Treatment for Rosacea In Manhattan Beach Los Angeles by Dr. U Skin Clinic : Rosacea is a fairly common inflammatory skin disease that manifests as redness, small visible blood vessels, thickening of the skin, and sometime pustules or pimples, usually in the middle third of the face. It is mistaken by many as adult acne. While there is no permanent cure for this embarrassing condition, there are simple preventative measures you can take, as well as long-lasting treatment for rosacea using laser technology. At Dr. U Skin Clinic, Dr. Umar uses the cutting edge V Beam laser – a front runner in dermatological innovation–as the ultimate “red face treatment.” A single session often results in dramatic improvement in redness and the appearance of blood vessels, leaving the patient with smooth, clear, even skin.

What Causes Rosacea: General Rosacea Information
The causes of this skin disease are unknown; however, it is determined to have a hereditary origin and tends to impact people with fair skin, specifically who have Northern European or Celtic lineage. While it most commonly affects the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin, rosacea symptoms can also appear on the chest. Rosacea affects 16 million people in the United States alone. Mostly women, but when it does affect men it tends to be a more severe condition. It affects adults from their 30s onward. Some think it to be an adult version of ace. Indeed many patients who suffered acne in early adult life would go on to develop rosacea later in life.
Rosacea is not contagious. It typically begins as slight redness that may appear as a flushing or blushing response, but worsens over time, especially if left untreated. The slight redness will eventually evolve into severe redness, exposed blood vessels, the development of acne-like pustules, and skin thickening due to enlarged sebaceous glands. Oftentimes, these symptoms are accompanied by a stinging sensation in the affected areas. A rosacea flare-up can also affect the eyes, causing itchiness, redness, dryness, and even swelling of the upper eyelids.
Common symptoms of rosacea:
- Redness in the face and/or chest
- A diffuse redness or distinct patches of redness
- Blood vessels visible just beneath the skin
- Papules, pustules, and cysts that look like acne
- A stinging or burning sensation in the affected area
- Red, irritated eyes
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Depending on the specific type of rosacea you have (papulopustular or erythematotelangiectatic), other treatments include:
- Antibiotics like doxycycline, and sulfacetamide are commonly used. Both are effective against both rosacea and acne.
- Topical metronidazole ( Called Metrogel) is specific for Rosacea treatment
- Topical retinoids like Differin
- Anti-inflammatory sulfur-based creams
- Glycolic acid peel
- Accutane (only in extreme cases)
Oftentimes, rosacea flare-ups are caused by lifestyle choices, like food and stress. Some simple preventative measures include avoiding the following things:
- Direct sun exposure
- Spicy foods
- Extreme heat
- High-temperature climates
- Hot baths and jacuzzi tubs
- Saunas and steam rooms
- Extreme cold
- Alcohol consumption
- Emotional stress
- Certain cosmetics and skin products
- Strong wind
- Heavy exercise
- Humidity
The above variables have all been identified as triggers for rosacea symptoms to flare or worsen.
What can Rosacea be Confused with
Rosacea must be diagnosed by a dermatologist as its symptoms and signs can be mimic other serious disease conditions like Lupus Erythematosus
How To Get Rid Of Rosacea Permanently: Best Treatment for Rosacea, VBeam Laser at Dr. U Skin Clinic In Manhattan Beach Los Angeles
There is no permanent cure for rosacea. Rather the symptoms and signs can be controlled using a combination of approaches. However, the redness or visible blood vessels that often occur in rosacea can be removed permanently using pulse dye lasers. V Beam is a special pulsed dye laser (PDL) that uses an advanced 585-595 nm wavelength to specifically target unwanted blood vessels. Generally speaking, it is the leading laser technology for treating cosmetic vascular issues. The V Beam’s heated light energy is readily absorbed by the oxygenated hemoglobin in the skin, allowing the laser’s heat to destroy the targeted vessels. These broken down vessels are rendered useless and automatically swept away into the circulatory system within the body. With these blood vessels gone, the redness goes with them. The skin remains clear even as long as the rosacea is not triggered.

For those with papulopustular rosacea, your dermatologist can prescribe acne medications to treat those breakouts topically or orally. If the skin has thickened over time as a result of these breakouts and the enlarged sebaceous glands beneath the skin, you may want to look into Accutane as a course of treatment. However, Accutane is an extremely harsh oral medication with serious side effects. To avoid this medication, you may wish to consult with Dr. U Skin Clinic about the Fraxel Repair laser, an ablative treatment that can remove unwanted tissue and restore the skin to normal thickness.
Treatment for Rosacea Photos Before and After From Dr. U Skin Clinic, Manhattan Beach Los Angeles
The following patient was one, like many, asking “what can I do for rosacea?” His symptoms appeared as blotchy redness across his upper chest area. Dr. Umar found the V Beam laser to be the best treatment for rosacea for this patient. All together three sessions were completed for this patient to be free from his rosacea.

Video: VBeam Treatment for Rosacea patient, Dr. U Skin Clinic Manhattan Beach, Los Angeles
Contact Dr. U Skin Clinic for a Free Consultation on the Best Treatment for Rosacea
To rid yourself of the redness, bumpiness, irritation, and embarrassment of a rosacea flare, schedule a call with Dr. Umar today. He offers this consultation free of charge, and with no commitment required of prospective patients. At Dr. U Skin Clinic, your specific cosmetic needs and desires will be addressed through an ideal course of treatment. Your confidence and satisfaction are our top priority.
Call directly at (310) 318-1500 to schedule your consultation, or complete the free online consultation form below.
FAQ on our “Red Face Treatment” at Dr. U Skin Clinic, Manhattan Beach LA
What is the cost of Vbeam treatment for rosacea?
The price of a VBeam treatment is between 350 – 600 per treatment. This is dependent on the size of the area that needs to be treated.
How many Vbeam sessions for rosacea?
Depending on the size and needs of the patient you will typically need anywhere between 4-6 sessions. This varies depending on each person’s physiology.
What are some natural remedies for Rosacea?
Although no home ingredients are guaranteed to cure anything, people have found some effectiveness in using the following kitchen products as topical remedies for rosacea-affected skin:
- Chamomile
- Green Tea
- Oatmeal
- Honey
- Aloe Vera
- Lavender Oil
- Apple Cider Vinegar/li>
- Licorice
- Turmeric
Can the V Beam laser be used for other cosmetic issues?
Yes! The V Beam laser can be used to treat many other cosmetic issues, especially those relating to the vascular system in the body. Broken capillaries, spider veins, and poikiloderma, as well as unwanted birthmarks like port-wine stains and strawberry hemangiomas, are all treatable with the V Beam laser. Additionally, V Beam can break up the melanin that causes age spots, kill the bacteria that causes acne, and slough off the cells that cause psoriasis.
How long do the results of treatment for rosacea last?
It is impossible to say how long your results will last. This depends on the severity of the disease and its impact on you, the presentation of the disease, and your lifestyle choices, along with a number of other undefined variables. Removing the vessels that are causing the flare is a long-lasting method of treatment, as well as the most effective treatment. Many patients find it preferable to apply creams or take medications on a daily basis.
Don’t see your questions about treatment for rosacea answered above? Use the Ask Dr. U form to submit your inquiry:
Further Reading:
Learn more about how the V Beam can benefit individuals with spider veins.