The Universe Begins with U

Young Palos Verdes Patient Returns 8 Years After His Dr.UGraft™ FUE Hairline Revision Procedure

8 years ago Dr. U performed a 3200 Dr.UGraft hair transplant for this Palos Verdes patient. The patient came back for a FUE hairline revision in order to counter the continued signs of his natural progressive hair loss. Male pattern baldness is a very common condition that causes the majority of this type of hair loss among men. With male pattern balding, thinning and depletion of hair can begin as early as twenty-one years old. Like the patient in this video, men who decide to undergo a hair transplant in their 20s are likely to continue experiencing hair loss. There isn’t the best age for a hair transplant; it all comes down to the feasibility of undergoing a surgery and whether or not there would be enough grafts available to serve the young patient’s long term hair restoration needs

In this case, 8 years after the original  FUE hairline revision, hair loss continued to affect the areas behind the transplanted hairline. 

Progressive Hair Loss and Advanced UGraft FUE Hair Transplant In Los Angeles

To learn more about hair loss progression and how you can slow it down, schedule a free consultation with Dr. Umar at: Hair tra…

Planning Your Dr.UGraft Hair Restoration Before Photos:

In this case, the patient realized early that he wanted to treat his male pattern baldness and continue to enjoy a full head of hair. He was convinced that no other factor in life impacts a male’s confidence more than baldness.

This patient’s initial 3200 Dr.UGraft™ transplant was a success.

Patient shown right before his first FUE hairline revision eight years prior
Patient shown right before his first FUE hairline revision eight years prior


However, this initial surgery for the hairline was not a permanent solution. His results did not last forever because of continued natural hair thinning past the transplanted hairline.

8 years after his first hair transplant, the natural depletion became slightly evident because his original hair was receding away from the newly created one. In the image below, Dr. U deliberately combs and exposes the areas that are starting to show signs of the patient’s hair loss.


When you seek a hair transplant in your 20s, the natural progression of hair loss can be expected to manifest
When you seek a hair transplant in your 20s, the natural progression of hair loss can be expected to manifest*


When purposely highlighted,  continued hair loss is beginning to show along the original hairline. The departure between the more recent surgically transplanted hair and older hairline will become more evident as time passes. A FUE hairline revision can blend the two areas in order to maintain the patient’s full head of hair.

Dr.UGraft ™ FUE Hairline Revision From 8 Years Ago And Today:

The patient continued to have sufficient quantities of donor head hair to fulfill the goals of his hairline restoration. And he was still a good candidate for the long-term use of nape hair to soften the edge of his final hairline to create the most natural-looking results possible.

Getting a hair transplant in your 20s will most likely require future surgery in later years
Patient’s donor area on the back of his head and neck continues to serve as an ample source of grafts should he choose a second FUE hairline revision*


Progressive hair loss and natural thinning can be expected in the years following an early hairline transplant. Although his temple points and crown were robust, he needed to strengthen his hairline and the back of his head.


The patient’s transplanted hairline continues to remain as it did 8 years ago. Furthermore, no one except his family is aware he has had an FUE hairline revision.However, hair loss is starting to manifest behind the hairline margin, although it is not apparent from these photos.

Planning your hair restoration at a young age requires anticipating future surgeries
Planning your hair restoration at a young age requires anticipating future surgeries*



There is not necessarily a best age for a hair transplant if a patient and doctor can work through commonly understood goals and expectations
There is not necessarily a best age for a hair transplant if a patient and doctor can work through commonly understood goals and expectations*


According to the patient, undergoing his initial procedure with Dr. U was one of the best decisions of his life. He is reminded of his life changing improvement every time he sees his two brothers who both suffer from receding hairlines.

With a touch up he can continue to enjoy a natural full head of hair.

Video: Dr.UGraft FUE Hairline Revision 

This video shows the effect of progressive hair loss for a patient who earlier underwent a successful 3200 Dr.UGraft™ hair transplant with Dr. U.


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Frequently Asked Questions – Dr.UGraft FUE Hairline Revision.

If I want to get a hair transplant at a young age, how can I finance my surgery?

When planning your hair restoration it is definitely important to consider the costs and various ways of payment. Different ways to finance your surgery include credit cards, financing companies or just saving.

When planning your hair transplant in your 20s, will a doctor be able to know when to anticipate another surgery?

Every individual case is different and patients can experience exceptions to general rules. However, Dr. U has dealt with various patients and is usually able to give rough estimates based on the rate of hair loss. Dr. U can also perform his Shave Test to look at the distribution and pattern of hairs on the back of the patient’s head to see if they are likely to reach severe baldness. He uses this information to plan out future procedures, whether this entails using head hair alone or body hair grafts.  A hair transplant at a young age will not slow down the progressive hair loss you may experience in the future. So most patients should reasonably expect one or more surgeries in the future.

What do most clinics consider to be the best age for a hair transplant?

There isn’t a best age for a hair transplant, but usually most clinics do not recommend this procedure for individuals younger than 25 years old.  However, a more experienced hair transplant surgeon like Dr. U can look more closely at individual cases and create feasible long term strategies using his Shave Test diagnostic test and his ability to harvest large quantities of body hair when needed for the donor supply.


Dr. U specializes in restoring the confidence of even very young patients looking to dramatically improve coverage in the hairline or crown of the head. If you’ve got any questions that haven’t been addressed in this article, you can send them to the doctor himself and find the answers you seek:


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Further Reading

Read about this patient’s experience with hair transplant surgery at the age of 26

Learn about long term patient satisfaction with nape and peri-auricular hair when used for hair transplant grafts, a study by Dr. Umar published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal

Read about this young patient who underwent an FUE repair procedure with Dr. U after his failed strip surgery

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