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Using BHT to Fix Hair Transplant Failure

Dr. Umar Uses UGraft BHT to Fix Hair Transplant Failure: Many men and women struggle to combat and prevent hair loss. Various procedures available like FUE and Strip Surgery promise positive results and overall hair restoration. Unfortunately, if performed improperly, these surgeries can have disastrous results. Such is the story of the patient in this case report. After undergoing multiple failed hair surgeries at another clinic and after having lost hope, this patient sought out help from Dr. Umar to fix his hair transplant failures. To make the repair possible, Dr. Umar, utilized Dr. UGraft’s technology and methods to utilize hair from the patient’s nape, beard, and chest area in a body hair transplantation BHT.

Los Angeles Patient Finally Sees Fuller Coverage After Overharvesting Techniques Left Him in Despair

To learn more about Dr. Umar’s advances in hair transplantation and how to avoid novice transplant clinics, schedule a free consultation or visit his website…


How To Fix Hair Transplant Failure – Before Visiting Dr. Umar:

In a bid to address this patient Norwood 6 area of hair loss (severe hair loss) the clinic he went to which is not equipped to utilize body or beard hair efficiently, they tried to aggressively harvest all his available head donor. Despite doing this and exhausting his head donor in the process, the patient was still very bald.

Significantly bald patients and those destined to be severely bald should not attempt a complete restoration using head donor hair alone. For this reason, Dr. Umar implements his Dr.UGraft system that allows for the use of body and beard hair grafts.

As seen in the photo below, the patient’s head donor has been decimated with a still very bald pate. He thus sought to fix his old hair transplants by visiting Dr. U

Fix old hair transplants using the DrUGraft BHT system
Previous FUE hair transplant left this patient with an over-harvested donor area and severe baldness.


The patient experienced hair loss and scarring from a botched previous procedure
Scarring and hair loss before seeing Dr. Umar
Hair loss at hairline before treatment
Eroded hairline before treatment with Dr.UGraft

The Solution – Over Harvested Donor and Severe Baldness Repaired: Before and After Photos

In this patient’s case, Dr. Umar recommended a body hair transplant repair using beard and chest hair. Dr. Umar harvested 6000 Dr.UGrafts from the beard, chest, and nape areas. This precise approach radically improved the overall look, thickness, and strength of this patient’s hair.

The photo below shows the results are 5 months after the surgery.

Before and after Hair transplant repair using beard and chest hair
Before and After Dr.UGraft surgery to fix old hair transplants*

Dr. Umar used the following areas of the patient’s body were utilized in harvesting grafts:

  • Beard – 3566
  • Chest – 1076
  • Nape – 570

Using BHT to Fix Hair Transplant Failure in Los Angeles Patient- Patient Results Photo:

After the Dr.UGraft BHT procedure with Dr. Umar, this patient had a completely transformed self-image. He boasts a much stronger hairline that frames his forehead nicely. The top of the head has much fuller growth and the hair looks thick and natural all the way around.

DrUGraft to fix hair transplant failure: Results
Before and After Dr.UGraft to fix hair transplant failure*


The video below further details this patient’s journey. It documents the severe baldness he used to struggle with as well as the highly satisfying results he experienced from treatment with Dr. Umar five months after the surgery.

VIDEO: Dr. Umar Uses UGraft BHT to Fix Hair Transplant Failure In Los Angeles Patient




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Fix Hair Transplant Failure – Frequently Asked Questions:

I have severe scarring from a previous hair surgery. Can Dr. Umar help me?

Yes! Many patients experience visible scarring after previous hair surgeries. The innovation of Dr.UGraft also allows Dr. Umar to treat these scars by implanting new hair into the affected area. This effectively conceals the scars to the naked eye, leaving patients with a thick head of natural-looking hair.

Do all patients show the same level of growth as this patient five months after surgery?

The time required to see new hair growth varies from patient to patient. In general, new growth begins about a month after surgery and continues thereafter. Growth can take up to a year to reach fullness.


The advent of body hair transplants for hair restoration has made FUE hair surgery an option for many depleted patients. To learn more, click the Ask Dr. U button below:


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Further Reading:

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