The Universe Begins with U

Happy Holidays from Dr. Umar Hair and Skin Clinic

Happy holidays from Dr. Umar and the team!*
Happy holidays from Dr. Umar and the team!*

Our Dr. Umar Hair and Skin Clinic staff celebrated this year’s annual holiday party at Hermosa Beach’s Comedy and Magic Club.

The evening was filled with dinner, dessert, and laughter as ten different comedians took the stage that night. It was a time of connection and celebration of another year’s hard work as a team.

We look forward to the new decade, and we want to thank each patient and client who made our time at Dr. U Hair and Skin Clinic so special. 

From our staff to yours, happy holiday season.

Happy Holidays & Further Reading

Celebrity Hair Transplants: 7 Famous People with New Looks

Hollywood Actor Successful Hair Transplant Results by Dr. U

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