Article Updated August 2022
For years, arcane surgical methods offered poor results in the field of hair transplant. Antiquated surgical techniques could leave patients heavily disfigured and with serious complications, and these bad transplant surgical methods did not succeed in restoring a head of natural-looking hair. Today, bad transplant repair procedures aim to address patient concerns about previous hair restoration surgeries that had unnatural-looking results. Not only do newer techniques aim to avoid scarring, but they can also repair scarring from previous procedures. Fortunately, a groundbreaking new surgical technique has allowed doctors to perform hair transplant repair while restoring a full head of hair to a patient.

VIDEO: Hair Surgery Disaster Meets The Best Hair Transplant Repair Surgery
Many previous hair surgery methods have become obsolete thanks to the changes in today’s technology. These dated procedures have caused more harm than good.
Common Problems Caused by Poorly Done Hair Surgeries that Often Require Hair Transplant Repair:
- Scars that grow larger stretch and widen across the scalp, and consume the primary donor hair source.

- Persistent hair balding despite patients having had antiquated and poorly executed hair restoration procedures.

Depleted donor source whereby these traditional procedures exhaust traditional head donor area on the back and sides of the head.

Disfigurement whereby the anatomic landscape of the scalp and hair becomes unnaturally disposed. These can result in odd hair patterns and strange appearances.

- Emotional and psychological devastation, in severe cases, can lead to depression and suicidal inclinations.
These issues have led to an increased desire for bad hair surgery repairs. More importantly, these poor results have emphasized the need to identify experienced surgeons with the sense of artistry to recreate a natural-looking head of hair. Of all the hair surgeons worldwide, Dr. Sanusi Umar has gained a reputation for his ability to treat hair loss and perform bad hair transplant repairs.
Bad Hair Transplant Repair – The Dr.UGraft Way
Fortunately, advancements in technology now allow surgeons to perform transplant repairs. Prior patients of other clinics now have a second chance for hair restoration with the Dr.UGraft method, an advanced form of follicular unit extraction (FUE). The Dr.UGraft system has made it possible to repair even the most severely botched hair restoration outcomes, thus taking repairs from bad procedures to an entirely new level.
What botched hair surgeries are repairable By Dr.UGraft Methods?
Depending on the availability of non-head donor hair and the health and demographic of the patient, Dr.UGraft can repair virtually any botched procedure. Many outdated hair surgery repair procedures also cause severe damage in the long-term aftermath of the surgery.
Dr. Umar has used Dr.UGraft to repair disfiguring results of:
- Scalp Reduction problems such as scarring and slot deformities
- Temporoparietal-Occipital Flaps (also called Juri flaps or Flemming Mayer flaps)
- “Doll’s Hair” Appearance and Punch Graft Scars (bad hair implants)
- Strip Harvesting and Strip Scars
- Asymmetry and Poorly Placed/Angled Hair
- Depletion of Head Donor Source (FUE hair transplant gone wrong)
- Harsh Hairline
Scalp Reduction
Scalp reduction involves removing bald sections of the scalp and pulling the hair-bearing skin across, stitching, and stapling the scalp closed. Because of a broad history of unsatisfying and disfiguring results, scalp reduction surgeries have fallen out of favor with hair replacement physicians. The procedure does not restore hair; it instead gives that appearance of restoration. Today, doctors often regard scalp reduction as one of the worst hair transplant methods.
Today scalp reduction is more commonly performed on patients that have been in accidents, burn victims, and individuals with congenital birth defects due in part to the disadvantages of the procedure.
The disadvantages of this procedure often far outweigh the benefits:
- a highly invasive nature
- high chance of necrosis and tissue death
- possible infection
- risks of scarring and scar expansion
- permanent hair loss around scar tissue
- permanent nerve damage
- reduced hair density due to the stretching of the scalp
Doctors no longer consider scalp reduction a viable treatment option for hair restoration. FUE gives better results that do not lead to linear scarring. The versatility of FUE can also address a larger number of challenges with excellent results and doesn’t risk cosmetic scarring or disfigurement.
The patient below experienced many botched hair surgery repair procedures, including flap surgery. He later sought help from Dr. Umar to repair the damage caused by his previous surgeries. Most of the disfigurement to the patient’s scalp seemed to come from multiple scalp reductions. The patient developed a severe slot formation as a result.
Botched hair transplant pictures: The amazing results of Dr.UGraft on botched hair surgeries. With 22,000 grafts from the chest, stomach, shoulder, beard, and head, the repair and restoration proved to be a life-altering success.*
The Dr.UGraft procedure allowed Dr. Umar to repair the slot deformity—that is, the large bald oval to the oblong deformed crown on the top and back of the head—thus concealing the hair loss and restoring a look of natural crown hair.
VIDEO: Scalp Reduction Crown Repair by Dr.UGraft FUE Hair Transplantation
Temperoparietal-Occipital Flaps or Hair Flaps
Doctors have largely abandoned hair flap surgeries due to new technological advances. Hair restoration by hair flaps involves transplanting hair-bearing flaps from the side of the scalp and rotating them along the thinning or bald area. The procedure often leaves behind the following problems:
- visible scarring on the hairline and sides of the head and the frontal scalp.
- the hairline to temple transition point is scarred and deformed
- the hair in the front points backward instead of forward.
- as the hair loss progresses, an odd baldness pattern is created

