During the 1980’s, this Newport Beach patient had undergone several punch excision (i.e. Black and Decker) hair transplant surgeries. These now outdated procedures remove hair using large diameter punches, between 4-6mm. The surgeries typically leave pluggy doll-like hair in the hairline, cobblestoning, ridging and obvious scarring in the donor area. This patient’s punch surgery left large, obvious round scars at the base of his scalp. Furthermore, the transplanted grafts failed to produce successful growth. Instead, the patient continued to suffer from hair loss, along with an odd triangle shaped patch of growth on the top of his head. The past surgeries depleted the patient’s head donor supply. Therefore, his case could not be repaired through conventional, modern hair transplantation. Dr. Umar (Dr.U) offered new hope to reverse the patient’s pluggy doll’s hair from his past punch graft procedures.
Patient Finally Fixes His Bad 80’s Hair Transplant Mistakes, Thanks to Dr.U
Learn more about this patient’s hair transplant experience here: https://dru.com/hair-surgery/dr-ugraft-hair-transplant-fixes-80s-pluggy-dolls-hair-using-500…
Before Photos of Bad Hair Transplant Results From the 1980’s
Here are images of the patient’s condition before his surgery with Dr. Umar.
The SDA (safe donor area) of the patient’s lower scalp was almost completely bare due to the past punch graft procedures. The size of the punches used was apparent through the large white scars left behind.

Also, the minimal growth that the patient did experience was apparent through a triangular patch of hair on top of his head, formed by 80s pluggy doll’s hair. Unfortunately, however, his crown was still bald behind this region.

In fact, the extent of baldness continued to be quite severe, leaving a narrow wreath of hair around the base and sides of his head.

The patient suffered for years from this awkward combination of hair loss and growth. However, this experience forced him to face his emotions of shame and his need for acceptance by the world. He realized how much he hid his real self behind the facade of his physical appearance and a contrived personality.
This awareness proved to be a pivotal turning point, taking him on a journey of profound emotional and spiritual transformation. Instead of focusing on what other people thought of his hair transplant mistakes, he took an interest in meeting and learning from the world’s top spiritual leaders, like the Dalai Lama.
He even wrote a book called, Tying Rocks to Clouds and discussed his hair transplant experience in the chapter, entitled, “My Greatest Teacher.” The biggest lesson from his trials and tribulations, he recounts, can be summarized by a Roberto Clemente quote, “Any time you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don’t then you are wasting your time on Earth.”
Despite his spiritual journey, he continued to feel the pain of human emotions that revolved around the state of his hair.
Dr.U was able to harvest healthy, viable body hair follicles at large scale using the Dr.UGraft technique. Thanks to his work, the patient could finally restore a normal looking coverage to heal his human hurts, as he walked the path of reaching inner wholeness with his renewed spiritual self.
Newport Beach Patient’s Procedure Photos: Dr. U Fixes No Growth After Hair Transplant with 5000 Grafts
As discussed earlier, this patient no longer had sufficient quantities of head donor hair. However, his beard region provided ample grafts to render the poor growth results of past procedures completely obsolete.
Extracting non-head hair requires a much higher degree of specialization, compared to scalp hair. This is due to two issues:
- Face, neck and body hair grows at very sharp angles. These follicles are difficult to trace with general cylindrical Follicular Unit Extraction punches without a high risk of damaging the grafts.
- Wounds formed outside the head (e.g. beard areas, abdomen, legs etc.) are more noticeable. The redness and bumps created in these areas are cosmetically unacceptable in most cases due to their high visibility.

Dr. U engineered his advanced, patented Dr.UGraft ™ technology to prevail over these issues. The features of his intelligent rotary punch include a mechanic that grips the tissue around the follicle and gently pulls it upward. Along with the flared tip which gathers more tissue around the graft, this capability allows surgeons to safely extract non-head hair follicles without having to trace the angled bends of the hair.
The flaring also creates a less everted wound edge. This wound configuration makes a significant difference in the quality of wound healing results by minimizing any excess tissue around the lip of the excision. The skin heals flat, with typically no visible signs of raised tissue or redness.
For this patient, Dr. Umar addressed the issues of punch graft surgery in the frontal scalp and hairline.

Before and After Results Photos – Dr. U Repairs Pluggy Doll’s Hair And Bad Hair Transplant Results
Undergoing a Dr.UGraft ™ procedure marked a pivotal turning point for the patient who was able to achieve amazing growth results after hair transplant surgery using Dr. U’s advanced FUE device. With this technology, he was able to benefit from a donor pool of 5000 grafts which covered the bald regions and the isolated patch of hair on his top scalp. Here are images which compare different regions of the patient’s head before and after his surgery.

Newport Beach Patient’s Video: 5000 Grafts of Body Hair Fixes Overharvested Donor Area And Bad Hair Transplant Results
Watch this video to see additional before and after images and learn more about this patient’s procedure with Dr. U.
Interested in consulting Dr. Umar for an advanced hair transplant procedure? Use the button below to schedule a free online consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions – Repairing Pluggy Doll’s Hair From Hair Transplant Surgery
What causes pluggy doll’s hair after hair transplant surgery?
A pluggy hairline that resembles doll’s hair is caused by the use of punch devices with very large diameters. Likewise, this effect may also occur through strip surgery if a scalpel is used to cut around large areas of hair to create bigger-sized grafts. However, this appearance does not occur if surgeons extract smaller, naturally occurring clusters of 2-5 hair follicles, known as follicular units, to define each individual graft.
What is the Repair Options for a Victim of Hair Plugs
Depending on several factors, the plugs could be treated by removal and by transplanting more natural groupings of hair around them to camouflage them.
Are doll’s head punch graft surgery outcomes still being seen with modern hair transplant methods?
Punch graft surgery is now considered to be an outdated, obsolete procedure. Hair transplant practitioners no longer use 3-5mm sized punches. Today’s punches are usually less than 1mm. However, within this smaller range, pluggy results may still result from choosing a punch size that encapsulates more than one follicular unit.
Are body hair grafts always necessary for repairing pluggy hair transplant results from punch graft surgery?
The use of body hair is not mandatory for repairing pluggy results created by punch graft surgery. Dr. Umar prioritizes the use of head hair when enough quantities of this graft type are available. However, if scalp hair has been exhausted by previous procedures, body hair can act as a secondary resource.
If you are interested in speaking to Dr. Umar about repairing the results from previous surgeries, click the button below to schedule a complimentary consultation.