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Dr.UGraft™ Beard Hair Transplant To Repair A Crown Slot From Scalp Reduction Surgery

Scalp reduction procedures for hair restoration often lead to the formation of a peculiar shaped empty area known as a crown slot on the back of the head. These surgeries attempt to reduce the surface areas of baldness by removing a section of the scalp. When a section of the bald scalp is removed from the middle of the crown and vertex and the resulting defect is closed, the normally round crown shrinks to an ovoid or oval shaped bald area, which is made worse by advancing hair loss in the margin of the oval defect. This deformity is called slot deformity. This patient from Pasadena, Los Angeles needed to repair a crown slot from scalp reduction surgery. He no longer qualified for corrective surgery through conventional hair transplant approaches, because past hair transplants have depleted his head donor supply.

He chose Dr.Umar for a more specialized type of repair using beard hair grafts. These expanded donor resources gave the patient new hope of regaining a normal looking coverage.


Los Angeles Body hair transplant: Facial hair to head transplant – Hair transplant repair

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Photos Taken Before Patient’s Slot Deformity Repair

Scalp reduction used to be considered a state of the art procedure for hair restoration. However, reducing the size of the bald area will not stop the progression of male pattern baldness.

This Pasadena patient experienced this phenomenon, first hand. Continued hair loss after his alopecia reduction produced the unnatural, vertical area of baldness shown in the photos below. The use of an expanded donor supply was the only way to repair a crown slot from scalp reduction surgery.

This patient required a slot deformity repair using additional donor grafts derived from non-head hair areas
This patient required a slot deformity repair using additional donor grafts derived from non-head hair areas


Patient no longer has enough head hair to fulfill the needs of his crown slot repair case.
Patient no longer has enough head hair to fulfill the needs of his crown slot repair case.


Additional donor resources are needed to fill in crown slot from scalp reduction
Additional donor resources are needed to fill in crown slot from scalp reduction


The patient relied on cosmetic concealers to help make his scalp less visible. He also took Propecia to help manage his hair loss. To effectively repair a crown slot from scalp reduction surgery, it was clear that more grafts were needed.

Procedure Photos of Pasadena Patient – A Dr.UGraft™ Repair Using Beard Hair Grafts To Fill In Advanced Stage Crown Slot with 3000 Grafts

This patient’s repair procedure required 3000 grafts for the crown, front and top. Due to the extent of his baldness, there was no way to derive this quantity of donor grafts from the scalp. Dr. Umar engineered specialized, patented technology, known as Dr.UGraft which is designed to surmount the common barriers to safely extract body hair. These issues typically have to do with the sharp exit angles of these hair types and the need to procure better wound healing results on regions like the face, neck and other highly exposed areas of the body.

The Dr.UGraft™ rotary punch tools include the ability to grab the bulk around the follicle and gently pull it upward and out from the skin. Sharp, angled hair can be easily removed without having to follow unpredictable hair angles in order to extract the graft. 

When regular, cylindrical-shaped FUE punches are used on angled hair, they are more than likely to damage the graft.

A repair using beard hair grafts should not be performed with regular Follicular Unit Extraction punches which have a smooth interior. These tools require that the practitioner trace the hair angle with the punch. However, this approach is likely to cut straight through the graft
A repair using beard hair grafts should not be performed with regular Follicular Unit Extraction punches which have a smooth interior. These tools require that the practitioner trace the hair angle with the punch. However, this approach is likely to cut straight through the graft.


Since the Dr.UGraft device can grip the tissue that surrounds the follicle, it can safely remove the graft by pulling it upward, while scoring around it.  With this approach, the device does not have to account for the hair angle.

The Dr.UGraft rotary punch is able to pull both the hair and the follicle upward, despite any angulation present. Other FUE tools are forced to follow a single, straight trajectory, which severs the graft
The Dr.UGraft rotary punch is able to pull both the hair and the follicle upward, despite any angulation present. Other FUE tools are forced to follow a single, straight trajectory, which severs the graft.


The features of Dr.UGraft technology allow it to remove large quantities of healthy body hair follicles, allowing this patient to benefit from a donor pool of 3000 beard hair grafts.

Additionally, the flaring of the rotary Dr.UGraft punch creates a specially shaped wound cavity. This enables the edges of the wound to close, leaving the skin flat (i.e. with less extraneous tissue to create bumps or raised scarring) and minimize visible signs of surgery.