- Complications of flap surgery often involve scarring, particularly along the hairline that creates a harsh hairline, unnatural and unappealing temporal recesses, hair loss that occurs behind the front flaps, and hair growing in unnatural directions.

Dr. Umar still encounters complications from this particular process in his repair clinic. The video below details the problems created by a Juri flap hair transplant and how Dr. Umar used the Dr UGraft method to resolve the disfigurement.
VIDEO: Repair of Hair Flap Disfigurement Using Dr.UGraft FUE Hair Transplantation
“Doll’s Hair” Appearance and Punch Graft Scars
The “doll’s hair” look has become somewhat notorious for its artificial appearance. The procedure uses an outdated punch method that inserts clumps of hair into the scalp. Large punch sizes (4.0 mm) left behind large, round scars, visible after the transplant and a pluggy appearance near the root of the implanted hair.
The first patient below had undergone multiple strip procedures. In addition to the usual strip scarring, he also had severe ridging and plugginess along his hairline. The pluggy look forced him to style his hair forward to try and mask the dimpled appearance.
Dr. Umar removed the pluggy implants and recreated the patient’s hairline using his UGraft FUE technique, using hair from his head and nape for the bad hair transplant repair.
Bad hair plugs pictures: bad hair plugs with “Doll Hair” look repaired by Dr. Umar.*
BHT Can Help Create Better Blended Results
The second patient below suffered from a Norwood rating of level 6 level of baldness. He used punch grafting to restore his hair loss. The hair that was transplanted into his scalp never grew, leaving behind the round punch scars across his scalp. The scarring forced him to cover the area with a hairpiece. The procedure had also depleted his normal hair donor areas.
With insufficient donor head hair to use, Dr. Umar pulled from his beard, chest, and stomach to restore the patient’s hair. Dr. Umar used Dr.UGraft to fix the bad transplant results and give the patient a natural-looking hairline and temple points. The transplant repairs are better blended with the patient’s hairpiece, making the bad hair transplant repair look natural and authentic.
Strip Harvesting and Strip Scarring
Follicular Unit Strip Surgery harvesting involves removing a horizontal strip of flesh from the scalp relocated to other areas of the scalp.
This procedure leads to harsh hairlines and the infamous linear scar on the head. BHT allows patients unhappy with their previous scarring to implant hair on and around the scar. The Dr.UGraft BHT maintains a natural-looking head of hair, camouflaging the scarring that often stretches as the patient ages.
The first patient below had a previous strip surgery with 1,800 grafts, leaving him with an inevitable linear scar. Worse, the patient could not conceal the scar with a short buzz cut, his hairstyle of choice. With his natural pattern of baldness expanding, the patient sought help from Dr. Umar to conceal the scar and allow the patient to wear a short hairstyle again.
After three surgeries and 5,800 grafts from the beard, nape, and head, the patient could wear his buzz cut thanks to a bad hair transplant repair from Dr. Umar.
Botched Hair Transplant Pictures: A visible strip scar (left) and repair of the surgery using Dr.UGraft (right).*
The video below covers the patient’s case in greater detail:
Los Angeles FUE Body Hair Transplant Repair For Buzz Cut After Full Coverage – Dr Umar
This patient wanted to repair the poor growth on his crown & hairline following his strip surgery. Dr. U was able to expand his donor supply to create the best possible coverage by extracting beard hair grafts. Watch this video to see his results.
Poorly placed and badly angled hair can create problems with the density and evenness across the scalp. As the below photos show, this uneven look creates a visible asymmetry on the scalp.
A previous Follicular Unit Extraction surgery left this patient wanting evenness across his scalp and more density overall. Another doctor with sub-par accuracy had performed the original FUE, leaving the patient’s hairline and coverage irregular and asymmetrical.

