Article Updated August 2022
Conventional basic FUE hair tools are limited when comes to people of African Descent. In this demographic group, these basic FUE tools may work if the skin is rather soft and the hair curl is not severe. In other words, without specialized tools, a black patient has a low chance of success and a high chance of graft damage using traditional FUE hair transplant methods. Fortunately for patients of African descent, Dr. Umar has invented a tool called the Dr.UPunch Curl which has recorded universal success in performing FUE in black men and women. It is indeed the best tool for FUE hair transplant for black men and women.
As an experienced hair surgeon, Dr. Sanusi Umar has studied many of these failed transplants which resulted from damaged grafts. Obviously, when damaged grafts are grafted, patients would observe little to no hair growth. Dr. Umar has invented and patented a new device called the Dr.UPunch Curl. To date, the Dr.UPunch Curl is the first instrument of its kind that can boast successful transplants in all black men and women. Thus, the hair transplant field has come to recognize the Dr.UPUnch Curl as the best tool for Fue hair transplant for black men and women.
The patient profiled here has benefited from the unique attributes of the Dr.UPunch Curl. After trying another clinic that espouses expertise in performing FUE in African hair, he experienced dismal results with poor growth. In his research, Dr. Umar found that round-tipped rotary FUE punch resulted in very high transections. He developed the Dr.UPunch Curl to address this issue and has done so with astounding success. Dr. Umar first demonstrated the success of the Dr.UPunch Curl in a peer-reviewed publication in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open Journal.
FUE Hair Transplant for Black Men: Patient History
This Los Angeles patient of African American descent experienced scarring hair loss due to a condition that originated during childhood. The hair loss manifested in the frontal area of the scalp, making it especially noticeable.
The patient first underwent one basic FUE hair transplant utilizing the conventional FUE punch at another clinic. Though the clinic is experienced in performing FUE hair transplants in African American patients the procedure did not succeed, resulting in poor growth. Why did the procedure fail? In Dr. Umar’s experience, African-descended individuals possessing thick scalp skin and tightly curled hair follicles would experience a high graft damage rate if traditional basic FUE tools are utilized. After the failure, this patient resorted to scalp micro-pigmentation ( SMP ) to camouflage his hair loss. Still unhappy with SMP results, the patient needed a new solution. He then visited Dr. Umar’s Los Angeles office to find a lasting treatment.
Prior to discovering the BEST TOOL FOR FUE Hair Transplant for Black Men, the patient had scarring hair loss from a childhood scalp condition.
The Dr.UGraft Solution: Black African Hair Transplant using the Dr.UPunch Curl – Procedure Photos
After conducting a biopsy to rule out a potential ongoing infection or inflammatory scalp condition, Dr. Umar conducted an FUE test using the Dr.UPunch Rotor (rotary dull punch). Dr. Umar found that with rotary punches, the graft damage rate was unacceptable. Dr. Umar then deployed his patented Dr.UPunch Curl, which he invented specifically for performing FUE hair transplants for black men. Using this tool, Dr, Umar can transplant any manner of hair follicle regardless of the curliness, thickness, or toughness of the skin. Using the Dr.UPunch Curl, Dr. Umar extracted a total of 2,320 grafts in a two-stage procedure: 1600 grafts were used during the first stage, while 800 grafts were used in the second stage. Thus establishing that Dr.UPunch Curl tool is the best tool for FUE hair transplant for black men having succeeded where conventional and even advanced rotary-punch-based tools could not.

Dr.UGraft FUE Hair Transplant for Black Male Before and After Photos
Dr. Umar used the 2,320 tightly curled grafts successfully extracted by Dr.UPunch Curl tool to fill in the patient’s hairline and frontal area of the scalp. Nine months after his procedure with Dr. Umar, the patient had finally found solace. His hair now appears natural and full. Dr. Umar expects that the patient will continue to experience further improvement. Further growth continues up until the 12th to 18th month after surgery, according to Dr. Umar. During this continued growth, the patient’s hair will thicken and populate the scalp in a uniform manner. The patient felt totally pleased with the results of the procedure with the Dr.UPunch Curl tool, and no longer has a need for hair loss concealers.
Results of the BEST TOOL FOR FUE Hair Transplant for Black Men : frontal view before and after visiting Dr. Umar.*
black male hair transplant cost: You save in cost by having it done properly the first time. Results after the Dr.UPunch Curl tool repaired poor FUE outcome from another clinic*
Oblique view of the patient’s successful outcome after the best FUE hair transplant for black men.*
Best Tool for FUE Hair Transplant for Black Men: The patient’s donor area after undergoing Dr.UGraft FUE hair transplant for black males.* The success of the Dr.UPunch Curl in treating this patient, as well as many others, has earned the Dr.UPunch Curl the reputation as the best tool for FUE hair transplant for black men available today. It offers satisfaction that other FUE tools cannot.
