Dr. UGraft Surgery For Eyebrow Hair Loss Treatment Achieves Brooke Shields Eyebrow Look: As the years rolled by, the patient featured here began to experience eyebrow hair loss. Balding can occur in the eyebrow area after years of plucking and waxing, and for no reason at all. Unfortunately, traditional hair transplants that utilize head hair from the middle of the back and sides of the head typically result in harsh and coarse artificial looking eyebrows which grows so fast trimming is required every 2-3 days. This woman consulted with Dr. Umar to discuss her eyebrow hair loss solutions and specifically requested that Dr U designs an eyebrow that looks like those of Brook Shields. She opted for Dr U’s Dr.UGraft eyebrow hair loss treatment by Surgery for a most natural look.

Eyebrow Hair Loss Before Dr. UGraft Booke Shields Eyebrow Design and Eyebrow transplantation Surgery – Before Photos:
The patients began loosing her eyebrow hairs over the years from plucking and waxing. Here eyebrow loss is most accentuated in the eyebrow’s outer ends. The photo below shows the patient prior to getting help for thinning eyebrows. Notice the uneven look:

Dr UGraft Surgery For Eyebrow Hair Loss Treatment Achieves Brooke Shields Eyebrow Look – Before and After Photos:
Dr. Umar decided to use nape hair to restore the woman’s brow naturally. Dr U in designing the eyebrows, worked together with the patient with a photograph of Brooke Shields and her eyebrows. Once the patient was satisfied fr the grafts, hair from the nape areas where transplanted in a manner that fulfills the Brook Shields inspired design. The image below highlights a before and after contrast:
In Performing Eyebrow hair loss treatment Surgery, Dr U selected the nape for the thickness and texture of the hair growing there. Moreover, nape hair grows slower than hair on the head, making it to require less maintenance over time. Dr. Umar extracted 350 grafts from the nape, and transported them to the eyebrows using the Dr.UGraft procedure.
These photos show the dramatic change.

How to Get Thick Eyebrows By Dr.UGraft Eyebrow Transplant – Patient Results Photo:
After only a single treatment, the woman had achieved the desired result. Once bald skin now sported fuller, thicker, natural-looking eyebrows that better framed the eye. Six months later, the patient had achieved a more glamorous, feminine look that better suited her features. The two images below shows first her results followed by a photo of Brook Shields. The patients is happy as she feels her goals for a Brook Shields’ like eyebrows has been achieved
Dr UGraft Surgery For Eyebrow Hair Loss Treatment Achieves Brook Shields Eyebrow Look Compare Photos

The transplanted hair blends perfectly with her existing eyebrow hair. Friends and coworkers noticed almost immediately, complimenting her on her new look. She also found maintenance of the new brows simple. They require routine trimming only about once a month. Flush with a new burst of self-confidence, the patient now featured more aesthetically pleasing eyebrows which accented her natural beauty.
Patient Results Video: Dr. Umar Offers Help for Thinning Eyebrows
Los Angeles Fue natural Eyebrow with fine nape hair by uGraft
This video shows an example of a female patient who decided to undergo an eyebrow transplant surgery to improve the shape and density of her eyebrows. Dr. U …
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Dr.UGraft Surgery For Eyebrow Hair Loss Treatment – Frequently Asked Questions:
Can I use celebrity eyebrows to guide my eyebrow hair transplant doctor on how I want my eyebrow to look?
Dr. U welcomes the use of known celebrity eyebrows by patients for the guidance on how they want their eyebrows to look when their eyebrow transplants grow in. Dr Umar does caution that he would not promise to deliver the same eyebrow but rather would use it for inspiration. As you can see from the case highlighted in this case report, her goal of having a Brooke Shields-like eyebrow was achieved. Another guidance source is for patients to bring in photos of younger versions of themselves before they lost their eyebrows,
What Informs the type of donor hair used by Dr. Umar for eyebrow hair transplant?
Dr. U searches for the finest slowest growing hair for the purpose of eyebrow hair transplantation. The best donor hairs for eyebrow transplantation using Dr.UGraft are those found in body areas below the neckline because they grow to a limited length at their maximum and are typically thinnest in Caliber with the favorite donor zones of forearms and legs. In most women who naturally lack hairs in these body areas, the next best region that Dr U would use are nape and peri-auricular hairs.
Don’t see your eyebrow hair loss treatment questions above? Use the button below to ask Dr. Umar.