Acne keloidalis nuchae is a condition categorized as folliculitis due to the aggravating factor of ingrown hairs, which trigger an immune response, resulting in bumps. However, it differs from other forms of folliculitis due to the tendency of these bumps to resemble keloidal tissue and join together over time. The East Los Angeles patient in the case below consulted Dr. U to remove the hard bumps on the head, scalp, and neck areas. They were a source of vexation and embarrassment for several years and contributed to an overall sense of discomfort around his physical cosmetic appearance. Due to the early stages of the folliculitis, Dr. U was able to recommend laser therapy to get rid of this East Los Angeles patient’s clipper bumps on the back of the head.
Razor Bumps on Head Treatment Using Laser Therapy
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Removing Clipper Bumps on Back of Head – Before Photos
This East Los Angeles patient struggled with bumps on the head and scalp on the back of the head for over twenty years. He struggled with discomfort, including pain, appearance, pus, and blood. His dermatologist persuaded him to seek specialized hard bumps on head scalp laser treatment. Oral and topical antibodies, steroids (both topical and injected) had failed, and other nonsurgical remedies. Thus, he found Dr. Umar’s Los Angeles AKN Bump Clinic and consulted with him about the best treatment for his head lumps.

Treating Clipper Bumps Back of The Head – Procedure Photos
Dr. U began treatment on the East Los Angeles patient’s head and neck bumps after an initial consultation. Since the bumps were still in the early stages of acne keloidalis nuchae development, Dr. Umar used laser therapy to target the bumps. As a pioneer in the treatment and prevention of acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN), Dr. Umar defines its progression using the stages below.
After bumps merge together to form masses, laser therapy is typically no longer a viable nonsurgical option for long-term treatment. Instead, Dr. Umar generally recommends a curative surgical removal, using his unique excision methods for optimal results.
Laser therapy for AKN bumps can require multiple sessions to treat the condition. This acne keloidalis nuchae treatment with laser works by targeting the ingrown hairs that are triggering the inflammatory response that results in the symptomatic bumps. This then allows the bumps to flatten and subside. Dr. U uses the ND: YAG laser to target these problematic hairs. This non-surgical treatment tends to work best in cases where ingrown hair is the aggravating issue.
Removing Bumps on Head and Scalp – After Photos
After five treatments, the legions had flattened and basically disappeared. Since the hair was affected by the laser treatment on the hard bumps on the back of the head and scalp, Dr. U created a new hairline that started at about ear level.

Video: Getting Rid of Bumps on My Head Under My Hair
The laser treatment for the hard bumps on head scalp head was successful. The hard bumps on the back of the head and scalp appear to have disappeared after five treatments. The patient was actually satisfied after the first treatment saying, “Dr. Umar is the man. I wish I had found him earlier.”
Frequently Asked Questions – AKN Laser Treatment for Bumps on the Head and Scalp
What causes bumps on my head under my hair?
Bumps on the head can be symptoms of numerous conditions; it is important to see a physician for a proper diagnosis to determine what the cause of the bumps may be. Acne keloidalis nuchae is an often overlooked condition of folliculitis, which may present as pimple-like, hard bumps on the head scalp. Many misname it as clipper bumps on the back of the head. However, it is important to see a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis to determine what the cause of your bumps on the head and scalp may be.
When removing razor bumps, back of head areas are left with scars: true or false?
Laser treatment does not leave linear scarring on the back of the neck. The cosmetic effect of this treatment is a loss of hair in the affected areas, which Dr. U minimizes the appearance of by creating a new posterior hairline. However, Dr. Umar’s unique incision method for surgical AKN bump treatment enables a cosmetically acceptable scar, typically along the back hairline, so that a patient may regain their normal cosmetic appearance.
How can I eliminate hard bumps on my head and scalp at home?
It is not recommended that individuals pursue home remedies. Rather, it is recommended that you see a dermatologist for the best treatment route for you. Once AKN bumps progress past a certain stage, typically the papular stage, non-surgical methods alone are not viable options for curative treatment; at that point, an experienced dermatologist may recommend surgical removal of the AKN mass of lumps and bumps.
If you have more questions, we encourage you to use the button below to ask Dr. U.
Further Reading
See how a New York patient found a cure for his long-suffering AKN head lumps.
Watch this Chicago patient’s transformation after his AKN removal surgery with Dr. U.