Patient Results VIDEO: Best FUE Tool for Black African Hair Transplant in Los Angeles
Click the button below to schedule a free online consultation with Dr. Umar.
Frequently Asked Questions – Best Tool for FUE Hair Transplant for Black Men
What makes the Dr.UPunch Curl tool able to perform a successful FUE hair transplant for black men?
Dr. Umar developed the Dr.UPunch Curl tool specifically for performing black African hair transplants. It can navigate tightly curled, Afro-textured hair as well as different skin thickness without damaging grafts.
Why did another African Hair FUE specialized clinic fail this patient?
Most FUE procedures use conventional FUE tools which cannot tackle the challenges posed by African hair, which includes tight curliness and thicker scalp skin. FUE procedures using tools other than the Dr.UPunch Curl often results in a high graft damage rate. If a surgeon performs the procedure with damaged grafts, the surgery will result in dismal growth.
Often, a failed FUE procedure would cause many clinics to offer the patient the dreaded strip method of hair transplant. That notorious procedure entails cutting a strip of flesh from the back and sides of the head, resulting in a large linear scar. This complication poses risks for black men in particular, who frequently desire a shorter haircut. The linear strip scar forces the patient into a lifelong futile search for ways to eliminate the scar and can have a disastrous effect on appearance. For this reason, black men should avoid strip surgery at all costs.
Since conventional FUE punches (round tipped rotary punches) can achieve success in 30-40% of black patients in whom the scalp skin is very soft or the curliness is mild, the chance of success is at best a hit and miss proposition. In such a scenario, Dr. U recommends that the providers not in possession of Dr.UPunch Curl should first perform a test procedure before committing the patient to a complete surgery session. Sadly, the story in many patients is that damaged grafts are grafted and not surprisingly, the yield 9-12 months later is poor. Dr. Umar is seeing an increasing number of Afro-textured-haired patients who after having FUE at African hair experienced clinics end up with very dismal growth. This high incidence tells to the lack of proper tools by these clinics. Unfortunately, patients are often convinced of African hair FUE expertise by misleading results garnered from strip surgery patients or the 30 – 40% subset of that population in whom conventional FUE tools have worked. This is the story of the patient presented on this page. Dr. Umar invented the Dr.UPunch Curl that can successfully extract viable grafts from any and all patients with kinky or curled African-type hair by FUE for this reason.
Advisory for Black Men and Women Seeking FUE Hair Transplant: Patients contemplating having an FUE hair transplant at any clinic and that have tightly curled hair on account of African heritage, should be wary. Unless the clinic possesses the Dr.UPunch Curl, patients should demand a test procedure and insist on seeing their grafts to verify their integrity. Dr. Umar laments that he has seen far too many sad stories of patients who expended so many resources into an FUE procedure at “black hair FUE specialized” clinics, only to have no growth. It is the reason he researched and invented the Dr.UPunch Curl which has thus far shown universal success in extracting intact grafts in people of African descent.
How much does a black male hair transplant cost using the Dr.UPunch Curl?
The cost of a black male FUE hair transplant using the Dr.UPunch Curl varies from patient to patient. First, Dr. Umar will consult with a patient about a black African hair transplant using the Dr.UPunch Curl tool to develop a plan of treatment. Cost depends on the number of grafts and a patient’s goals for hair restoration.
Why have African American celebrities like Lebron James not taken advantage of this breakthrough in black male hair transplant?
Ironically, most celebrities do not have the time to conduct their own research on the best hair transplantation methods and surgeons available. Typically they entrust their managers to seek out a solution for something as important as hair surgery. Because of this, you can bet that the client’s best interests are not always the top priority. Oftentimes, patients that do their own due diligence can find better solutions than the hired help.
With the Dr.UGraft method and Dr.UPunch Curl tool, all patients and specifically African Americans can receive a successful hair transplant surgery that can not only restore hair but repair previously failed procedures. Athletes like Lebron James are much better suited to explore all of their options before going under the knife.

Have more questions for Dr. U? Use the button below to ask them directly.
Further Reading:
- Gallagher G. Scalp micropigmentation: Benefits, side effects, before & after pics. Healthline. Published May 29, 2019. Accessed August 9, 2022.
- Umar S. Comparative Study of a Novel Tool for Follicular Unit Extraction for Individuals with Afro-textured Hair.