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How Long Do Botox and Dysport Results Last?

Botox and Dysport are the two commonly available muscle relaxant injectables in the United States. They are popular choices for minimizing the appearance of wrinkles formed by facial expressions. Examples include crow’s feet, frown lines between the brows, and forehead lines. They can also be used to lift the drooping ends of the eyebrows. Patients are usually able to see a noticeable improvement in just a matter of days. Before choosing to undergo this treatment, a natural question arises: how long do Botox and Dysport last?

Article Update July 2022

What is the difference between Botox and Dysport?

In summary, Dysport is much more diluted, thus spreading faster compared to Botox.

This makes Dysport great for large surface areas such as the forehead.

On the other hand, Botox is much more potent, making it particularly useful for small areas and pesky wrinkles such as Crow’s feet.

Continue below to see which injectable option is best for your goals.

When should i expect to see results after botox injections?

Botox offers a relatively quick way to reduce the appearance of facial expression wrinkles. Patients often wonder when they will see their new changes. Dr. U…

Why the Duration of Botox and Dysport Matters For Los Angeles Patients

As Dr. Umar explains in the video above, patients are curious to know how long the effects of neuromuscular injections last. The answers to these questions matter for practical considerations such as:

  • cost
  • convenience

How often you would have to undergo treatments would naturally affect the amount you spend on Botox or Dysport injections per year. Also, it affects how often you need to visit your doctor to maintain your results.

Botox and Dysport can be used for facial wrinkles and eyebrow lifts by relaxing specific muscles
Botox and Dysport can be used for facial wrinkles and eyebrow lifts by relaxing specific muscles *

How Long Do Botox and Dysport Last on Average

Both Botox and Dysport have the same active ingredient. Therefore, their average duration is comparable.
Both Botox and Dysport have the same active ingredient. Therefore, their average duration is comparable.


Botox and Dysport are both made from botulinum toxin. However, each of these drugs has a slightly different molecular structure. Therefore, on average, they last about the same amount of time. As Dr. Umar points out in the video, the average duration of Botox and Dysport for treating wrinkles is about 3-4 months.

When Botox or Dysport Results Are Shorter or Longer Than Expected, According to Dr. U

Most patients will experience the extent of their results for 3-4 months. However, others will notice different timeframes. Due to individual variations, some may find that their injections last much shorter or longer than average. Why does this happen?

Although Botox and Dysport are both made of botulinum toxin, Botox tends to have a more significant number of surrounding buffer proteins surrounding the central molecule. Individual patients will vary regarding how their immune systems react to the core molecule and the buffer protein. In some people, the surrounding proteins protect the central botulinum toxin core. For others, the immune system will form antibodies against them. Likewise, the opposite may occur where the immune system attacks the central core due to the drug having fewer buffer proteins.

When Botox or Dysport results don't last, patients are encouraged to observe how their body reacts to the other botulinum toxin drug
When Botox or Dysport results don’t last, Los Angeles patients are encouraged to observe how their body reacts to the other botulinum toxin drug *


When Botox or Dysport results don’t last, Dr. Umar encourages patients to observe how their body reacts to the other botulinum toxin drug.

Why Botox or Dysport Might Last Longer Than Average?

These molecular proteins may also lead to a much longer duration in some people. They may cause the drug to break down at a much slower rate by the body’s metabolic system.

What To Do When Your Botox or Dysport Results Don’t Last?

If your expected outcome doesn’t seem to last as long as you had hoped, don’t worry. Other patients have also experienced the same. In these situations, another botulinum toxin may be recommended. If you were given Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin (an even newer botulinum toxin injection) might be recommended instead. Or, if you were experiencing a shorter duration with Dysport, you may experience better results with Botox or Xeomin. Your body’s immune and metabolic systems may react favorably to other alternatives to help your results last longer.

When should i expect to see results after botox injections?

Botox offers a relatively quick way to reduce the appearance of facial expression wrinkles. Patients often wonder when they will see their new changes. Dr. U…

If you are interested in speaking to Dr. Umar about undergoing treatment with Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin, sign up for a complimentary consultation.

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  1. Wikipedia Contributors. “Botulinum Toxin.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 20 Feb. 2019,

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