The Universe Begins with U

Linear Scar Free Black Hair Restoration with Dr.UPunch Curl

Article Updated August 2022

For patients with tightly curled hair—in particular, people of African descent—conventional FUE treatments can spell disaster. In order to find a better solution for his African American patients, Dr. Umar invented a brand new tool – the Dr.UPunch Curl. Instead of using a rotary motion, it uses a plunging action to extract and transplant hair grafts. In essence, Dr. Umar has perfected a procedure for linear scar-free black hair restoration for all African hair using Dr.UPunch Curl FUE.

Linear Scar Free Black Hair Restoration in Los Angeles- Before Photos:

Before visiting with Dr. Umar, this patient wanted to have FUE surgery to avoid the scarring customary in other hair surgeries. He suffered from hair loss and a receding hairline. 

Before Afro-textured hair transplant surgery
Before Hair Transplant Surgery Using 1600 Dr.UGrafts


Unfortunately, the patient had very tightly curled hair, which deemed him a poor candidate for basic FUE. With this hair type, the use of rotary punch (dull and sharp) would result in a high graft damage rate.

Beware of clinic offering FUE for African hair that do not have DrUPunch Curl-this patient wisely avoided scarring
Linear Scar Free Black Hair Restoration for All African Hair: Receding Hairline before surgery with Dr. Umar.


The Solution – FUE Afro-textured hair transplant surgery Before and After Photos:

In order to avoid scarring and unsatisfactory results from basic FUE, Dr. Umar deployed his new invention the DrUPunch Curl. Unlike other devices, Dr. Umar designed this non-rotary tool specifically to harvest grafts of tightly curled hair. The comparison photo below shows how this precise procedure resulted in a natural-looking hairline.


Black male hair transplant before and after.
Before and After FUE Afro-textured hair transplant surgery: Linear Scar Free Black Hair Restoration*


To restore and strengthen this patient’s hairline, Dr. Umar transplanted 1600 grafts during two surgery sessions. The DrUPunch Curl allowed for precise harvesting with a transection rate below 5%. The photo below shows that the patient received no visible lasting scars from this procedure.

What is the success rate of FUE in Afro Textured hair without DrUPunch curl: FUE Afro-textured hair transplant surgery before and after.
Black male hair transplant: before and after*


The added hair on top blends in naturally and gives the patient a fuller head of hair. These results would not be possible with strip surgery, as strip surgeries always result in heavy, visible scarring.

Black Male Hair Transplant Before and After – Patient Results Photo:

This patient had regained a full head of hair and balanced hairline, enjoying the uniform coverage—not patchy spots like he had before.

Black male hair transplant Cost (FUE vs Strip): The patient opted for treatment with the Dr.UGraft for best Linear Scar Free Black Hair Restoration
What is the success rate of FUE in Afro Textured hair without Dr.UPunch curl: Linear Scar Free Black Hair Restoration 1 year after surgery.*


This patient says if he had a choice to do it all over again he would definitely choose to go with a Dr.UPunch Curl Dr.UGraft FUE –“100%!” Patients should always beware of clinics offering FUE for African hair that do not have Dr.UPunch Curl. Only the Dr.UGraft FUE can restore hair in patients, regardless of hair type, with such precision and natural-looking results.

Black Male Hair Transplant Before and After Results in Video: Dr.UPunch FUE Works for All Black Hair Transplant African Patients


Click here for a Free Online Hair Consultation.

Linear Scar Free Black Hair Restoration – Frequently Asked Questions:

How much does a black male hair transplant cost (FUE vs strip)?

The cost of FUE with the Dr.UGraft varies from patient to patient depending on the number of grafts needed to restore hair. For patients that have financial considerations, Dr. Umar can develop a plan that will minimize the cost while still resulting in thick, natural-looking hair. Because of the amount of time needed to extract kinked African type hair by FUE, fewer grafts are extracted per session when compared to straight or wavy hair extraction sessions typically. For these reasons, expect African-type hair FUE to be a bit more expensive when compared to that of straight or slightly wavy hair.

Strip surgery which is invasive and replete with many disadvantages, is a faster procedure requiring less technical skills, less time, or equipment. For that reason, it comes out cheaper than FUE in general.

What is the success rate of FUE in Afro Textured hair without Dr.UPunch curl?

In FUE surgeries on African type hair that do not use the Dr.UPunch curl, the success rate in transplanting afro-textured hair is extremely low. it is typically less than 40%. Many doctors refuse to even perform the procedure, citing the low success rate. This is because of the tightly-wound nature of afro-textured hair, which other transplant tools cannot successfully extract. Dr. Umar designed the D.rUPunch curl precisely to treat patients with tightly wound hair, making it the best surgical option available.

Dr. U is always faced with patients that have had failed FUE from clinics that have presented as experts in African Hair FUE. In these clinics, a few of the FUE successes (4 out of 6) are shown and sometimes the results of patients who had strip (linear scar causing) surgery are misrepresented as FUE results. The result is 6 out of 4 patients who go to these clinics end up with damaged grafts and very poor results. Often by the time Dr. U sees these patients, their donor has been wasted unnecessarily. For this reason, beware of clinics offering FUE for African hair that do not have Dr.UPunch Curl. Ask your FUE doctor what type of tools he has for performing FUE in African type hair. If they do not have DrUPunch Curl, insist on having a small FUE test before committing to a major surgery.


If you’re interested in more information on Dr. U’s revolutionary practice in linear scar-free black hair restoration, our Ask Dr. U portal allows you to inquire directly:


Free Hair Consultation


  1. 2022. Afro-textured hair – Wikipedia. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 23 August 2022].

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