Home » Dr U Hair Clinic Patient Results By Graft Count : 100 – 1999 Grafts In Los Angeles
Dr. U Hair Clinic Patient Results By Graft Count: 100 - 1999 Grafts In Los Angeles

African American Curly Hair UGraft FUE Using 1400 Grafts
African American Curly Hair UGraft FUE Using 1400 grafts: Follicular Unit Extraction better known as FUE Hair Transplant is a knife-free hair harvesting method of hair transplantation surgery. In this process individual

Low Budget Hair Restoration and Scar Repair In Los Angeles
Low Budget Hair Restoration and Scar Repair In Los Angeles: Dr. Umar has pioneered advanced hair transplants allowing for significant hair restoration of even the severely bald and scarred. However,

Juri Hair Flap Surgery Problems Fixed By Dr.UGraft FUE
Juri hair flap surgery is an old method of hair restoration with a long history of complications. Besides carrying a high risk of scarring and disfigurement, patients often fail to

Receding Hairline Hair Transplant Result After 1850 UGrafts
Receding hairlines can become a source of embarrassment and disfigurement. They’re also one of the most common signs of baldness. Such is the case for this patient. He sought treatment

Failed Strip Surgery Hairline Transplant Repaired by Dr.U
With his revolutionary Dr.UGraft Solution, Dr. Umar uses FUE (follicular unit extraction) to recreate hairlines one follicle at a time. He has extensive experience improving damage done by other surgeons,

Linear Scar Free Black Hair Restoration with Dr.UPunch Curl
Article Updated August 2022 For patients with tightly curled hair—in particular, people of African descent—conventional FUE treatments can spell disaster. In order to find a better solution for his African

Shock Loss Around Strip Surgery Scars Restored by Dr.UGraft BHT
Dr. Sanusi Umar has earned wide acclaim as one of the best hair transplantation surgeons in the world. He often takes cases of patients unhappy with the outcome of previous

Crown Baldness Restoration With Dr.UGraft FUE
Crown baldness occurs when men and women lose hair on the top of the head. This can become a source of severe embarrassment. As the inventor of the groundbreaking new
We offer services for your hair treatment
Dr. Umar provides a range of advanced hair treatment services, utilizing his expertise in FUE hair transplant techniques. With a focus on minimally invasive procedures, Dr. Umar’s clinic offers personalized solutions for hair restoration, ensuring rapid healing and natural-looking results.