The Universe Begins with U

Dr. UGraft Eyelash Transplant Services

Long eyelashes have long been associated with beauty, youth, and glamour. Not everyone has the luscious lashes that they desire, and many people turn to cheap cosmetic solutions. Dr. UGraft FUE allows Dr. U to perform transplant surgery on the smallest parts of the body – like the lashlines. Using BHT, Dr. U can give anyone the luscious lashes of their dreams. To experience the benefits of Dr. UGraft FUE for yourself, book a consultation with Dr. U today!

See our transformative results

Dr. U’s innovative skin treatment offers a groundbreaking approach, transforming patients’ complexions with cutting-edge techniques and personalized care.



Want to know more about Dr. U's approach for eyelash surgery?

Read more about Dr. U’s approach for eyelash surgery

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