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Crown Baldness Restoration With Dr.UGraft FUE

Crown baldness occurs when men and women lose hair on the top of the head. This can become a source of severe embarrassment. As the inventor of the groundbreaking new technology, Dr. Umar has expanded the possibilities of hair repair and crown baldness restoration using Dr.UGraft FUE. In the case of this patient, he had suffered severe hair loss on the crown of the head.

Article Update July 2022:

What is the significance of a balding crown?

A balding crown is generally one of the earliest signs of male pattern baldness. It is caused by aging and results from the body’s worsening ability to replenish lost hair.

Left untreated, more hair will eventually fall, and baldness may occur – yet rest assured that there are procedures such as Dr. U’s FUE procedure that can help successfully restore lost hair at the crown of the head – as shown below.

VIDEO: Before & After FUE Hair Restoration For A Bald Crown- Dr. Umar

Before and After FUE Restoration For A Bald Crown- Dr. Umar’s Video For Malibu Patients

To consult Dr Umar at Dermhair ClinicCall Toll free (US residents) 1-877-337-6424 or international: +1-310-318-1500email: drumar@dermhairclinic.comDermhair C…

Crown Baldness Restoration using Dr.UGraft FUE – Before Photos:

Dr. Umar began by consulting with the patient to discuss hair restoration goals. The patient emphasized the importance of feeling confident in the everyday wear of his hair.

The image below highlights how the patient’s scalp showed at the crown of his head. Dr. Umar knew that he could re-populate that area with hair from the rest of the head while also angling each hair so that it would look completely natural.

This patient experienced balding on the crown of his head, which was very visible from behind.
This patient experienced balding on the crown of his head, which was visible from behind.*


Dr. Umar’s treatment plant met the patient’s standards; they decided to move ahead with crown baldness restoration using Dr.UGraft FUE.

The Solution – Crown Baldness Restoration – Before and After Photos:

The Dr.UGraft FUE had outstanding results for the patient. The surgery restored the coverage he needed to cover his crown baldness while maintaining his thick and natural donor area. 


The patient's previous crown baldness isn't visible following Crown Baldness Restoration using Dr.UGraft FUE. Dr. Umar used 1200 DrUGrafts to treat the patient.
The patient’s previous crown baldness isn’t visible following Crown Baldness Restoration using Dr.UGraft FUE. Dr. Umar used 1200 Dr.UGrafts to treat the patient.*


The Dr.UGraft crown baldness restoration left no visible sign of the hair transplant in the areas that Dr. Umar used to remove the Dr.UGrafts. Also, note that the patient has no scarring from the Dr.UGraft process along the scalp.

The Dr.UGraft leaves no cosmetically significant scarring, just a rich head of hair behind!
The Dr.UGraft leaves no cosmetically significant scarring, just a rich head of hair behind!*


Following his surgery with Dr.UGraft, the patient’s surgical wounds healed in about a month. After that, his hair began regressing, and he could enjoy the benefits of his hair transplant.

Dr. Umar extracted 1200 DrUGrafts from other areas of the scalp for this patient's crown baldness restoration with DrUGraft FUE.
Crown baldness restoration before and after photos*


A Successful Crown Baldness FUE Hair Transplant Using 1200 Dr.UGrafts – Patient Results Photos:

The patient got everything he wanted with Dr. Umar’s crown baldness FUE hair restoration surgery. The patient could finally throw away all the different concealers he had used and wear his hair naturally for the first time in years.


Crown baldness restoration: before and after photos
Crown baldness restoration: before and after photos*


The patient’s results have lasted two years after his surgery, and the transplanted hair continues to grow naturally. 

That is one satisfied patient. Look at that smile!
A permanent hair loss solution brought this patient a more youthful look and a self-confidence boost!*


Patients Results Video: Thinning Crown Hair Restoration Before and After Dr.UGraft FUE

Before and After FUE Restoration For A Bald Crown- Dr. Umar’s Video For Malibu Patients

To consult Dr Umar at Dermhair ClinicCall Toll free (US residents) 1-877-337-6424 or international: +1-310-318-1500email: drumar@dermhairclinic.comDermhair C…

A free Online Hair Consultation is one click away.

Crown Baldness Restoration using Dr.UGraft FUE – Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the cost of crown baldness FUE hair restoration surgery?

Cost varies from patient to patient, depending on the number of grafts needed to restore the hair. For patients concerned about cost, Dr. Umar can work to tailor a treatment plan to meet financial needs as well as hair restoration needs.

How does a patient know when to expect results after crown baldness restoration surgery?

In general, results begin to show within a month or two. The new hair generally takes about a year to reach total growth.


Our clinic is world-renowned for the crown restoration services we provide. To learn more, you can reach out to the doctor directly using our Ask Dr. U portal, accessible through this link:


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Further Reading:

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