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Featured Hair Surgery Articles

Hair Transplants for Female Traction Alopecia Using Dr.UGraft™ in Los Angeles
Hair Transplants for Female Traction Alopecia Using Dr.UGraft in Los Angeles Hair Transplants for Female Traction Alopecia Using Dr.UGraft™ in Los Angeles: Hair loss for women can occur at any age

Successful Hair Transplant Repair in African American Patient Using the Dr.UPunch i™
Patients of African descent often have trouble finding hair loss solutions because of the tightly curled nature of their hair. Such was the case for this patient. As he began

Dr. U Completes an Eyelash Hair Transplantation for Hollywood Patient
Post Updated with Video June 18, 2020. The female patient from Hollywood turned to Dr. U because she was unhappy with her short and thin eyelashes. She was considering an

Eyelash Implant Surgery Using Nape Hair For Santa Monica Patient by Dr. U
Best Eyelash Implant Surgery Los Angeles: Many want to know how to get thicker eyelashes without needing false ones or extensions. This patient wanted her own naturally growing set of

Norwood 6 FUE Results Using Dr.UGraft™ for Pasadena, Los Angeles Patient
Article Updated August 2022 Norwood 6 FUE Results Using Dr.UGraft™ for Pasadena, Los Angeles Patient: This patient came to Dr. Umar with a Norwood 6 level baldness and wanted a

Young Palos Verdes Patient Returns 8 Years After His Dr.UGraft™ FUE Hairline Revision Procedure
8 years ago Dr. U performed a 3200 Dr.UGraft hair transplant for this Palos Verdes patient. The patient came back for a FUE hairline revision in order to counter the

Dr. U Treats Norwood 3 Baldness and FUSS Scarring For Studio City Patient
This patient from Studio City turned to Dr. U because he was struggling with Norwood 3 male pattern baldness. Besides his crown hair loss, this patient also wanted to get

Momentous Dr.UGraft Hair Surgery Correction Ends 35 Years of Botched Results
This male patient turned to Dr. U. after 35 years of failed hair restoration procedures with other clinics. He stumbled upon Dr. U. on YouTube while researching hair surgery correction.

FUE Corrective by Dr. U Hair Surgery Over-Delivers for Beverly Hills Patient
Dr.UGraft™ FUE Corrective Hair Surgery Over Delivers for Beverly Hills Los Angeles Patient: This patient turned to Dr. U seeking Dr.UGraft™ FUE corrective hair surgery after he had a prior