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Failed Strip Surgery Hairline Transplant Repaired by Dr.U

With his revolutionary Dr.UGraft Solution, Dr. Umar uses FUE (follicular unit extraction) to recreate hairlines one follicle at a time. He has extensive experience improving damage done by other surgeons, often taking cases that other surgeons will not. After suffering from a disappointing strip surgery, this patient did his research to find a solution to his results. He met with Dr. Umar to have his failed strip surgery hairline transplant repaired. Together they devised a plan to get him the results he desired.

Los Angeles FUE Hair Transplant by uGraft for FUE hairline restoration and scar repair

For more information, visit http://www.dermhairclinic.comTo consult Dr Umar, click:…

Failed Strip Surgery Hairline Transplant – Before Photos:

Prior to visiting Dr. Umar, the patient underwent strip surgery, which meant taking a strip of donor hair from the scalp and implanting that hair into different areas of the scalp. This caused a good deal of scarring.

The below image highlights his scarring.

The patient's results from his previous strip surgery with a different surgeon. His scarring is very visible along the back of the scalp.
Before follicular unit strip surgery scar repair


Upon reaching Dr. Umar, this patient presented with hairline recession around the temples that was not corrected by the strip surgery he had prior, and a very visible and elongated scar from his strip surgery.

Follicular unit strip surgery Scar repair: patient before treatment
This patient came to Dr. Umar with a receding hairline, particularly prominent around the temples.


It was very important for the patient to conceal the scar from his previous strip surgery. This is the scar as it was presented to Dr. Umar
This is the scar as it was presented to Dr. Umar.


Dr. Umar determined that the patient would need 1500 grafts to reach his desired hair density and coverage. Together the patient and Dr. Umar decided on an ideal hairline and prepared for surgery.


The patient and Dr. Umar to discover the ideal hairline that would match the patient's expectations.
The patient and Dr. Umar worked closely together to discover the best ideal hairline.

The Solution: Follicular Unit Strip Surgery Scar Repair – Before and After Photos:

Using his patented Dr.UGraft system, Dr. Umar harvested 1500 grafts from the nape of the patient’s neck and head. Using FUE, Dr. Umar implanted hair across the width of the scar on the back of the patient’s head.

The photos below show the difference.

Using 1500 UGrafts from the nape and back of the head, Dr. Umar was able to camouflage the scar tissue from the patients' previous surgery.
Failed strip surgery hairline transplant repair before and after photos*


Dr. Umar performed Failed strip surgery hairline transplant repair, creating a natural and symmetric hairline.

Hairline Restoration Before and After
Failed Strip Surgery Hairline Repaired: Before and After*


Failed Strip Surgery Hairline Transplant Repaired in Los Angeles Patient – Patient Results Photos:

Seven months after his surgery, the patient returned so that Dr. Umar could check on his healing.

These images show the difference.

Failed Hairline transplant restored: 1500 Dr.UGrafts were split between the patient's temple and along the strip surgery scar on the back of his head.
Dr.UGraft fixes receding hairline.*


The patient has no clear differentiation between where the Dr.UGrafts end and where the hair sits. The donor hair has also healed well at the temples and has begun to grow in with the rest of the hair at the temples, as the below image shows.


Failed strip surgery hairline transplant repair before and after photos
The patient’s donor areas have completely healed. The donor hair has also healed well at the temples and has begun to grow.*


Overall, the patient “couldn’t be happier” with the results of his surgery. Not only did Dr. Umar conceal his widening scar, he also filled the patient’s temples to create a fuller looking head of hair for the patient.

His smile says it all!

Failed strip surgery hairline transplant repaired
Failed Hairline transplant restored: This is one happy patient!*


Learn more about this case below in the failed strip surgery hairline transplant repaired video.

Patient Results Video: After Failure of Past Hairline Restoration by Strip Surgery, Dr.UGraft Succeeds

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Failed Strip Surgery Hairline Transplant Repaired – Frequently Asked Questions:

I have balding on the crown of my head. Can the Dr.UGraft restore my hair?

Yes! The versatility of the Dr.UGraft allows Dr. Umar to transplant hair from anywhere on the body to the head.

How long does it take to recover after the Dr.UGraft FUE procedure?

Performed in Dr. Umar’s Los Angeles office, the Dr.UGraft procedure requires only a local anesthetic. Patients can go about their day-to-day lives immediately after the procedure. Wounds from the Dr.UGraft generally heal in a month or less, with hair growth beginning thereafter.


Whether you’re the recipient of a botched strip surgery or simply have more questions about hair restoration with the Dr. U Hair Clinic, you can click the button below to ask Dr. U himself:


Free Consultation Button - Dr. U Skin & Hair Clinic


Further Reading:

Find out more about the Dr.UGraft system and how it innovates the FUE procedure.

To learn more about the use of beard hair in strip scar repair surgeries, read this article in the Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery.

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