The Universe Begins with U

Increased Confidence After Hair Transplant with Dr. U

Patients choose hair restoration with specific goals that better suit their personal and social circumstances. For many, hair loss becomes a constant source of embarrassment and humiliation. Dr. Umar uses his skill, expertise, and specialized advanced FUE hair transplant Dr.UGraft system of tools not only to treat hair loss but ultimately, to help improve a patient’s self-image. The patient marks a prime example of increased confidence after a hair transplant.

Hair Transplant Temple Area – Before Photos:

This patient came to Dr. Umar with two major goals. He wanted a linear scar-free hair restoration treatment that would not require hospitalization. Furthermore, he desired a conservative hairline as the result, one that people familiar with him would not perceive as a radical departure from his current look. He wanted the subtle result of his treatment to give him a clearly fuller head of hair, and a better-framed face.

The image below shows the patient before surgery.

Hair transplant temple area: The patient wanted a conservative hairline and coverage that looks full but he wants the result to be not immediately obvious
Before Dr.UGraft hair Surgery, the patient had moderate hair loss at the hairline and temples.

The Solution: Have Hair Transplant Confidence When Using the Dr.UGraft FUE System – Before and After Photos:

Dr. Umar set about hair restoration with the Dr.UGraft FUE Hair Transplant using 3500 grafts for conservative coverage and a conservative hairline. He decided to focus on the patient’s hairline for best results, using very fine caliber hairs from the nape of the neck and areas around the ears to create soft hairline and temple points. The softness in the hairline and temple impacts the natural look of a receding level 3 hairline pattern.

The photo below shows the patient immediately after surgery:

Hair transplant confidence: The patient hoped for increased confidence after hair transplant with a restored hairline.
With a restored hairline and temples, the patient hoped for increased hair transplant confidence this time around.

Dr.UGraft FUE Hair Transplant: Natural Hair Transplant Results – Patient Results Photos:

The strategy adopted by Dr. Umar succeeded in achieving the very specific goals of the patient. He achieved a very natural soft looking receding level 3 hairline and temples that look very credible. The soft nape and per-auricular area hairs that the Dr.UGraft system enables made the hairline look very natural.

Natural hair transplant results Before and After: the patient has a fuller, natural looking hairline and temple area.
Hair Transplant Temple Area: the patient has a fuller, natural-looking hairline, and temple area.*
This patient felt great about his results after treatment.
Dr. Umar managed to give the patient conservative coverage via the Dr.UGraft procedure.*


After treatment, the patient had no obvious signs of surgery, just a thick head of hair!
A restored head of thick hair gave this patient newfound hair transplant confidence.*


Even at the hairline and temple area, results of the Dr.UGraft look totally natural
Treatment with the Dr.UGraft gave this patient natural hair transplant results*


After treatment by Dr. Umar, this patient showed no signs of hair loss
Hair transplant temple area left this patient feeling young and confident.*


In the case of his recovery, the patient sustained a small area of scalp skin necrosis. Dr. Umar, a certified dermatologist, and expert in wound healing, intervened to dispatch this problem with alacrity. The patient feels overwhelmingly pleased with the results, and enjoys increased confidence after hair transplant surgery.

Patient Results Video: Natural Hair Transplant Results with Dr. Umar Offer Conservative Coverage

Video: Dr U Conservative Coverage Hair Transplant Using 3500 UGrafts Dr. Umar uses FUE to perform a conservative coverage hair transplant using 3500 UGrafts with donor hair from the nape and head.

Contact Dr. Umar for a free online consultation.

Increased Confidence After Hair Transplant – Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the causes of scalp skin necrosis after hair transplantation?

Scalp skin necrosis can occur in patients following hair transplantation. Although a cause cannot always be determined, there are a few factors that can contribute to its occurrence:

  1. Two large slit makers that are too densely packed
  2. Too deep recipient slit making
  3. Possible role of epinephrine used in local anesthetic injections
  4. Previous invasive scalp surgeries like scalp reductions and hair flaps

Should necrosis occur, Dr. U advises wound care, debridement, and treatment with nitro paste and antibiotic creams until the wounds is completely healed and contracted. Anytime from 6 months from the onset of scalp skin necrosis, the area should be evaluated for re-grafting. These measures were used to successful ends in the patient reported in this case report.


Is there an upper age limit for undergoing a hair transplant? 

Typically not. Hair transplants aim to increase self-confidence and a healthy sense of self. There is no age limit for wanting these attributes. As long as the patient is medically cleared for surgery, he or she should be able to receive a hair transplant all things being equal.

The psychological benefits of successful hair restoration are undeniable. For more information, you can send any questions you may have about hair transplant surgery to Dr. U himself:


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