The Universe Begins with U

FUE Corrective by Dr. U Hair Surgery Over-Delivers for Beverly Hills Patient

Dr.UGraft FUE Corrective Hair Surgery Over Delivers for Beverly Hills Los Angeles Patient:

This patient turned to Dr. U seeking Dr.UGraft FUE corrective hair surgery after he had a prior transplant surgery at a different clinic. He continued to struggle with NW 6 baldness which exposed egregious linear scarring from the previous procedure. A corrective hair surgery with Dr. UGraft™ makes it possible to fix unsuccessful hair transplant results and cover a strip scar as well as areas of poor growth yield . In this post you can examine the patient’s update after his second face to head hair transplant with Dr. U

Patient Update – 2000 More Body Hair Transplant Grafts For Improved Density

This patient’s returned to our office for a second surgery to improve upon the density of his first body hair transplant procedure. About 2000 more grafts we…

Patient Opts For Dr.UGraft™ Surgery to Fix Unsuccessful Hair Transplant – Before Photos:

The earlier procedures at other clinics depleted the patient’s resulted in the depletion of donor a lack of head hair. In addition, his transplanted donor grafts from the scalp area did not survive, leaving him with continued signs of hair loss  that made it harder to complete the restoration. Before his Dr.UGraftcorrective hair surgery, the patient’s hairline and crown still showed signs of balding.

The Beverly Hills patient’s thinning hairline before Dr.UGraft FUE Corrective hair surgery in Los Angeles
The Beverly Hill’s patient’s thinning hairline before Dr.UGraft FUE corrective hair surgery in Los Angeles


After his previous strip surgery, his temple hair growth was not angled correctly. The patient was also concerned with the lack of donor hair he had left. The photo below shows how the crown and temple points did not connect appropriately to the hairline.

Besides leaving a depleted donor area, the past strip surgery resulted in poor growth and a strong strip scar. Even after having grown his hair to fairly long lengths, the patient was still not able to cover up this scar.

 Weak and thinning temple points prior to hair transplant correction using DrUGraft
Weak and thinning temple points prior to hair transplant correction using Dr.UGraft
Beverly Hill's patient with visible scarring caused by surgery performed by another clinic .
Beverly Hill’s patient with visible scarring caused by surgery performed by another clinic .


Unlike the Dr.UGraft FUE corrective hair surgery, invasive procedures such as strip surgery can cause more harm than good, especially when the growth results are poor and the linear scar is extremely noticeable.

Face to Head Hair Transplant For Increased Donor Grafts-Dr.UGraft Procedure Photos:

A total number of 8047 grafts were used to complete both repair surgeries, performed by Dr. U. The Dr.UGraft FUE corrective hair surgery uses advanced technology for extracting all types of hair follicles, allowing Dr. U to complete this restoration using a combination of grafts from the beard, scalp and nape.

 Primary donor area for the Dr.UGraft corrective hair surgery
Primary donor area for the Dr.UGraft corrective hair surgery.


The total breakdown of grafts after the second Dr.UGraft corrective hair transplant:

  • 4525 beard grafts.
  • 3178 scalp grafts
  • 344 nape grafts.
 Highly visible linear wound required a repair surgery to cover this strip scar
Highly visible linear wound required a repair surgery to cover this strip scar

Corrective Hair Surgery to Reconstruct Hairline and Temples and Cover Strip Scar-Before and After Results Photos:

Before the Dr.UGraft FUE corrective hair surgery this patient was distressed about his NW6 baldness and thinning hairline. Dr. U was able to create a seamless transition from the hairline to the back of the head using donor nape hair.

 Stronger and fuller temple points after the Dr.UGraft repair to fix unsuccessful hair transplant from strip surgery
Stronger and fuller temple points after the Dr.UGraft repair to fix unsuccessful hair transplant from strip surgery*


The use of nape follicles provided soft donor hair that blended in with the head hair. His temple to hairline transition now reflects accurate hair growth directions. Overall the results are exceedingly natural looking in appearance. And even though the beard area had thousands of grafts harvested, it healed with excellent cosmetic results with no visible signs of scarring.

Cosmetically insignificant scarring of beard donor area after Dr.UGraft FUE corrective hair surgery
Cosmetically insignificant scarring of beard donor area after Dr.UGraft FUE corrective hair surgery*


The Dr.UGraft FUE corrective hair surgery was also performed to create a fitting and age appropriate hairline to both frame and flatter the patient’s features, helping him look his personal best.

Front view of patient who underwent a face to head hair transplant with Dr. Umar for to fix his unsuccessful hair transplant from a previous strip surgery clinic
Front view of patient who underwent a face to head hair transplant with Dr. Umar for to fix his unsuccessful hair transplant from a previous strip surgery clinic *


Results of  hair surgery to reconstruct hairline and temples for past strip procedure mistakes. Patient shows excellent growth in both areas
Results of  hair surgery to reconstruct hairline and temples for past strip procedure mistakes. Patient shows excellent growth in both areas *


FUE corrective hair surgery results showing excellent yield on top of patient's head
FUE corrective hair surgery results showing excellent yield on top of patient’s head*


Results of  the Dr.UGraft™ hair repair to cover strip scar
Results of  the Dr.UGraft™ hair repair to cover strip scar *


Side view of patient's results to cover strip scar linear wound using face hair to head transplant grafts
Side view of patient’s results to cover strip scar linear wound


The patient was very happy with his end results and said that if he had a choice he would do it all over again. In his opinion,  the outcome turned out better than what he had expected.

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Video: Dr.UGraft FUE Corrective Hair Surgery for Beverely Hills, Los Angeles Patient

Results in this video are shown after two years following the 1st surgery with Dr. U and 12 months after second surgery. Hear Dr. U discuss the procedure and listen to what the patient has to say about his experience.

Dr.UGraft FUE Corrective Hair Surgery FAQ:

Do I need a laser treatment after a hair transplant correction using Dr.UGraft with beard hair?

Healing will vary with each individual patient, however the beard hair donor area usually recovers on its own.

The use of lasers for skin healing is not necessary with Dr.UGraft surgeries. This donor hair extraction technology creates smaller wound cavities with an inverted point the bottom to minimize excess tissue, leaving the skin to heal without noticeable signs of redness or raised bumps.

How soon after my bad hair transplant can I qualify for a Dr.UGraft corrective hair surgery?

A bad hair transplant may be due to poor growth, poorly done insertions or visible scarring. If lack of growth is apparent after the full 18 months, you may consider the option of a repair surgery. The other factors don’t necessarily require a set time frame. In any case, qualifying for a Dr.UGraft procedure will depend on having the right quantities of head and/or body hair, among other factors, not on timeframes. To learn more about your specific case, sign up for a complimentary initial consultation with Dr. Umar.


You’ve probably got plenty of questions about hair restoration with the Dr. U Hair Clinic. To submit them to Dr. U personally, feel free to send them through our Ask Dr. U portal by clicking the button below:


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Further Reading:

Learn about Dr. U’s expertise in improving patient results after unsuccessful surgeries with other doctors. 

Read about another patient who struggled with past hair transplant mistakes and achieved remarkable repair using body hair grafts.

Learn how this patient overcame his strip scarring and poor growth through a Dr.UGraft procedure using beard, head, nape and chest hair grafts

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