.
Dr. U’s Patient Selection Criteria for AKN Treatment With Laser
Dr.U recommends using a laser to treat the following types of follicle-centric lesions.
- discrete bumps
- follicular bumps which have coalesced into more significant plaques
More advanced stage plaques which have developed smooth bald regions are not likely to benefit from AKN laser treatment. Removal through surgical excision should be considered instead.
Types of Discrete AKN Bumps Which Can Be Treated With Laser
In his JAAD publication, Dr. U defines the types of more minor AKN bumps (i.e., papules or nodules) which ideally qualify for laser treatment. He specifies that these discrete, individual lesions should have a vertical height of 2-3mm above the skin’s surface. Below the skin’s surface, most hair follicles are about 2-4mm long. Thus the total vertical axis then ranges from 4-7mm as it includes both the bump and the hair follicle underlying it.
This resulting metric is significant since the Nd-YAG laser can penetrate a tissue depth of 5-7mm [2]. Selecting more minor than 3mm bumps would enable the laser to penetrate the entire hair follicle length.
Dr. U AKN Classification System – A Guide for AKN Removal
Dr.U points out that only applying the laser to the bumps will create sporadic regions of patchy hair loss, surrounded by areas of hair growth. To prevent this, Dr.U has developed a classification system consisting of four types of AKN manifestations that can be treated with laser. Each type is characterized by the degree of spread, respective to the occipital notch. And for each one, Dr.U has outlined proposed zones for laser application that target the individual AKN bumps and create an overall hairless region in the lower part of the scalp. These laser treatment schemas serve two essential purposes for final patient results.
They redefine the posterior hairline above its original border to create a more natural and inconspicuous-looking outcome.
They address neighboring hair follicles, which could potentially become sources of new AKN lesions as the skin condition propagates.
AKN Patient Selection Criteria
Dr. U’s patient selection criteria and his classification system for laser treatment help qualified individuals achieve far better long-term outcomes. They used a laser to treat entire zones rather than individual bumps that may raise the posterior hairline. But it also guarantees a more cohesive form of hair coverage, rather than one marked by empty gaps in the lower part of the scalp. And secondly, as noted, it addresses the comprehensive set of hair follicles within the treatment zone to prevent chances of future AKN recurrence.
Diagram of Dr. U’s AKN manifestations for laser treatment. In level 1, the bumps are below the halfway line. In level 2, the bumps extend above the halfway line.

The Benefits of the Nd: YAG Laser For AKN Treatment With Laser

Since AKN tissue has already been affected by inflammation, it is more susceptible to experiencing burns inflicted by lasers.
Although various long-pulse lasers can be used to treat AKN bumps, Dr.U prefers the Nd: YAG laser.
For example, the Alexandrite 755nm can be used. Also, the Diode 800nm laser is another option. Both can penetrate an average depth range of 2-4mm, the length of most hair follicles.
However, since the vertical length of the AKN lesional bump (above the skin) also needs to be considered, an even longer wavelength is needed.
The Nd: YAG laser can penetrate 5-7mm of tissue, covering the AKN bump lesion and the length of underlying hair follicles. Also, it has a better safety profile since it is not absorbed by melanin as readily as the other two choices. It will produce a much smaller risk of burning the skin, which is especially important for black patients.
Dr. U’s Recommendations for AKN Laser Treatment
The first step of Dr. U’s process for treating Acne Keloidalis Nuchae with laser is to classify the patient’s case. During the session, the designated zone is first shaved. A topical anesthetic is then administered.
After a waiting period of 15 minutes, laser energy is applied to the treatment area. As noted earlier, this would include the lesions and non-lesional areas where hair growth is present.
In some individuals, the skin color may be dark. This may be due to the patient’s genetics and natural skin tone. Or it may seem due to pigmentation, which developed in reaction to the inflammation resulting from the AKN.
Laser Energy & Dark Coloration Absorption
As an interesting note, laser energy tends to be absorbed by dark coloration, whether from the hair or skin. If the skin in the treatment area is dark, it may be difficult for the laser to discriminate between the hair and the skin. And the targeting of the hair shafts can be more inaccurate as a result. Also, excessive absorption of laser energy in darker skin areas can incur burns. Dr. U recommends lightening the area using 4% hydroquinone twice daily to help overcome these issues.
Dr.U also advises waiting about six months following the first session to see if lesions recur. If there is no development of new lesions, a treatment plan of at least four additional sessions (spaced at 6-8 weeks apart) is advised to achieve the best long-term results possible.
JAAD Publishes Dr. U’s Real Life Examples of Successful AKN Laser Treatment Outcomes
Dr. U’s JAAD publication discusses his patient selection criteria and treatment zone classifications and includes three real-life examples that illustrate his approach to AKN treatment using a laser.
Laser Treatment Helps 52-Year-Old Black Male AKN Patient Gets Rid of Bumps Once and For All.
A middle-aged patient of African heritage came to Dr.U with follicular bumps that were vertically smaller than 3mm. They were located below the halfway boundary between the occipital notch and posterior hairline. Therefore, his condition was categorized at Level 1 within Dr. U’s classification system for laser treatment based on severity.
Topical medications and steroid injections did not help him. Level 1 patients are given two choices for the shape of their new posterior hairline following laser treatment.
This gentleman chose sharp lateral corners. Four sessions using the Nd: YAG laser were administered for his case. They were scheduled 6-8 weeks apart. At the end of his treatment series, he could experience the permanent resolution of all his AKN lesional bumps.

