Dr.UGraft BHT Repairs Bad hair plug results and Baldness: This patient thought he’d run out of options. For years he’d struggled with his baldness, seeking treatment from other doctors and undergoing punch and scalp reduction surgeries to restore his hair. The punch surgeries failed, leaving him with doll’s hair transplant and the pluggy look it causes, ever-thinning hair, depleted donor areas, and scar tissue on his scalp. Then the patient heard about Dr. Umar’s revolutionary Dr.UGraft treatment. After meeting the doctor, the patient opted to undergo the Dr.UGraft BHT(body hair transplant) to repair bad hair plug results and baldness.
Los Angeles Body Hair to Head Transplant – Hair Transplant Repair
To learn more, visit http://www.dermhairclinic.com/.To consult Dr Umar, click: http://www.dermhairclinic.com/free-online-consultation-hair-restoration-los-an…
Dr.UGraft BHT Repairs Bad Hair Plug Results and Baldness in Los Angeles Patient- Before Photo:
Dr. Umar evaluated the patient’s scalp condition, and selected several goals for the procedure. For best results, the patient also agreed to undergo two separate Dr.UGraft treatments to allow his scalp time to heal.
The photos below show his hair loss.

The Solution: Repair Doll’s Hair Transplant Results – Before Photos:
Dr. Umar identified several areas of the body to acquire donor hair. The patient’s Dr.UGraft would require a full 5500 hair grafts to succeed: 3000 from the arms, legs, and stomach, and 2500 from the beard and chest. The shape and thickness of the hair would allow him to better blend the hair with the existing follicles.
This image shows the temple recession.

Dr.UGraft BHT Repairs Bad Hair Plugs Results and Baldness – Before and After Photos:
Dr. Umar succeeded in transplanting the donor hair to the patient’s head. He first used arm and head hair to build up and reconstruct the hairline for a dense, thick appearance. After reinforcing the hairline, Dr. Umar thickened the hair on the crown using abdominal and thigh hair. He also added hair to the scar tissue from the patient’s previous surgeries to better mask the scars, and correct the disfigurement. After seven months, the patient sported a full head of thick, natural-looking hair. After years of failed surgeries and worry, the patient could rest easy with his youthful, restored head of hair.
These photos show the difference before and after the transplant.

Patient Results Video: Poor Doll’s Hair Transplant results Repaired Using Dr.UGraft Advanced BHT FUE
Schedule a free online consultation with Dr. Umar today — start by clicking the button below:
BHT Repairs Bad Hair Plug Results and Baldness – Frequently Asked Questions:
How much does treatment with Dr.UGraft BHT cost?
The number of grafts needed for treatment ultimately determines cost. Thus, the price of treatment varies from patient to patient. If finances pose a major hurdle for a patient, Dr. Umar can develop a plan that will minimize costs while still restoring a patient’s hair.
What are the effects of bad hair plugs on celebrity careers?
Like anyone, bad hair surgery can have devastating effects on the life of a celebrity. For celebrities, who often depend on their appearance to make a living, the effects of bad hair plugs can be catastrophic. Lucky for the Hollywood set, Dr. Umar hosts his office in Los Angeles, where celebrities–along with anyone else–can readily seek treatment or repair of poorly executed hair transplants with the Dr.UGraft! In this report by the famous Hollywood Reporter, Dr. U’s ability to use even leg hair to refine doll’s hair transplants and the pluggy hairline they cause is mentioned.
If you have more questions about doll’s hair transplant results, or about repair procedures in general, ask Dr. U using the button below: