Researchers compared the effects of three types of Botox delivery approaches on crows feet wrinkles. These included the use of local intramuscular injections, the application of microdroplet intradermal injections, and the delivery of the drug using a nanomicroneedle. Conventional injection techniques target the juncture where the nerves communicate with muscle fibers through neurochemicals. In the use of intradermal microdroplets, a diluted form of the drug targets superficial muscle fibers to create a smoother transition between treated and untreated regions. This is allowable for areas that require less precision where diffusion of the injection would not lead to unwanted side effects. Nanomicroneedling uses an extremely superficial placement of the drug while aiming to promote the formation of new collagen fibers.
The researchers found the conventional intramuscular injections produced the best results for dynamic wrinkles. However, the intradermal microdroplet technique and the nanomicroneedling produced better forms of improvement for static wrinkles. At 1-4 weeks following treatment, the nanomicroneedling and the intradermal microdroplets showed increased skin elasticity, hydration and collagen content, compared to the use of intramuscular injections. However at 12 weeks, the intradermal microdroplets revealed even better performance results for these parameters, compared to the nanomicroneedling. The researchers concluded that the use of both intradermal microdroplets and nanomicroneedling are both effective delivery mechanisms for Botox.
Crow’s Feet Treatment Services Long Angeles:
Are you wondering, “What are crow’s feet?” Crow’s feet, also known as laugh or character lines, are the fine lines around the eyes that result from age or constant squinting. Unfortunately, these lines are more noticeable when smiling, and they remain once you have stopped. In other words, they do not go away. Most people first notice these age-related lines in their mid-30s, but they can also pop up during their 20s or 40s. There are several common behaviors that contribute to crow’s feet: smiling, squinting, and sleeping, along with other actions. These repetitive actions can cause your skin to crease and form crow’s feet.
Crow’s Feet Causes
There are a few things that can cause crow’s feet:
- Losing elasticity in the skin
- Tissue layer around the eye being depleted
- Contracting muscles like the orbicularis oculi muscles
- Sun damage
- Free radicals
- The way you sleep
- Habitual expressions such as squinting and smiling
Because of factors like genetics, sun damage, other environmental factors, and smoking, we tend to lose suppleness and elasticity in our skin. There is research that says that a majority of our skin’s aging comes from factors in our environment. The skin can lose electrons due to things like the UV rays that come from the sun. The electrons then become free radicals and are unstable. They will steal electrons from other molecules in the skin in order to achieve stability. This causes a chain reaction that results in the damaging of tissue. This also causes elastin and collagen to be affected.
Fine lines around the eyes can also be caused by smoking. Water, nutrients, and oxygen are depleted once the blood vessels are constricted, a result of ingesting nicotine. The skin’s elasticity and softness are also impaired.
Crow’s Feet Treatments
When searching online for “how to get rid of crow’s feet” or “how to help crow’s feet,” you will encounter a wide array of answers, options, and possible solutions. However, not all solutions can results in successful crow’s feet treatment. Older, less utilized solutions for crow’s feet removal can bring side effects and undesirable results. These antiquated methods include the following:
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Since the most effective CO2 laser has been known to cause changes in skin coloration or even scarring, especially on the tender skin around the eyes, it isn’t the best option for treating the fine lines around the eyes.
While laser skin resurfacing is definitely an effective and revolutionary method of restoring a youthful look, this method is not the most effective for crow’s feet. While it can help initially, the lines typically come back faster than if you chose to use an injectable like Botox.
Chemical Peels
Similar to laser therapy, this method is helpful in restoring a more youthful look, but is not great for fine lines around the eyes.
Silicone Injections
Unfortunately, injecting silicone around the eye area does not yield a natural look, and it may even leave an unpleasant discoloration at the injection site.
Collagen Injections
When it comes to collagen, the issue is that the injection absorbs too quickly into the skin. Once this happens, the wrinkles return. This method doesn’t actually eliminate crow’s feet. Instead, it is slightly and temporarily masking them.
Extended Blepharoplasty
This skin tightening procedure involves extending an incision beyond the rim of the eye into the temple area. Here, excess skin can removed. Unfortunately, this will not reduce orbital muscle tension. In addition, this procedure will often leave a scar and is not the best method for crow’s feet removal.
How to Remove Fine Lines Around Eyes: The Best Solutions for Crow’s Feet
Crow’s Feet Treatments: Botox
The most popular treatment for crow’s feet removal is Botox injections. It only takes a week or two after you’ve been treated with Botox before you start seeing the changes. Nerve fibers send signals to the orbicularis oculi just like other muscles in the body. The muscles contract when a nerve releases a neurotransmitter known as acetyloline. That release is blocked by Botox. The orbicularis oculi stay in a relaxed state with that chemical input, making crow’s feet less visible. Botox is an FDA approved procedure that shows great results for reducing crow’s feet.