Laser Permanently Eliminates AKN Bump Lesions For Asian American Man
The second case example in Dr. U’s publication also involved a patient who qualified for AKN treatment with laser since his follicular papules were measured at less than 3mm in vertical height from the skin.
However, unlike the last example where the lesional bumps were present below the halfway line between the occipital notch and the posterior hairline, the papules resided above this line. Thus, this case was categorized as Level II within Dr. U’s classification system of AKN severity for patients who qualify for laser treatment.
In this instance, the patient required 5 treatments using the Nd: YAG laser. These were spaced at 6-8 weeks apart. Not only did this result in the permanent and complete resolution of his bumps, but also an inconspicuous posterior hairline resembling retrograde alopecia’s natural progression. The patient chose this outcome instead of treating only the affected bumps, which would have produced a patchy result.

Young African American Male Overcomes AKN Bumps Through Laser Treatment
The last and final case example features a 24-year-old black male with AKN bumps smaller than 3mm in vertical height. His presentation was considered Level III within Dr. U’s laser treatment classification system. The spread of his bumps extended above the occipital notch in the upper part of his scalp. However, he only required two treatment sessions of Nd: YAG laser, each scheduled 6-8 weeks apart. The patient’s lesions resolved significantly, leaving a zone of hair thinning within the treatment area. For styling purposes, he preferred the outcome of having sparse hair versus total baldness to sport a tight crew cut.
Benefits of Laser Treatment for AKN Removal
One of the primary benefits of choosing laser treatment for more minor, earlier stage Acne Keloidalis Nuchae bumps is that it does not leave a scar. And secondly, if the spread of the bumps is expansive, beyond the occipital notch, towards the top of the head laser would be able to offer a more viable treatment approach compared to surgical excision.
To benefit on a permanent and long-term basis from the use of laser, individual patient cases can qualify for this form of AKN therapy if the individual bumps are less than 3mm. Once selected, specific levels of severity can benefit from predictable aesthetic outcomes by applying specific treatment zones for the laser.

Frequently Asked Questions
Although a primary advantage of using laser for AKN is the lack of wounding and linear scarring, what is considered a downside to this form of treatment?
Laser treatment for AKN uses energy that can potentially cause burning to the skin, especially in cases where there is dark pigmentation. It is essential to choose a wavelength that is more resistant to being absorbed by melanin and carefully select the parameters to be used for individual patients. The use of hydroquinone cream may also be considered in appropriate cases.
How can AKN laser treatments be managed to avoid complete baldness for more severe cases if the patient wishes to maintain some hair growth?
These types of patients can undergo a fewer number of laser treatments to treat their existing lesion bumps while maintaining some hair.
Although the Nd: YAG laser for AKN treatment has a high safety profile, are there still risks that patients should be aware of?
As discussed above, the 1064nm laser wavelength of the Nd: YAG laser is not as easily absorbed by melanin. And with its application, the risk of skin burns is minimal, though not obsolete. Other measures can be taken, including using lower energy settings, longer pulse durations, avoiding double pulsing, and precooling the skin. Patients should also visit their provider on an ongoing basis for at least 24 weeks (6 months).
Further Reading
See how this patient of Dr.U could eliminate his fused AKN lesion through surgical excision.
- “Nd: YAG Laser.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Dec. 2019,
- Umar, Sanusi. “Selection Criteria and Techniques for Improved Cosmesis and Predictable Outcomes in Laser Hair Removal Treatment of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae.” JAAD Case Reports, vol. 5, no. 6, June 2019, pp. 529–534, 10.1016/j.jdcr.2019.02.034. Accessed 20 Mar. 2022.