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Dr.UGraft™ FUE Repair & Restoration of Bad Hair Surgery Outcome For California Patient

Dr.UGraft™ FUE Repair and FUE Restoration of Bad Hair Surgery Outcome For California Patient: In this case, Dr. Umar performed a Dr.UGraft FUE repair to correct scarring from previous hair transplant surgeries with a negative outcome. With his signature Dr.UGraft method, Dr. Umar was able to camouflage the patient’s scars and restore his hair.

Many hair restoration surgeries performed by Dr. Umar are to repair bad transplants and restore hair after patients experience negative outcomes from previous procedures performed in other clinics. Hair transplantation damage is often caused by outdated methods or faulty techniques. Some patients seek out Dr. Umar’s help for a hair transplant reversal. But what if a patient still wants to restore their hair while correcting past flawed procedures? The good news is, it’s possible to repair a bad hair surgery AND restore your hair.

Bad Hair Surgery Outcome: Before Photos

Before the patient visited Dr. Umar’s clinic, he had undergone several hair restoration surgeries that resulted in negative outcomes. The patient had endured multiple strip surgeries which resulted in several strip cars. The patient also underwent a scalp reduction surgery resulting in an oval-shaped crown, also known as a slot deformity.


Previous bad hair surgery outcome
The patient’s bad hair surgery outcome before his FUE repair with Dr. Umar.
Previous bad hair surgery outcome
The patient with his previous bad hair surgery outcome.


Dr.UGraft FUE Repair: Procedure Photos

Dr.UGraft FUE Repair Procedure
To repair the hair transplant and restore hair, Dr. Umar used nape hair and body hair as a donor source.
Dr.UGraft FUE Repair and Dr.UGraft FUE Restoration
Dr. Umar also used the patient’s beard hair to undo the hair transplantation damage.


Using his signature Dr.UGraft™ method, Dr. Umar completed an FUE procedure using 6200 hair grafts from the patient’s head, nape, and beard.

Dr.UGraft™ FUE Repair & Restoration: Before and After Results Photos

Dr.UGraft FUE Repair: Before and After Photos
The patient finally had his prior strip scars repaired with Dr.UGraft.*


Dr.UGraft FUE Restoration: Before and After Photos
Here the patient after his Dr.UGraft FUE Restoration to restore hair and repair bad transplant scars.*


Dr.UGraft FUE Restoration: Before and After Photos
One year after his surgery with Dr. Umar, the patient finally has positive results, restoring his crown area.*


Dr.UGraft FUE Restoration: Before and After Photos
The patient wished to have a ‘Bono’ type haircut and was very satisfied with the end results.


With an FUE procedure using the Dr.UGraft method, Dr. Umar was able to reconstruct the patient’s temples, advance the hairline, and return the crown to normalcy. Dr. Umar also used the FUE method to disguise the strip surgery scars by implanting hair directly into the scars.

Watch Video: Bad Hair Surgery Outcome Repair for California Patient

In the video below, the California patient demonstrates the results of the reversal of his previous poor hair transplant misfortunes. Notice that not only is his hair thicker, but his temples have been restored and his hairline has been lowered. He no longer has visible scarring from his previous strip transplant procedures. To think that all this was achieved with beard and body hair in a head donor bankrupt patient?

This patient’s case demonstrates how a properly executed FUE repair using Dr.UGraft can both restore hair and repair previous transplant scars. This hair transplant reversal led to a full head of hair and positive outcome for the patient. Curious how Dr. Umar can help you undo bad hair surgery damage? Schedule a free consultation today!


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Frequently Asked Questions – Dr.UGraft™ FUE Repair

Can a patient request their results resemble a celebrities’ hair or look?

Get that celebrity look with Dr.UGraft
Many patients ask for their results to resemble a famous celebrity’s look, like Bono (pictured here).

Yes, celebrity hair transplant requests are very common. Typically when a new patient is being consulted for cosmetic surgery, they have their ideal look in mind. Often times this look resembles a celebrity that they wish to emulate. While Dr. Umar cannot guarantee that you look like this particular celebrity, he does use their look as inspiration during the hair transplant or restoration procedure.

For instance, the patient feature, in this case, expressed the desire to have a ‘Bono haircut’, like the famous musician. The patient was very satisfied with the final results and his hairline and style closely resembled the aforementioned celebrity.

Can a bad hair transplant be reversed?

In most cases, a hair transplant reversal is possible. If the patient has a visibly “pluggy” outcome, small follicular units can be used to camouflage the larger, older grafts. If the patient desires, large grafts from a previous transplant can also be removed. However, using the Dr.UGraft technique, it is possible to repair a hair transplant and restore hair, even if the head donor source is depleted. Additionally, severe scarring on the back and sides of the head were repaired by Dr. Umar’s Dr.UGraft methods

How does Dr. Umar restore hair and repair hair transplant scars?

Dr. Umar uses his signature Dr.UGraft technique to perform an FUE procedure using either head donor hair, body donor hair, or both. He then grafts the follicular units directly into the strip scar, effectively hiding it.

Apart from doing a Dr.UGraft™ hair transplant on scar, what other alternatives exist for scalp scar repair?

In some cases, scalp micropigmentation (SMP) can be used to camouflage scarring from a bad hair surgery outcome. This is an option for patients with dark hair who like to wear their hair short. However, SMP will do little to hide a scar on a patient with light hair or who like to wear their hair long.

Can hair be implanted into scar tissue?

Yes, FUE grafts can be implanted directly implanted into scar tissue. Depending on the amount of scar tissue, your surgeon might remove part of the scar before implanting hair into the area. Your surgeon might also implant hair into the area surrounding the scar to further camouflage the area.

Have more questions for Dr. U abour Dr.UGraft™ FUE repair? Use the button below to submit them:

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