Beard Construction Surgery Los Angeles Update July 2022: Alejandro (also known as Alex) was born with a significant congenital nevus on the right side of his face. He underwent procedures as a young child to have the dark regions removed and replaced with a skin graft taken from his neck. Although this solved the issue of having a noticeable area of discoloration on his face, the newly inserted skin could not grow an average beard, unlike the left side. Alex wanted to have normal-looking beard growth on both sides of his face. Dr.U helped him by performing a series of two life-altering beard reconstruction procedures to create the beard and sideburns that he had always wanted for
Learn more about this teen’s procedure and experience in this inspiring video.
A Beard Hair Restoration by Hair Transplantation Helps Teen Achieve the Beard of His Dreams
Check out Dr.U’s official site – more about this teenager’s beard hair reconstruction procedure here –…
Before Photos – Facial Beard Transplant
Alex provided the Dr.U Hair and Skin Clinic childhood photos which portray his appearance with his congenital nevus.

The image below shows Alex as a young adult. Note the skin graft taken from his neck to replace the congenital nevus. Since it was derived from the beard regions of his face and neck, it grew thick hair on his right cheek. Dr.U had to perform laser hair removal to end this unwanted growth permanently.

Procedure Photos – Beard Construction Surgery Results For Inspirational Teen
Dr.U’s main objective was to transplant donor hair into the right side of the face to pattern the left side as a near-to-perfect mirror reflection. The importance of this goal could not be underestimated. Any deviation between the left and right sides would stand out to onlookers.
He carefully studied the existing characteristics and subtle growth details already in place on the left side of the patient’s face. Dr.U remarked that nature had already created a well-designed beard on the left side. And it was his mission to reproduce precisely what nature had accomplished. The first step was determining what hair types to use to best match the existing hair caliber on his left side.
Regular hair from the patient’s scalp was a poor option for completing both sides of his beard. They were far too thick.
Dr.U determined that his nape hair [1] would be the best and closest choice. However, the overall available quantity was not sufficient. He then decided to incorporate leg hair into the overall donor pool. This more delicate quality hair also provided the detail for replicating the hair growth found along the margin edges, the upper borders of the beard marking the transition between the hair growth and bare areas of the face. According to Dr.U, the upper border of the beard is critical and cannot appear harsh. Thick hair from the scalp would make these edges look somewhat artificial.
Here are photos depicting the planning and insertion phases of the patient’s procedure.

Dr.U marks off the regions and shape of the patient’s overall beard reconstruction results *
Beard Reconstruction Surgery Los Angeles: To achieve the desired density and fullness, Dr.U carefully selected appropriate hair types to match the thickness of Alex’s beard hair which was already in place on the left side of his face. He then decided to source thin caliber donor hair from his nape and leg.
Non-head hair cannot be harvested using basic, general FUE punches, which are adequate for penetrating the skin present on the scalp. However, these instruments pose a considerable risk when harvesting exciting hair outside the scalp, which tends to grow in much softer skin environments. The rotational behavior or regular FUE punches would then exert a much higher potential for damaging non-head hair follicles.
To overcome the challenges posed by drastically different skin thicknesses, Dr.U invented a new and revolutionary type of technology system. This new FUE technology is named The Dr.UGraft Zeus. This advanced hair transplant resource is built with different rotational performance settings that are safe enough for any skin terrain beyond the scalp. Alex’s beard hair reconstruction was performed using Dr.UGraft Zeus to extract grafts from the nape and leg donor regions safely.

Second Phase of Los Angeles Teen’s Beard Construction Surgery Procedure
The patient’s overall beard reconstruction was divided into two surgical phases. For the second procedure, Dr.U enhanced the results of the first beard reconstruction surgery. Not only did he insert more grafts for a fuller-looking appearance, but he also sharpened the beard transition contours.

Before and After Images – Los Angeles Beard Reconstruction Surgery

The patient is shown before his beard restoration and after his second procedure *

Alejandro is an inspiration to his fellow high-school students and everyone around him, including the staff at the Dr.U Hair and Skin Clinic in Los Angeles.
VIDEO: Los Angeles Beard Reconstruction Surgery Results
Learn more about the patient’s journey. From his congenital nevus removal to beard reconstruction, he made it possible with Dr.UGraft Zeus technology.
A Beard Hair Restoration by Hair Transplantation Helps Teen Achieve the Beard of His Dreams
Check out Dr.U’s official site – more about this teenager’s beard hair reconstruction procedure here –…
A fuller, well-shaped beard can make a significant difference in your appearance. If you want to learn more about Dr.U’s beard reconstruction procedures, click the button below for a free personal consultation.
If you still have questions about Dr.U’s beard construction procedures, ask Dr.Umar using the button below.
Frequently Asked Questions
I am not able to grow a beard at all. Would I be eligible for a beard reconstruction procedure with Dr. U?
A beard restoration procedure is still appropriate even for individuals who do not have the genetics for facial hair. Dr.U will determine the best hair type available to create natural-looking beard growth for your face. If an adequate donor type and graft quantity are available, he would be able to work one-on-one with you to finalize an overall vision that would best compliment your appearance.
Do I have to use leg or nape hair for a beard construction procedure with Dr. UGraft Zeus? Can this system also extract regular scalp hair?
Thinner hair would be an essential detail for the outer borders of the beard. (I.e., near the hollow of your cheeks). Thick scalp hair may create harsh and abrupt lines, potentially looking contrived and artificial. The use of leg and nape hair is not a mandatory requirement. Utilizing Dr.UGraft Zeus to harvest hair from your scalp safely is undoubtedly possible. The final choice for donor hair types would depend on what looks most natural.
I don’t like the shape of my natural beard hair growth. Is it possible to redesign new contours that would look better on my face?
With Dr.U’s beard hair reconstruction procedures, you don’t have to feel restricted in what you were born with. Dr.U would be able to consider your vision and design to create the best-looking appearance for your particular facial characteristics.