To treat the patient, Dr. Umar harvested 6,100 grafts from the body, head, hair, and beard to fill in density. The resulting look created a fuller and more even head of hair.
The video below details the patient’s transformation:
Depletion of Head Donor Source
Repeated surgeries and poor technique can lead to a depletion of donor head hair sources. This lack of hair once caused serious problems for basic Follicular Unit Extraction, as it relied solely on head donor areas. An advanced process like the Dr.UGraft overcomes these limitations by tapping into a non-head donor hair supply.
Basic FUE left the patient below with minimum growth, unnatural results, scarring, and a host of other side effects. The extended use of antiquated, bad FUE hair procedures depleted his head donor hair. Dr. Umar fixed his issues with only one surgery, utilizing hair from the patient’s chest and abdomen to create a natural, fully restored head of hair.
Harsh Hairline
In procedures like Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) that can utilize hair only from a specific donor zone, hair tends to look thicker and can lead to an uneven look on the scalp’s hairline. This outcome results from using single-area donor grafts. Hair often grows thicker in the donor area than it does at the hairline. This variance in density leads to an unnatural and often uneven look to the hairline.
Fortunately, Dr. UGraft BHT allows Dr. Umar to correct a harsh, unnatural hairline. The new technique using Dr.UGraft allows Dr. Umar to transplant finer hair from the body. He then uses those hairs to artistically recreate a smoother, natural-looking hairline.
After receiving three different Follicular Unit Strip Surgery transplantations, the patient below realized FUSS procedures could do nothing to treat his harsh hairline. Dr. Umar used 1,000 FUE grafts to restructure the patient’s hairline, making it appear soft and gradual. Dr. Umar’s technique corrected the patient’s pluggy and asymmetrical hairline.
Bad FUE hair transplant: Harsh and pluggy hairline from bad hair repair surgery.
The video below further explains this patient’s bad hair transplant repair process.
Fixing Bad Hair Transplant Results: An Emotional Journey for Patients
Patients who receive unsatisfying or disfiguring results from botched hair surgeries walk away from experience traumatized. Understandably, this leads to skepticism, anxiety, and distrust by the patient for any future repair. With patients having already suffered a blow to self-esteem over the initial hair loss, botched surgery can have a dreadful effect on a patient’s self-image. Victims of botched surgery often report clinical depression and increased anxiety. Some even attempt suicide.
When a patient considers bad hair transplant repair, the new surgeon must know how to gradually overcome the patient’s fears and establish trust. Once the patient trusts a surgeon, the skepticism and anxiety may subside. Dr. Umar makes it his top priority and earns his patient’s trust. He strives for clear communication with patients, never over-promising the results of transplant repair.
Choosing a Surgeon for Bad Hair Transplant Repair
Patients will, of course, want to avoid outdated, dangerous, and disfiguring hair restoration methods already discussed here. But what should a patient look for when choosing a surgeon for bad hair transplant repair?
Of course, a patient faces certain risks when considering any kind of medical procedure. Wise patients can minimize those risks by looking for a few key factors when vetting a doctor.
Steps for selecting a good FUE doctor:
- Do research. Make sure a potential doctor comes with verifiable recommendations and testimonials. A prepared doctor will offer a patient case history. This should include actual photos or videos of previous patients and their surgical outcomes.
- Understand the procedure. What are the goals? How will a doctor and patient achieve those goals? Where will the new hair come from, just the head or the entire body? What does the doctor plan to achieve satisfying results? Each patient should seek out answers to these questions before agreeing to any surgical procedure.
- Since each situation is unique, it’s essential that the doctor treat every case uniquely. What may work to treat one person might not be right for another. Thus, a one-size-fits-all attitude definitely raises red flags regarding bad hair transplant repair. A doctor should have a concrete, unique plan tailored to each patient’s particular situation.
- A good transplant repair doctor will have extensive experience in both FUE and BHT. These techniques have shown particular success in repairing bad hair surgery. Often the patients cannot tolerate another strip scar or even the thought of one! Previous surgeries often make additional strip or flap surgeries impossible. This is due to insufficient scalp donor hair or a loss of scalp elasticity. With no donor hair, a damaged scalp, and excessive scarring, only body hair transplants can offer satisfying results to most patients.
Why go to Dr. Umar in Los Angeles?
