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Hairline Repair Using Nape Hair Resolves Prior Surgery Problems

Hairline Repair Using Nape Hair: This patient came to Dr. Sanusi Umar in search of a fix for his harsh hairline after a previous strip surgery. Despite the success of this strip surgery, the Los Angeles patient was still unhappy with his hairline due to its harsh look. Fortunately with the Dr.UGraft hairline repair can become a reality, even in extreme cases of hair loss.

Hairline FUE hair transplant – Softening with nape hair – Dr Umar

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Dr.UGraft Hairline Repair  – Before Photos:

Though the patient had improved fullness of his hair after his strip surgery, he felt unhappy with the look of his hairline. As the below image shows, the strip surgery left him with a coarse hairline that did not look natural.

The image below shows the problem.

Previous surgery left a harsh hairline
The frontal hair transplant by the previous strip surgery is full, but has a harsh and unnatural look.


The Dr.UGraft procedure allows Dr. Umar to perform a hairline transplant that mimics the natural and gradual transition of a hairline. By implanting thinner hair from the nape of the neck and other areas of the body the Dr.UGraft can repair a hairline with softer natural looking results.

Dr.UGraft Hairline Repair Using Nape Hair For Los Angeles Patient Resolves Prior Surgery Problems – Before and After Photos:

By utilizing hair from the nape, Dr. Umar repaired the patients pluggy hairline using his Dr UGraft hairline techniques. For this patient, more than half of the removed grafts for his procedure came from the nape of the neck. As the below photo shows, the area has healed without scarring in the year since the patient’s procedure.

The images below show the patient after surgery.

Hairline transplant: The nape of the patient has healed properly while growing back and showing no visible sign of the 1000 Dr.UGraft repair of hairline after previous strip surgery performed by Dr. Umar
Dr.UGraft Hairline Restoration: the procedure left no cosmetically visible scars*


The single nape hair follicles implanted at the hairline gave a definition to the hairline and the temples that strip surgeries cannot.

Hair transplant hairline design: The hairline now has a natural flow
Dr.UGraft Hairline Repair: The hairline flows naturally around the temples and dampens the harsh look of the hairline*


Nape To Hairline Hair Transplant Los Angeles – Patient Results Photos:

A year after the Dr.UGraft nape to hairline hair transplant the patient walked away with remarkable success. As the image below shows, Dr. Umar also angled the softer hairs from the nape onto the hairline and temples to distract the eye from the harsher hair previously transplanted by another surgeon. This results in a natural look and flow to the hair.

The  images below show him before and after treatment.

Hairline Repair Using Nape hair - Frontal Hair Transplant Before and After Photo
Hairline Repair Using Nape hair – Frontal Hair Transplant Before and After Photo*


Hairline hair transplant: The patient received excellent results from the 1000 Dr.UGrafts repair of hairline after previous strip surgery.
The patient received excellent results from the Dr.UGraft nape hair extractions to repair hairline after previous strip surgery.*


Dr. Umar proved he knows how to repair a damaged hairline. The answer: hairline FUE with the Dr.UGraft!

Patient Results Video: Dr.UGraft Hair Transplant Hairline Design Using Nape Hair for Los Angeles Patient


Click the button below to schedule a free online consultation with Dr. Umar.

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Frequently Asked Questions: Hairline Repair Using Nape Hair

How much is the cost of a nape donor based hair transplant for receding hairline?

Nape to Hairline transplant cost of treatment with the Dr.UGraft varies from patient to patient, depending on the number of grafts used in the procedure. For patients concerned about finances, Dr. Umar can craft a treatment plan that will minimize costs while still achieving fine results in restoring hair.

I have more severe hair loss than just a receding hairline. Can Dr. Umar help me?

Yes! Dr. Umar earned his worldwide reputation by treating patients with all kinds of hair loss including the most severely bald patients. The Dr.UGraft procedure can transplant hair from anywhere on the head, body and beard to the head, vastly expanding the donor pool. This means even in extreme cases of hair loss, or in patients who have a depleted donor pool on the head, Dr. Umar can rebuild a head of hair that will look totally natural.


Dr. U is happy to answer any questions you may have about hairline repair using nape hair if they haven’t been addressed above – use the button below to send them to him personally:


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