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Dr. UGraft™ FUE Treatment for Advanced Hairline Recession In NW 5 with 3500 Grafts For Newport Beach Patient

Best Hair Transplant for Thinning Crown: This patient from Newport Beach was suffering from the advanced stages of a receding hairline and the beginning stages of balding in the crown. He decided to have his hair loss reversed by seeking treatment for advanced hairline recession from Dr. Umar. Under his care, this patient underwent a hair restoration for Norwood 3 baldness category. Dr. U is a leading Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) practitioner in Los Angeles. This procedure harvests grafts from the patient’s head using tiny punches. This approach has no linear scar on the lower part of the patient’s scalp. And they can wear their hair as short as they would like. 

This patient decided to restore the youthful framework around his face by making the official step to undergo an FUE hair transplant. 

Dr.UGraft ™ Hair Restoration For Norwood 3 Frontal Recession and Thinning in Norwood 5 Back of Scalp Area – Before Photos:

This patient came to Dr. Umar with thinning in the Norwood 5 area with a frontal recession of Norwood 3.

His hairline had receded to the point where his hair loss had progressed to the middle point at the top of his head. Additionally, his crown area was also starting to suffer from hair loss. Here are photos of his condition before his procedure, which show a very late receding hairline stage, revealing the erosion of his temples. 


Treatment for Advanced Hairline Recession
Newport Beach patient before his treatment for advanced hairline recession


Newport Beach patient before his hair transplant for thinning crown
Newport Beach patient before his hair transplant for thinning crown

Receding Hairline Treatment and Hair Transplant For Thinning Crown- Procedure Photos:

Best Hair Transplant for Thinning Crown: This patient continued to have sufficient head donor hair remaining on his head to create an overall donor pool of 3500 grafts. For this patient’s treatment for advanced hairline recession, Dr. Umar performed a Follicular Unit Extraction procedure to harvest hair from both the nape and the scalp to fill in the missing areas of hair loss in the hairline temples and crown. Patients can reliably expect the growth they had invested in due to Dr. Umar’s expertise. Dr. Umar is the inventor of the Dr.UPunch i. His advanced FUE instrumentation is built to account for the most common FUE factors that lead to damaged grafts and failed growth. 

With Dr.UPunch I, it is possible to harvest head hair follicles and other grafts like thinner hair from the nape, which is ideal for the outer hairline edge. This is important for creating the smooth and gradual progression needed for exceptionally natural-looking results.

How Dr.UGraft technology extracts beard hair grafts for more coverage
How Dr.UGraft technology extracts beard hair grafts for more coverage


How the Dr.UPunch i works to safely remove many types of hair to meet different levels of patient challenges for hair restoration surgery.

In addition to quality extractions necessary for growth, the best-looking hairline restoration results will depend on the ability of the surgeon to insert carefully crafted slits used to insert the grafts and recreate natural hair growth patterns. For this patient, carefully planned insertions were made in the hairline, temples, and crown.

Best Hairline Transplant and Norwood 5 Crown Restoration- Before and After Results Photos:

Hair Restoration for Norwood 3: The difference between the patient’s appearance before his treatment for advanced hairline recession is quite significant. Dr. Umar succeeded in restoring the patient’s hairline and temples to reconstruct an immensely flattering framework around his face. Here are before and after photos that depict this fantastic transformation.

crown hair loss reversed along with treatment for advanced hairline recession
Crown hair loss reversed along with treatment for advanced hairline recession*


Receding Hairline Stage Transformed For Renewed Hairline
Receding hairline stage transformed for renewed hairline*

VIDEO: Dr.UGraft™ Treatment for Advanced Hairline Recession and Hair Transplant for Thinning Crown

Hair Restoration for Norwood 3: In addition to the photos above, learn more about this patient’s treatment for an advanced hairline recession by watching this video. 

Reversing Hairline Recession and Crown Hair Loss for Blond Patient

Often, balding patients with hair too thin to cut or style have forgotten what it feels like to be able to go to a salon and reinvent themselves for a week or two. Dr. U has found this one of the unexcepted sources of joy his patients have related after a successful procedure. They can now go to a salon and reinvent themselves however they choose.

If you are interested in scheduling a free consultation with Dr. Umar to address hairline recession issues, click the button below.


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Frequently Asked Questions – Dr.UGraft™ Treatment for Advanced Hairline Recession 

Will Rogaine or Propecia work to restore a receding hairline? 

Clinical studies have supported the use of Rogaine and Propecia for crown hair loss. However, from the perspective of many doctors, there is no difference between the hair follicles in the crown or the hairline. Therefore, both drugs could be used to help curb hair thinning and loss in both areas. However, results will be different on an individual basis. And there is no guarantee that the drugs could cause hair to regrow in the hairline, remarkably if the hair follicles have miniaturized to where the hair production processes have stopped. 

Is scalp micropigmentation an adequate treatment for an advanced hairline recession? 

The use of pigment to simulate shaved hair stubble should not be juxtaposed with regions of existing hair as a treatment for advanced hairline recession. There would be a stark contrast between both areas in such a case, which would be highly noticeable. Scalp micro pigmentation is best done on a wholly bald or shaved head. It can also be done to supplement the density of a hair restoration procedure. 

At what point am I considered to be too young for a hairline restoration? Is it possible to get the best hairline transplant surgery possible in your 20s?

Although many clinics will adhere to stringent age guidelines, age itself is not the sole determinant of whether or not someone should undergo a hair transplant procedure. To aid in deciding if a young adult qualifies for a hair transplant, Dr. Umar has developed his Shave Test diagnostic tool to see whether or not a patient is likely to reach a Norwood 7 stage of hair loss and would, therefore, require the use of body hair. Likewise, The Shave Test could also determine if the use of head hair alone would be sufficient to produce quality, long-term results. Knowing this information in advance is necessary for knowing if a particular individual can benefit from treatment for advanced hairline recession earlier in life rather than later.

If you have more questions regarding the restoration of a receding hairline, you can submit them to the doctor through the following online portal:


Free Hair Consultation


Further Reading

Learn more about undergoing a hair restoration surgery at a young age

Read more about the temple hair restoration and the details that are needed for high-quality results

Meet another patient who had undergone surgical treatment for hairline recession and crown hair loss with Dr. Umar 

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