Before and After Photos of Dr.UGraft™ Hair Transplant to Repair a Crown Slot From Scalp Reduction Surgery

Dr.UGraft beard to scalp transplant proved to be a remarkable, transformative procedure for this patient’s appearance.  Only beard hair was used, and no head hair. However, the transplanted growth blended in seamlessly with the surrounding areas. This produced a very natural looking restoration of the crown and surrounding areas shown at just the eight-month point, following his surgery. Thanks to his experience, other patients who wish to repair a crown slot from scalp reduction surgery can know there is hope for their condition.


Pasadena patient before and after his Dr.UGraft scalp reduction repair
Pasadena patient before and after his Dr.UGraft scalp reduction repair *


3000 beard hair grafts produced an incredible slot deformity repair outcome
3000 beard hair grafts produced an incredible slot deformity repair outcome *


Beard hair grafts fill in crown slot from scalp reduction to produce seamless looking results
Beard hair grafts fill in crown slot from scalp reduction to produce seamless looking results *


This patient finally found an ideal means to repair a crown slot from scalp reduction surgery which gave him a very natural looking outcome in the end
This patient finally found an ideal means to repair a crown slot from scalp reduction surgery which gave him a very natural looking outcome in the end *

Video: Beard Grafts Fill in Crown Slot From Scalp Reduction Procedure

Learn more about this patient’s procedure with beard hair grafts by watching his video below. He mentions that he had stopped taking Propecia as a result of his beard hair transplant results. Although concealers helped him conceal the bald area, they could not actually repair a crown slot from scalp reduction surgery. The patient’s Dr.UGraft procedure allowed him to finally quit using these products once and for all.

Furthermore, the Dr.UGraft FUE donor areas on his face and neck healed amazingly well. The patient recounts that within about ten days, all signs of redness dissipated. Due to the higher wound healing results made possible by Dr.UGraft™, it was hard to tell that anything was done to the beard area after two weeks. 

After scalp reductions and hair transplants at other clinics, this patient was still bald with no more head donor hair to address his baldness and scars. He was particularly concerned about his crown, top and front which were thin and scarred. Dr U used 3000 DrUGrafts all derived from his beard to cover his crown, front and top. Results are shown at 8 months.

FAQ: Repair a Crown Slot From Scalp Reduction Surgery

Can other types of body hair be used to repair a crown slot from scalp reduction surgery?

Yes, it is certainly possible with Dr.UGraft technology to use other types of body hair as grafts to fill in a crown slot. The choice of donor grafts would depend on the quantity needed as well as the hair characteristics needed to produce a natural looking outcome.

Why do crown slots form even when a hair transplant follows a scalp reduction procedure?

Scalp reduction involves excising segments of bald skin and suturing the defect up to reduce the size of bald area. This is usually taken from the center of the bald area in the mid-scalp and crown areas. However, wit time te area of scalp on either sides stretches to result in an oval shaped defect called slot deformity. It is a deformity because the natural shape of the vertex and crown is round and not oval. Further hair loss in the margins of the crown further enhances the oval shape.

If beard or other types of body hair is used for a scalp reduction repair, will the results be permanent?

Beard hair transplant result is typically permanently, as long as healthy follicles are implanted. For the most part, this will depend on how the grafts are handled at the time of the procedure. It is important for them to remain free of air dryness and mechanical injuries due to surgery. The Dr.UGraft™ rotary punch, which is specialized for body hair extractions, is built with features that avoid issues such as evaporation and misalignment due to sharp, varying hair angles. 

To speak to Dr. Umar about repairing results from prior hair restoration surgeries, schedule a complimentary consultation by clicking the button below:

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We also offer an online portal through which potential patients can send their questions directly to Dr. U himself:


[dt_button link=”/hair-surgery/ask-dr-umar/” target_blank=”false” button_alignment=”center” animation=”fadeIn” size=”big” style=”default” bg_color_style=”default” bg_hover_color_style=”default” text_color_style=”default” text_hover_color_style=”default” icon=”fa fa-chevron-circle-right” icon_align=”left”]ASK DR. U[/dt_button]


Further Reading

Meet another patient of Dr. U who also underwent a scalp reduction repair using body hair grafts

Learn about another patient treated by Dr. U who was happy to throw away his concealers after his crown hair restoration

Read Dr. U’s publication on the use of body hair and beard hair in hair restoration, featured in Facial Plastic Surgery

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