This patient from Studio City turned to Dr. U because he was struggling with Norwood 3 male pattern baldness. Besides his crown hair loss, this patient also wanted to get rid of a strip scar from an unsatisfactory surgery elsewhere. In order to restore and refine the patient’s hairline, Dr. U. implemented his Dr.UGraft™ advanced FUE procedure. This patented procedure augments the donor pool quantity by extracting body hair, allowing for more types of grafts to be harvested. By not relying on head hair alone, it is possible to acquire very abundant graft quantities to seamlessly fill in the crown and other necessary areas.
Los Angeles BHT By UGraft FUE Helps This Patient To Get His Life Back – Before & After Transplant
This gentleman wanted to repair the poor and awkward growth of a past strip surgery. He underwent a body hair to head transplant to achieve the coverage and …
Norwood 3 Crown Hair Loss in Studio City, Los Angeles Patient – Before Photos:
Before coming to see Dr. U, this patient underwent a strip surgery at another clinic that left him with inadequate results and a visible scar. After the procedure, he was still showing signs of Norwood 3 crown hair loss because many of his grafts did not survive in their new location.

The patient was left very unsatisfied. He now had to worry about people noticing his strip scar while still showing Norwood 3 type balding. Essentially, the procedure did not improve his condition. Cosmetically, he was left with worse results along with a permanent linear scar.

Before coming to see Dr. U. the patient described his hair condition as having a wall of hair. He was very displeased with his thinning, awkward growth and the noticeable recession.
Dr.UGraft Bad Hair Transplant Repair – Procedure Photos:
In order to repair and restore the patient’s natural head of hair, Dr. U. used a total of 4213 Dr.UGrafts. The precise nature of follicle harvesting using the Dr.UGraft method allows donor grafts to be acquired from other areas of the body, not just the head. This becomes necessary when scalp donor supplies have been depleted by prior surgeries.

The procedure required the use of 2741 grafts from the head and 1472 grafts from the beard. The Dr.UGrafts were implemented in order to:
- Fix the strip scar.
- Improve crown and vortex hair loss.
- Refine and advance the hairline.
- Augment frontal density.

Dr. U was able to implement both head and beard grafts to restore and refine the hairline and crown while also covering up the strip scar.
Norwood 3 Repair with Dr.UGraft –Before and After Results Photos:
Crown hair restoration using Dr.UGraft is the leading solution for expanding the donor supply, beyond the hair remaining on the scalp. The advanced technology used is designed with special features built to safely extract all types of hair follicles, on the scalp and body. This helps ensure that grafts can survive long term in the recipient area. In this case, The Dr.UGraft procedure enabled the patient to have a very natural, fuller head of hair In the crown, hairline, temples as well as to cover his strip scar.

These result photos were submitted by the patient at 1 year after the last of 2 surgery sessions. He says he is ecstatic about the results and his wife is very pleased as well.

Not having a strip scar makes all the difference in his everyday life. The patient is no longer embarrassed to go swimming or have people see the back of his head.
Patient Results Video: Dr. U Gets Rid of Hair Transplant Scar in Norwood 3 Hair Transplant Repair.
When asked about the results following his Dr.UGraft™ procedure, the Studio City patient responded, “I would say to anyone considering it, don’t hesitate to do it and don’t even think about strip surgery.”
Frequently Asked Questions – Norwood 3 Crown Hair Loss.
Is a body hair transplant surgery the best procedure to choose for crown hair loss?
Every patient’s hair loss situation varies in severity and donor graft availability. The first priority would be to consider the use of head hair. Body hair should be utilized when the scalp cannot supply enough grafts to fill in the crown. Body hair transplant surgery is an effective procedure that implements other donor areas besides the head. If you are looking for optimal results, the Dr UGraft advanced FUE crown hair transplant procedure offers a safe, easy solution for crown hair restoration.
Can I restore and refine my hairline in my first surgery and treat my crown hair loss later? Or do they have to be done all at once?
These restorative procedures can be done at separate times in order to fit your budget and focus on the most important problem first. Dr. U is experienced in completing hair transplants in stages according to the patient’s needs.
Are bad hair transplant repairs common?
Poorly conducted hair transplants are more common than most people think. Your results will depend on the experience of your doctor, the quality of the donor grafts, and the type of procedure/tools implemented. Not every hair transplant surgeon possesses the right skills or expertise to produce desirable results. Badly performed surgeries deplete the donor area and transplant grafts.
Ask Dr. U more questions about Norwood 2 crown hair loss using the button below:
Further Reading
How UGraft Restores Hair With Improved Coverage
How Dr.UGraft Enables More Grafts for Better Crown Hair Transplant Outcomes
Learn the Basics of Surgical Hair Restoration