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Laser Rosacea Treatment

Treatment for Rosacea In Manhattan Beach Los Angeles by Dr. U Skin Clinic : Rosacea is a fairly common inflammatory skin disease that manifests as redness, small visible blood vessels, thickening of the skin, and sometime pustules or pimples, usually in the middle third of the face. It is mistaken by many as adult acne. While there is no permanent cure for this embarrassing condition, there are simple preventative measures you can take, as well as long-lasting treatment for rosacea using laser technology. At Dr. U Skin Clinic, Dr. Umar uses the cutting edge V Beam laser – a front runner in dermatological innovation–as the ultimate “red face treatment.” A single session often results in dramatic improvement in redness and the appearance of blood vessels, leaving the patient with smooth, clear, even skin.

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Dr. U’s innovative skin treatment offers a groundbreaking approach, transforming patients’ complexions with cutting-edge techniques and personalized care.



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