The Universe Begins with U

Head to Chest Hair Transplant by Dr.UGraft FUE for Happy Beverly Hills Patient

 Some men prefer to wax their entire chest to be free of hair. But others who actually want to grow more hair in this region, since chest hair is associated with masculinity. Also, cultural norms can also act as an influential factor, as in the case of this patient of Middle Eastern descent. 

Watch this video where Dr.U explains more about the desire for having fuller chest hair as well as his procedural approach for making this a reality.

One Man’s Life-Altering Chest Hair Restoration Surgery That May Change Your Mind About Man-Scaping

Sign up for FREE online consultation with Dr.U himself – Check out Dr.U’s official site – Read more about Dr.U’s real-life patient and his chest hair restoration experience – 2121 N. Sepulveda Blvd.Suite 200 Manhattan Beach California 90266 Tel: (310) 318-1500 | Toll-free (US): 1-800-499-DRUCLINIC (3782) Some men hate chest hair.

Before Head to Chest Hair Transplant Photos – Patient Hopes to Grow a Hairier Chest

This male patient was able to grow hair on his abdomen, However, he came to Dr.U with his chest almost entirely bare, with the exception of a very sparse and depleted region, roughly in the center. He wanted a fuller and more uniform look, which is accepted as normal by his culture. The patient then decided on Dr.U’s highly specialized approach to body hair restoration to overcome his genetics and create natural-looking hair growth in his upper torso.

Dr.U's Los Angeles Head to Chest Hair Transplant Patient Before Procedure
Dr.U’s head to Chest Hair Transplant patient before his procedure.

Procedure Photos –  Achieving Natural Looking Chest Hair

Careful design planning, with the patient’s input, is essential for chest hair restoration. Dr.U carefully studied the existing hair growth on this gentleman’s upper and lower torso. From this information, he determined the overall design and the detailed distribution of hair follicle grafts needed to achieve what this patient ultimately wanted. 

One of the major objectives in chest hair reconstruction is replicating hair growth patterns to blend in with the original hair regions seamlessly. In addition to mapping out an overall strategy, he also determined the exact hair types needed to create the most natural-looking outcome possible. 

For this patient, Dr.U applied his Dr.UGraft ™ Zeus technology to harvest scalp and nape hair safely. Hair from the nape area is much finer and would provide the thinner hairs needed to construct the soft, gradual borders necessary for the outer margins. The thinner-haired borders would then transition seamlessly to the middle of the chest. Here, Dr.Umar would apply the thicker scalp hairs according to much greater surface-area densities to create the desired fullness. 

Each graft was carefully placed into sharp-angled slits so that the final hair lays flat against the skin. 

The Dr.UGraft punch system is designed to extract bulkier grafts without having to increase the size of the wound.
The Dr.UGraft punch system is designed to extract healthier, bulkier grafts without having to increase the size of the wound, improving the survival of the donor hair. 

Before and After Head to Chest Hair Transplant Photos – Can Anyone Even Tell This Patient’s Chest Hair Was Surgically Created? 

Thanks to Dr.U’s head to chest hair transplant, this patient was finally able to attain a more masculine body image, according to the standards of his Middle Eastern culture.

Head to Chest Hair Transplant by Dr.UGraft FUE For Happy Beverley Hills Patient
Head to Chest Hair Transplant by Dr.UGraft FUE For Happy Beverley Hills Patient*

Video – Learn More About This Patient’s Chest Hair Restoration By Dr.U

This video discusses how Dr.U approaches head-to-chest hair transplant on the chest area

Dr.U discusses chest hair restoration for men who wish for more body hair in the torso region.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Dr.U use other types of hair when restoring the chest area?

Yes, Dr.U’s patented Dr.UGraft ™ technology safely extracts any type of hair which can be used as donor grafts. However, men who have little or no chest hair will usually not have other types of usable body hair. 

Does constant shaving and waxing the chest permanently remove hair in this area?

Consistent hair removal routines usually result in permanent hair loss over time. Eventually, the follicles within the chest would completely lose their ability to construct new hair shafts through the ongoing removal of hair. 

Are there any foods or products that can help me grow more chest hair?

The amount of chest hair you are able to grow depends on your genetics. Foods and products will not cause your hair follicles to suddenly start growing more hair. 

Free Hair Consultation

Further Reading

 Learn how chest hair was used to reverse the signs of male pattern baldness for this patient. 



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