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No-Shave Long Hair FUE: A Boon for Public Figures, Women, and Busy Individuals

Individuals seeking hair restoration have long wrestled with the challenges and limitations linked to traditional long hair follicular unit excision (LH-FUE) procedures. For many contemplating hair transplantation surgery, the impracticality of shaving portions of the head effectively renders the procedure inaccessible.

Our study on long hair transplants is published in the esteemed Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology journal.
Our study on long hair transplants is published in the esteemed Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology journal.

A Solution to Long Hair FUE Challenges

A recent study I led was featured in the Clinical, Cosmetic, and Investigational Dermatology journal, where my colleagues and I delved into the obstacles associated with extracting long hair grafts. We introduced a potential solution – the UGraft Zeus.

Our research highlights the specific challenges faced by individuals and how the UGraft Zeus, an advanced FUE technology I’ve had the privilege of inventing, effectively addresses these limitations within the realm of LH-FUE.

The UGraft Zeus is an all-purpose FUE technology  that allows for a seamless and successful no-shave long hair FUE hair transplantation. 
The UGraft Zeus is an all-purpose FUE technology  that allows for a seamless and successful no-shave long hair FUE hair transplantation. Copyright ©2021. Dove Medical Press.

Game-Changer for Public Figures

One of the most noteworthy aspects of the UGraft Zeus lies in its potential to address diverse needs. This includes individuals in the public eye, where maintaining a particular image is crucial. For public figures, undergoing LH-FUE without shaving their hair is a significant breakthrough. This preserves their distinctive look and allows them to seamlessly integrate the procedure into their schedules without compromising career-imposed public appearances.

Aesthetic Freedom: UGraft Zeus and Women’s Hairstyles

In the realm of hair restoration, women, in particular, stand to gain significantly from the capabilities of the UGraft Zeus. Many women prefer longer hairstyles and are often opposed to shaving their heads for a procedure. The UGraft Zeus liberates them from this constraint, offering a solution that aligns with their aesthetic preferences. Now, women can confidently opt for LH-FUE without compromising on their desired hairstyle.

Long-Hair FUE allows an immediate  “preview” of the results. This woman already has thicker and more defined eyebrows shortly after her procedure.
Long-Hair FUE allows an immediate  “preview” of the results. This woman already has thicker and more defined eyebrows shortly after her procedure. Copyright ©2021. Dove Medical Press.

A Solution for the Time-Strapped 

Beyond public figures, the UGraft Zeus from Dr. U Hair and Skin Clinic is a welcome solution for individuals who simply cannot afford the luxury of time off. Busy professionals, executives, and anyone with a hectic lifestyle can now benefit from LH-FUE without disrupting their routine. The innovative design and efficiency of the UGraft Zeus ensure that the procedure is effective and accommodating for those with demanding schedules.

Front and oblique views of a Hispanic patient before his beard restoration surgery with long shafts (left), immediately after (center), and 10 days post-surgery (right).
Front and oblique views of a Hispanic patient before his beard restoration surgery with long shafts (left), immediately after (center), and 10 days post-surgery (right). Copyright ©2021. Dove Medical Press.

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The Numbers Say It All 

The challenges of yesteryear are now consigned to history, thanks to the UGraft Zeus, paving the way for new possibilities and ensuring a seamless experience in the dynamic landscape of hair restoration.

Our study found that using UGraft Zeus led to lower graft damage rates (2.2% to 4.3%) compared to other methods (5.6% and 9.2%). The procedure is also faster with the advanced technology, reaching 440 grafts per hour compared to the previous 157 grafts per hour. And here’s the good news – the faster process doesn’t compromise the quality of the grafts, as seen in the reported rates of graft damage. 

While patients with Afro-hair are still deemed challenging hair transplant patients, Dr. U Hair and Skin clinic successfully performs Afro - FUE surgeries, without even needing to shave the donor area.
While patients with Afro-hair are still deemed challenging hair transplant patients, Dr. U Hair and Skin clinic successfully performs Afro – FUE surgeries, without even needing to shave the donor area. Copyright ©2021. Dove Medical Press.
Left to right: Patient before long-hair FUE; Patient forty-eight hours post-surgery. Copyright ©2021. Dove Medical Press; Patient three years after surgery.
Left to right: Patient before long-hair FUE; Patient forty-eight hours post-surgery; Patient three years after surgery. Copyright ©2021. Dove Medical Press.

Take the First Step towards Hair Restoration with Dr. U Hair and Skin Clinic!

If you’re dealing with hair loss and intrigued by the possibilities of advanced hair restoration, contact Dr. U Hair and Skin Clinic today. Discover how the UGraft Zeus can redefine your journey to a fuller, natural-looking head of hair. Don’t let hair loss hold you back – take the first step towards a confident, revitalized you!


Umar, S. et al. (2023) No-shave long hair follicular unit excision using an all-purpose skin-responsive device, Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology. Available at: (Accessed: 29 December 2023). 

Umar , S. et al. (2023) Follicular Unit Excision in Patients of African Descent: A Skin-Responsive Technique, Dermatologic Surgery. Available at: (Accessed: 29 December 2023).

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