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AKN Barber’s Rash on the Back of the Neck Surgically Cured by Dr U

Article Updated July 2022

Many men are dismayed to discover a large barber’s rash on the back of the neck. This circumstance becomes even more dismaying when they find out they have a condition called acne keloidalis nuchae, which refuses to go away. One such man from Miami searched for almost seven years for a way to remove the AKN razor bump completely. Nothing worked, and the bumps only grew. Eventually, this his AKN razor bump growth on the back of the neck coalesced into a large, keloidal tumor. When he finally presented to Dr. U Hair & Skin Clinic, surgical excision was the only way to make the AKN razor bump go away. Dr. Umar felt he could remove the mass using his innovative “Batman” technique, despite the unusually large size of the growth. At last, the patient had found a promising treatment for this razor skin bump mass on the back of the head.

How to Get Rid of Bumps on Head – AKN Surgical Removal

Visit for more information on this case. This patient suffered from bumps on head and neck areas for 6-7 years. After a series of unsuccessful treatments at other clinics, the patient consulted Dr. Umar of the Dr. U AKN Clinic in Los Angeles.

Large AKN Barber’s Rash on the Back of the Neck Of a Miami Florida Patient – Before Photos:

This patient’s AKN began as a large barber’s rash on the back of the neck, yielding individual pimples that grew in size. The lesions formed into a single, wide mass. At this point, he went to an urgent care clinic to see if they could remove the AKN razor bump completely. The physicians there were unable to identify the disease and suggested he see a dermatologist. The skin doctor prescribed both oral and topical antibiotics, including tetracycline. None of these treatments were effective as a means to make the AKN razor bump go away. The condition continued to worsen. In addition to the cosmetic malformation, the patient suffered from a discharge of pus and severe itching on a daily basis.

This patient suffered from a large barber's rash on the back of the neck for many years.
This patient suffered from a large AKN barber’s rash on the back of the neck for many years.

Remove AKN Razor Bump Completely via Surgery – Procedure Photos:

Treatment for this patient’s razor skin bump mass on the back of the head required surgery without question. Dr. Umar’s specialized excision method was the best chance at restoring his posterior scalp to a normal appearance with minimal scarring. He would operate, despite the patient’s advanced diagnosis. Dr. Umar defined his condition as the flat plaque type and stage II distribution.

Targeting the condition while in an early type is best to remove the AKN razor bump completely.
Targeting the condition while in an early type is best to remove the AKN razor bump completely.
Razor bump growth on the back of the neck will evolve to the widest stage of distribution if left untreated.
Razor bump growth on the back of the neck will evolve to the widest stage of distribution if left untreated.


Make AKN Razor Bump Go Away Surgically – Before and After Results Photos of Miami Patient:

Dr. Umar’s “Batman” technique proved successful. This special technique ensures that the scar that resulted complemented the look of a natural neck hairline. The patient’s wound healing only took about nine weeks. His scarring became nominal as the result of a gradual healing process. With the large barber’s rash on the back of the neck gone, at last, the patient was very pleased and happy with the result. What’s most important to him in being able to remove the AKN razor bump completely is his newfound freedom. For so many years, he’s had to cover up the back of his head with hats, scarves, and hoods. Now he’s free to appreciate the little things in life. He can freely take his kids to the beach or the pool without feeling self-conscious and can be himself without having to hide. Simply being able to wear a nice shirt and feel confident has restored his quality of life. “It’s a big deal,” he says, “I got my freedom back.”

Using his surgical “Batman” excision, Dr. Umar was able to make the AKN razor bump go away for this patient with an advanced diagnosis.
Using his surgical “Batman” excision, Dr. Umar was able to make the AKN razor bump go away for this patient with an advanced diagnosis.*

Video: Treatment for Razor Skin Bump Mass on the Back of the Head Of a Miami Florida Patient

Watch the incredible result of this patient’s highly successful AKN removal surgery.

After suffering from AKN for 6-7 year, this patient approached Dr. Umar about an Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Removal Surgery. The patient is happy with the results of the procedure, as it left him with a discrete scar that is much more aesthetically acceptable than the bumps on the back of his head.

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Frequently Asked Questions – Large Barber’s Rash on the Back of the Neck

How long is the downtime for surgery to remove a large AKN barber’s rash completely?

This is different for every patient, depending on the stage of AKN and the individual capacity for wound healing. Some people naturally heal more quickly than others. To remove a large AKN razor bump completely, patients should anticipate approximately two months or eight weeks of downtime post-surgery. Second intention wound closure may take as long as 10 weeks.

Are there any drug treatments that can make an AKN barber’s rash go away for good?

At this time, there are no drug treatments or medications to make an AKN razor bump go away for good. If diagnosed early on, steroid injections are the best intervention for reducing inflammation and mitigating flare-ups. However, the condition will typically return and worsen over time. The best non-surgical method with the potential for permanent removal of AKN is laser treatment. However, the condition must be caught in the very early stages of laser therapy to succeed as a cure.

Will an AKN bump growth on the back of the neck come back after surgical excision?

If performed correctly, surgery should prove a permanent cure and the AKN growth should not return. For surgical removal to be 100% effective, the physician must remove all affected tissue. The patient must also cease the chronic source of irritation that caused AKN to form in the first place. Of course, there may be outliers, but these would be extremely rare.

Don’t see your question about a barber’s rash on the back of the neck above? Use this button to submit your inquiry to Dr. U:

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  1. Inflammation (no date) National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Available at: (Accessed: 18 January 2024).
  2. Umar, S. et al. (2023) ‘Unveiling a shared precursor condition for acne Keloidalis Nuchae and primary cicatricial alopecias’, Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, Volume 16, pp. 2315–2327. doi:10.2147/ccid.s422310.

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