Body Hair Transplantation Restores NW6 Thinning For A Buzz Cut : Patient was severely bald (NW6) and had received 4,500 grafts from another clinic that opted to perform a traditional strip hair transplant surgery. Instead of curing his baldness, this initial transplant left him with Severe NW 6 area thinning, a high, harsh hairline replete with pluggy hair; very visible two linear strip scars as well as a depleted head donor which is inadequate for using in repair.. Needless to say, this left the patient without many options. After the surgery, he attempted to tattoo over the area but was unsatisfied by the outcome. Fortunately for this patient, Dr Umar’s body hair transplantation using Dr UGraft utilizes hair from the beard and body to expand the donor supply, making it possible to contemplate restring and repairing this patient’s situation.
Los Angeles Strip Scar Repair Patient results using beard hair transplants
For more information visit http://www.dermhairclinic.comTo consult Dr Umar, click:…
Body Hair Transplantation Restores NW6 Thinning to NW 0 – Before Photos:
The photo below shows the patient’s balding crown before seeing Dr. Umar.

Body Hair Transplantation Restores NW6 Thinning For A Buzz Cut – Before and After Photos:
Thankfully, Dr. Umar developed the Dr UGraft procedure to address problems just like this by using beard, head, and leg hair. This enabled him to assist this patient by using the transplanted beard hair to camouflage the scars, and using both leg and nape hair to advance and soften the hairline. Using the Dr.UGraft procedure, Dr. Umar also customized the hairline in accordance with the patient’s preference, and successfully eliminated all signs of severe baldness using 13,500 Dr.UGrafts.

Leg and Beard Hair BHT Before and After Photos – Patient Results:
After the Dr.UGraft procedure, the patient jubilantly professed a happier, more confident outlook on life. His restored hair made him feel self-assured with his new youthful look.
The photos below show the difference.

The clip below features this patient’s leg and beard hair body hair transplantation video results.
Video: Dr UGraft Body hair Transplantation Restores NW6 Thinning to NW 0 For A Buzz Cut Showing A Hairline Transplant Designed to Meet Patient’s Specific Taste
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Frequently Asked Questions – Body Hair Transplantation Restores NW6 Thinning For A Buzz Cut:
Can I Request A Exotic Hairline Shape Customized to My Specific Taste Even If It is Not A commonly Occurring Pattern In Nature ?
According to Dr U, If the hairline varies from typical hairlines found in nature, customized designs can be considered if the following criteria are met:
- The new hairline does not defy the calculus that goes into determining if total available donor hair is sufficient to meet present and projected scope of hair loss
- The patient clearly understand his own request and its long term implications. Also knowing that it would be a permanent change
- The departure from nature is not substantial.
- The patient is legally in a position to make medical decisions
According to Dr U, if the above criteria are met, then it is possible to cater to requests for customized hairlines. In the instance of the patient in this case report, all the aforementioned 4 criteria where met and his request for a significantly expanded widow’s peak was executed to his delight.
I’ve been told in the past that I’m not a good candidate for hair surgery because of a depleted donor area. Can Dr. Umar help me?
The unique design of the Dr.UGraft procedure allows Dr. Umar to transplant hair from anywhere on the body. This offers special hope to patients that have a depleted donor area from hair loss or from other surgeries, as the Dr.UGraft expands the donor pool considerably.
There are many things to consider if you’re thinking about using body hair transplant to restore your thinning hair. Click the button below to ask Dr. U himself:
For Further Reading:
Learn more about how Dr.UGraft can be used to treat severe baldness.
Watch Dr. U repair this patient’s botch hair transplant results with leg and body hair.