Dr. Umar has extensive experience in hair transplantation and in repairing hair transplants gone bad. Furthermore, he takes great pride in his artistic approach to hair restoration. With his advanced FUE technology, such as the Dr.UGraft Zeus, Dr. Umar can recreate full coverage across the scalp using hair from all over the body. Most importantly, patients will attest that Dr. Umar is a thoughtful, gentle surgeon. He understands the complexities of hair restoration, especially the emotional impact of a botched hair repair surgery on his patients.
Dr. Umar’s track record with bad hair transplant repair with Dr. UGraft is unequaled. Dr. Umar also champions his patients and ensures that each patient feels happy and comfortable with his work. In fact, Dr. Umar has a worldwide reputation for creating smooth and natural hairlines, increasing density, and improving the look and feel of a patient’s hair. No wonder, then, that patients seek out help from Dr. Umar’s Los Angeles practice from all over the world!
Below are further examples of bad hair transplant results that Dr. Umar fixed using his Dr.UGraft technology.
Examples: Botched Hair Transplant Pictures
Botched hair transplant pictures: Dr. Umar repaired scarring from several strip surgeries.*
Botched hair transplant pictures: Dr. Umar repaired scarring from several strip surgeries.*
This patient had an asymmetrical and thin hairline repaired by Dr. Umar and the DrUGraft.*
A patient after receiving 9,000 body hair grafts to his scalp with the DrUGraft.*
Good News for Victims of Bad Hair Transplants
Victims of bad hair transplant results and other unsatisfactory work have received wonderful results from Dr. Umar and his revolutionary Dr. UGraft technique. With his experience, even clients with the most horrific cases of transplant scarring have been successfully treated.
Frequently Asked Questions for Bad Hair Transplant Repair:
I’ve already undergone previous hair transplant surgeries with unsatisfying results. Other doctors have told me that they do not have a treatment method to treat my scarring and hair loss. Can Dr. Umar really help me?
Yes, in most cases. Dr. Umar invented the Dr.UGraft Zeus device to treat any patient, including patients who had exhausted other surgical options. Dr.UGraft Zues uses a patented tool, the Intelligent Punch, to work with all hair types. More importantly, the Dr.UGraft method also transplants hair from anywhere on the body, opening up a broad array of new hair transplant and restoration possibilities.
I’ve heard about other surgical methods or experimentation for hair transplants in other countries. How do these methods compare to Dr.UGraft?
Dr.UGraft has been evaluated and approved by the FDA for hair transplant and has a long and proven track record of success. Other, more experimental procedures or other methods performed in other countries do not have the same record of success. Furthermore, they often have a much higher risk of potentially life-threatening complications. In fact, Dr. Umar often treats patients who want to undergo bad transplant repair after suffering extreme disfigurement from foreign surgical procedures. Undergoing hair restoration with Dr.UGraft carries little to no risk of complication. It’s performed under the protection of the American FDA.
I’ve been told that I don’t have sufficient donor hair to undergo bad hair transplant repair. Can Dr.UGraft help?
Yes! Because of Dr. Umar’s innovation in creating the Dr.UGraft method to utilize hair from anywhere on the body, the procedure can treat even the most extreme cases of an exhausted donor pool on the head. Furthermore, the results look even more natural than those of other surgeries or Basic FUE. The Dr.UGraft allows doctors to rebuild a head of hair, matching qualities like thickness or density for the most natural look possible.
I hear of even rich celebrities having a bad hair transplant. Is there hope for us regular people?
The news feeds are abuzz with horror stories of celebrities that have suffered botched plastic surgeries. Being rich and famous does not prevent you from making mistakes or bad decisions. Incidentally, since their career is largely tied to their appearances, they especially would seek a hair transplant to address hair loss to remain on top of their game. Of all people, they cannot afford to end up with botched hair surgeries, which could have devastating consequences on their careers and future. Often being rich means they outsource the research work needed to find a good doctor. Unfortunately, their handlers may sometimes be swayed by misleading marketing or advice. Ironically, individuals who do their own research are more likely to get their surgeries performed by qualified doctors than celebrities who outsource that function to other parties.
Don’t see your question about bad hair transplant repair answered above? No worries, just ask Dr. Umar using the button below.
Further Reading:
- View More Examples of Dr. U Transplant Repair Work
- How Dr. Umar Treats Severe Baldness with Dr.UGraft
- NBC Story featuring Dr. Umar and the Dr.UGraft
- Follicular unit extraction. Wikipedia. Published June 30, 2022. Accessed August 11, 2022.