The Universe Begins with U

Repair Strip Surgery, Scarring and Baldness with Dr. U in Los Angeles

Repair Strip Surgery, Scarring, and Baldness with Dr. Umar in Los Angeles: For years, this patient had struggled with his hair loss. He’d visited other hair surgeons and undergone a strip surgery which left him with visible scars. The surgery also failed to repair his hair. The patient then sought help from Dr. Umar to repair strip surgery, scarring and baldness. Fortunately, Dr. Umar knew how to get rid of hair transplant scars as well as baldness even in extensively bald patients with insufficient head donor hair to meet their needs.

Patient’s Buzz Cut & Beard Donor Area After Thousands of Grafts Extracted- 2 Year Update

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Fix Strip Surgery Hair Transplant: Before Photo

Dr. Umar consulted the patient, who made it clear that he wanted a stronger hairline. He also wanted better hair coverage on his crown. Dr. Umar and the patient agreed on treatment with the Dr.UGraft procedure.

The image below shows his hairline before treatment.

Fix strip surgery hair transplant: Hair coverage before Dr.UGraft to Repair Strip Surgery, Scarring and Baldness
Fix strip surgery hair transplant: Hair coverage before Dr.UGraft to Repair Strip Surgery, Scarring and Baldness


Fix Previous Hair Transplant: Before The Dr.UGraft Solution Photo

Because of the extensive number of grafts required to repair strip surgery, scarring and baldness, Dr. Umar recommended a series of three surgeries to fix the bad hair transplant. Dr. Umar employed 3800 grafts from the beard, 1500 from the nape and chest, and a further 500 head grafts to complete the restoration. This photo shows the density of his hair before transplant.

Dr.UGraft to Repair Strip Surgery, Scarring and Baldness: Hair Density Before treatment
Dr.UGraft to Repair Strip Surgery, Scarring and Baldness: Hair Density Before treatment


Before and After Photos: Using the Dr.UGraft to Repair Strip Surgery, Scarring and Baldness

One year after his final surgery, the patient felt great about his choice to fix strip surgery transplant with the Dr.UGraft. Dr. Umar had restored thick density to the crown of the patient’s head, even mimicking the natural “whirl” of his hair. He also restored the patient’s temple points and hairline with a sharp, symmetrical look. The Dr.UGraft also applied grafts to the patient’s scars from his previous surgery effectively concealing them.

These photos highlight the drastic improvement in hair coverage.

The Dr.UGraft Method: Repair Strip Surgery Before and After
The Dr.UGraft Method: Repair Strip Surgery Before and After
Fix bad hair transplant: Great results to Repair Strip Surgery, Scarring and Baldness
Fix bad hair transplant: Great results to Repair Strip Surgery, Scarring and Baldness
How to get rid of hair transplant scars: Before and After DrUGraft to fix previous hair transplant
How to get rid of hair transplant scars: Before and After DrUGraft to fix previous hair transplant


The patient now enjoys a self-esteem boost and greater comfort with his looks. His restored hair looks totally natural, and he can even wear a buzz-cut hairstyle! According to the patient, he would undergo surgery with the Dr.UGraft to repair strip surgery again without question.

Patient Results VIDEO: Repair Strip Surgery, Scarring, and Baldness with Dr. Umar in Los Angeles

Watch the video below to see the before-and-after process of repairing scarring and baldness from strip surgery.

Los Angeles FUE Body Hair Transplant Repair For Buzz Cut After Full Coverage – Dr Umar

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If you have questions abour repairing scars or baldness from a strip surgery and/or wish to consult with Dr. Umar, use the button below.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

In this case, why did Dr. Umar use hair from areas like the nape of the neck to fix strip surgery hair transplant?

The qualities of body hair like thickness or coarseness very depending on where on the body they grow. In this case, Dr. Umar elected to use nape hair to treat this patient, since the nape hair best grew and blended with the naturally-growing hair at the site.

Does treatment with the Dr.UGraft always require multiple surgeries?

No. Each treatment plan varies from patient to patient depending on the number of grafts. Some may require only one surgery, while others might require more grafts. In these cases, Dr. Umar recommends multiple surgeries generally spread out to allow for best results.


Have more questions about repairing scars from strip surgery and other hair transplant procedures? Use this button to ask Dr. U directly.

[dt_button link=”/hair-surgery/ask-dr-umar” target_blank=”false” button_alignment=”center” animation=”fadeIn” size=”big” style=”default” bg_color_style=”default” bg_hover_color_style=”default” text_color_style=”default” text_hover_color_style=”default” icon=”fa fa-chevron-circle-right” icon_align=”left”]ASK DR.U[/dt_button]


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