Article Updated August 2022
The patient featured here had experienced progressive hair loss, which became a source of embarrassment. To treat his balding, the patient underwent scalp reduction surgery, which had less than desirable results. Then he discovered Dr. Umar. Thanks to the Dr.UGraft hair transplant system, the patient underwent scalp reduction and progressive hair loss repair.
Los Angeles hair transpant repair Patient by FUE body hair transplants – uGraft by Dr Umar
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Scalp Reduction and Crown Deformity Repair: Before Photos
Before seeing Dr. Umar, this patient opted for several hair transplants and a scalp reduction at a different clinic. These other outdated hair surgical methods also did little to address the lack of coverage on the patient’s crown. Worse, the patient had scarring and an unbalanced hairline.
The images below show his hairline before surgery.

In addition, this patient ended up with round “Black and Decker” punch scars on the back of his scalp. This always required the patient to wear a hairstyle of a certain length to conceal the scars.

Advanced FUE Hair Surgery for Scalp Reduction and Crown Deformity Repair: Before and After Photos
In order to attain highly satisfactory results, Dr. Umar used 6500 grafts with the Dr.UGraft procedure. Dr. Umar harvested hair from the neck, as well as some donor hair from the head and cheeks.
The images below highlight the difference before and after surgery.

After the advanced FUE hair repair surgery, the new hairline synced with the created temple points.
The photo below compares the significant difference. Notice how the results from the Dr.UGraft surgery look completely natural:

>One Year After Scalp Reduction and Progressive Hair Loss Repair in Los Angeles Patient: Result Photos
The use of the Dr.UGraft system provided optimal results for the patient without any visible scarring. Needless to say, the patient feels very happy with the results and would rate them as “10 out of 10”.
In the image below, it’s easy to see why!

Patient Results VIDEO: Scalp Reduction Problems and Baldness Solved By Dr.UGraft Advanced FUE
Patients struggling with baldness or any other hair condition can contact Dr. Umar for a free consultation using the button below:
Scalp Reduction and Progressive Hair Loss Repair – Frequently Asked Questions:
Exactly how does scalp reduction work, as opposed to the Dr.UGraft?
Scalp reduction involves the removal of skin from the head to reduce baldness. After the skin is excised, a surgeon then closes the wound, pulling the surrounding scalp together. In theory, scalp reduction reduces the appearance of baldness by adjusting the skin with remaining hair to cover the entire head. Scalp reduction has a long history of scarring as well as unnatural-looking results. Because of its invasive nature, scalp reduction surgeries also require hospitalization.
By contrast, the minimally-invasive Dr.UGraft surgery is performed in Dr. Umar’s Los Angeles office and requires only local anesthesia. A patient can go home afterward without any worry of complications.
What guide does Dr. Umar use to balance out or restore a patient’s hairline?
Dr. Umar uses an approach known as the “rule of thirds” to best treat his patients. In short, he divides the head up into sections, which allows him to create a symmetrical design for the new hairline. The nature of Dr.UGraft allows Dr. Umar to place transplanted hair with great precision, thus creating a totally natural-looking hairline.
Have more questions about repairing scalp reduction and progressive hair loss? Ask Dr. U!
Further Reading:
- Use of body hair and beard hair in hair restoration, a scholarly article by D.r Sanusi Umar, from Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America.
- Additional information on the Dr.UGraft system and its benefits can be found here.
- Transplant H, → n. STRIP scars repair, FUE into STRIP scars. HairSite – Hair Restoration Forum. Published 2022. Accessed August 2, 2022.