No anesthesia is required during this procedure, although topical anesthetic cream or cold pack are sometimes used to numb the area. The injections will usually take only 10 to 15 minutes. There is no recovery time or down time though you may see some temporary redness or bruising at the injection site. It typically takes three to five days to start seeing the effects
Crow’s Feet Treatments: Belotero
Belotero is a hyaluronic acid (HA) injectable filler that completely integrates into the skin tissue. It’s an injectable filler that is used to smooth moderate-to-severe etched-in lines and wrinkles on your face. The unique manufacturing process for belotero balance yields a soft and cohesive gel that, once injected.
Belotero Soft is formulated for superficial wrinkles such as ‘crow’s feet,’ and is injected into the outermost layers of the skin.
There is no recovery time needed after getting injections. Most patients return to work or other daily activities immediately. Belotero can last anywhere from 6-12 months.
Crow’s Feet Treatments: Dysport
Dysport is also considered to be a botulinum toxin. Dysport has fewer proteins around its molecular core, making the molecule’s structure simpler than Botox. This can allow Dysport to be more easily absorbed in a patient’s body, allowing for better results.
If you have a question about crow’s feet treatment, do not hesitate to Ask Dr. U at no cost.
Before and After Crow’s Feet Treatment Photos from Dr. U Clinic Los Angeles

After just two months, this Los Angeles patient experienced a dramatic shift from the crow’s feet treatment.

This Los Angeles patient was able to reduce the appearance of fine lines around the eyes thanks to crow’s feet treatment.
VIDEO: Crow’s Feet Treatment Services from Dr. U Clinic Los Angeles
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This Los Angeles patient turned to Dr. U for crow’s feet removal to reduce fine lines around her eyes as well as forehead lines treatment. Using Botox, she is able to see great success after just two months. After eight weeks, all swelling is gone. When the patient tries to form the lines on her forehead, she can’t; the fine lines around her eyes and on her forehead can no longer take form. “It looks very smooth,” says Dr. U.
Crow’s Feet Treatment Services Los Angeles
The Office of Dr. U provides patients with the quality crow’s feet treatments. Fine Touch Dermatology offers free initial consultations for patients in the greater Los Angeles area who are interested in crows feet removal. To get started, fill out our consultation form or call us at 1800-499-DRUCLINIC (3782) to schedule an appointment.
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Crow’s Feet Treatment FAQ
Will the crow’s feet removal procedure completely diminish the lines around my eyes?
Following the procedure, some of old wrinkles may still be visible. This is more likely in an older client, or someone with deeper lines around the eyes. Please note that Botox takes times for its full effect to kick in.
Botox Vs. Dysport for crows feet removal?
Botox and Dysport performances were compared in a study (performed by the Maas Clinic in San Francisco) on crow’s feet specifically. Both injections resulted in the reduction of wrinkles in appearance, but Dysport managed to perform better than Botox for fine lines around eyes.
When comparing the effects of Dysport with Botox, the results can change for one patient to the next. They are subject to a short duration. This is due to the forming of antibodies against them. Therefore, this can be resolved by switch to the other botulinum brand (i.e. going from Dysport to Botox, or from Botox to Dysport)
Should I expect pain when using Botox or Dysport for fine lines around the eyes?
This depends on the person and their tolerance to needles. While there can be a light pinch feeling, the pain when using injectables is typically low.
How can I prevent crow’s feet from appearing?
Although most people will develop crow’s feet as they age, there are some ways to delay or even prevent their development. If you want to prevent getting fine lines around the eyes, at least for a little while longer, it’s probably a good idea if you go out and buy a pair of sunglasses for daily use. Another thing you can try doing is stay out of direct sunlight as much as possible and drink plenty of water. You may also want to exfoliate on a regular basis (once a day). Select an exfoliant that lists glycolic acid as one of its main ingredients. It is important to note that chemical exfoliants like glycolic acid are more effective than physical exfoliants like facial scrubs (i.e. sugar, micro-beads, etc.). Exfoliation works well because your dead skin cells are removed from your epidermis (the outer layer of your skin).
Once the dead skin cells have been removed, healthy skin emerges. As a result, volume is added to your skin, and fine lines like crow’s feet are smoothed out. One of the main benefits of using glycolic acid-based exfoliants is that they trigger collagen growth,and add depth to your skin. Another great prevention method for crow’s feet can be using facial products that contain peptides. Peptides are tiny particles that mimic small, broken pieces of collagen. Your body believes that the particles are actually broken collagen pieces, so it increases your collagen production to replace the broken collagen. Peptides help smooth out fine lines like crow’s feet.
Crow’s feet are a relatively simple condition to treat in-office and without invasive surgery. If your question about the condition was not addressed above, please feel free to ask Dr. U directly through this convenient online form:
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