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Shock Loss Around Strip Surgery Scars Restored by Dr.UGraft BHT

Dr. Sanusi Umar has earned wide acclaim as one of the best hair transplantation surgeons in the world. He often takes cases of patients unhappy with the outcome of previous surgeries. With his advanced FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) system, Dr. Umar can perform more delicate and artistic work like BHT (Body Hair Transplantation). Using his patented DrUPunch rotor component of the Dr.UGraft, the BHT he performs allows him to use hair to treat patients with depleted donor areas on the head. His success with BHT led this patient to Dr. Umar and Dr.UGraft for help treating his shock loss around strip surgery scars.

Los Angeles Beard Hair to Head Transplant for Repair of Strip Surgery Scar and Donor Shock Loss

Some hair transplant patients have very sensitive follicles that will go into a shock during surgery. This results in more hair loss. The patient shown here …

Shock Loss Around Strip Surgery Scars – Before Photo:

After a lifetime of thinning hair, this patient underwent strip surgery to repair his hairline. This surgery did well to fix the hairline but ended up causing visible damage to his already fragile scalp. The patient experienced shock loss as the strip surgery scar healed. Shock loss occurs in some cases of strip surgery as a complication. It results in severe hair loss in the donor area of the scalp. The shock loss left this patient disfigured, angry and depressed. After looking online to find a suitable method of repairing his shock loss he discovered the option of strip scar surgery repair using the Dr.UGraft method.

Donor area thinning near strip surgery scar - Patient with hair transplant donor area shock loss before repair by Dr U
Patient with hair transplant donor area shock loss around strip scarring before treatment by Dr. Umar. Hair loss at this level left the patient’s strip scar visible along with several patches of visible scalp.

The Solution: Shock Loss in Donor Area After FUT Strip Surgery Repair Before and After Photos

Based on his initial examination Dr. Umar, knew that he couldn’t take any more hair from the head to repair the shock loss to the patient’s scalp. This prompted Dr. Umar to recommend a body hair transplant. He then set out to evaluate the shape, thickness, and other characteristics of the patient’s body hair. Dr. Umar needed to find hair that matched the consistency of the hair already present on the head, and that would grow to a similar length as the rest of the surrounding hair. After some research, Dr. Umar and the patient opted to transplant 600 grafts of hair from the patient’s beard for hair reconstruction.

In this case, the patient did not set a goal of improving his thinning hair. Rather, he sought to conceal the damage from his previous surgery and camouflage the areas of shock loss present on his scalp. Using the Dr.UGraft, Dr. Umar gave the patient the coverage he needed. He also ensured that the transplanted hair would angle to match the hair already present. This patient made it clear that he wanted the transplanted hair to match the existing hair on his head as closely as possible.

The image below shows close-up results of the patient’s scalp. Note the direction of the donor’s hair in relation to the rest of the hair. Not only does the new hair conceal the patient’s strip surgery scars, the hair also conceals the areas of previous hair loss.

Hair transplant donor area shock loss - Shock loss in donor area after strip surgery repair before and after photo
Shock loss in the donor area after strip surgery repair before and after photos: An up-close view of how well the Dr.UGrafts covered the areas of hair loss while simultaneously camouflaging the areas with strip surgery scars.*
Shock loss in donor area after fut strip surgery repair before and after photos
Shock Loss Around Strip Surgery Scars Restored by Dr.UGraft BHT: The patient got the coverage that he desired with the strip scar surgery repair using 600 beard Dr.UGrafts.*

Hair Transplant Donor Area Shock Loss Repair: Patient Results Photos

This patient opted for surgery because he wanted to feel comfortable with his hair again. Thanks to the strip scar surgery repair using 600 beard grafts performed by Dr. Umar, the patient had a renewed sense of confidence that he lacked after his previous surgery’s shock loss.

The strip scar surgery repair using 600 beard grafts met this patient’s hair goals, all while keeping his shock loss repair in alignment with his diffuse thinning. In the photo below, the scalp, though still visible, is uniformly covered by the patient’s hair.

The image below shows the patient’s transformation:

Shock Loss after Strip Surgery Scars: After the DrUGraft
The donor hair reacts the same way as the hair already present on the scalp when combed all while contributing to the look of a natural head of hair.*
The patient's donor area, post-surgery.
The patient’s donor area, post-surgery. Hair was removed by the follicle from his beard area and transplanted to the head. Note the lack of scarring when using the Dr.UGraft.*


Dr. Umar repaired the damage from the patient's previous surgery, including the strip surgery scars for a natural look.
With 600 beard Dr.UGrafts, Dr. Umar repaired the damage from the patient’s previous surgery, including the shock loss around strip surgery scars, and restored balance to the patient’s hair.*

The patient felt very happy with his results and also has a lot to say about his unhappiness with his previous strip surgery results.

Shock Loss Around Strip Surgery Scars Restored by Dr.UGraft BHT: 600 beard DrUGraft restored this patient's hair,.
Shock Loss Around Strip Surgery Scars Restored by Dr.UGraft BHT: 600 beards Dr.UGraft restored this patient’s hair and his confidence. They also concealed his unsightly strip surgery scars.*

Patients like the one profiled here once had little in the way of options in treating the results of botched hair surgery. Now, thanks to the innovations of Dr. Umar and the Dr.UGraft, nobody need to suffer that kind of disfigurement ever again. The Dr.UGraft can transplant hair from anywhere on the body, and works with all types of hair. Patients suffering the embarrassment of hair loss, or the humiliation of scarring from previous surgeries need not suffer any longer! Dr. Umar can repair the results of other surgeries, and restore a full head of natural-looking hair in just about any patient.

Patient Results VIDEO: Donor Area Thinning Near Strip Surgery Scar Repaired by Dr.UGraft for Los Angeles Patient

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Shock Loss Around Strip Surgery Scars – Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the cause of hair in the donor area thinning near strip surgery scar?

In general, the appearance of hair loss can occur near a donor area as a result of several factors. Oftentimes, the stretching of the hair near the scar can create the appearance of balding. In other words, the follicles spread out over the stretched skin are spread further apart, so the hair appears less dense. Hair loss can also occur as a result of trauma or damage to the hair roots during surgery. The knife incisions used in strip surgeries can damage the hair bulbs, effectively destroying them.

Is there such a thing as shock loss around FUE donor area?

Yes. Precipitous hair loss in the area of FUE harvesting of head hair can occur within a few weeks of the surgery. Trauma to adjacent hairs from the FUE extractions causes the balding to occur. In that instance, the body releases cytokines that can cause hair loss.

Hair loss can also result from direct trauma to the hair from the punches used in FUE. This type of trauma generally occurs when bigger punches are utilized. In this case, the hair loss is often temporary. The situation tends to auto-correct within 3-6 months of onset. In patients suffering from shock loss, the use of minoxidil in the area can hasten the recovery.


If you’ve got more questions regarding shock loss or strip surgery that haven’t been answered above, you can click the following button to ask Dr. U himself:


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