Article Updated August 2022
As you’re probably aware, Eyelashes refer to the hair that grows out of the edge of the upper and lower eyelids. These thick follicles protect the outer membrane of the eyeball from debris. Full eyelashes make the eyes appear larger and brighter. For women, long, healthy eyelashes symbolize beauty, youth, and glamour. With that being said, it’s no wonder that men and women seek to enhance their beauty through eyelash restoration surgery. Read on to learn more about the transformative effect that a body hair transplant for eyelash restoration can have on one’s appearance.
Why Would Anybody Need an Eyelash Transplant?
Some women, no matter what they do, do not have the voluminous eyelashes they desire. Many cosmetic products, such as mascara, false lashes, and curlers, temporarily give the appearance of fullness. These means of cosmetic eyelash enhancement can be a hassle and uncomfortable to wear. Fake eyelashes, in particular, tend to fall off at inopportune times, like in the swimming pool or after crying. In the long run, fake eyelashes would also cause the loss of the little original eyelashes you have from traction alopecia. Medication such as bimatoprost (Latisse) may not work in some or result in side effects, while many do not want to deal with the routine of applying it every day for a sustained effect. Only eyelash restoration by way of surgery can provide a true, permanent solution to the problem.
Different Reasons, One Doctor
In addition to natural lashes that are thin and sparse, some patients suffer from other physical or hormonal conditions that cause the eyelash follicles to shed partially or fall out completely later in life. Regardless of the cause, an FUE body hair transplant is a viable way to improve eyelashes appearance safely. Dr. U’s Dr.UGraft™ FUE hair transplant system is quickly becoming known worldwide for the natural-looking results it can enable the provider to achieve. He is the first in the field to devise a way to extract hair from anywhere on the body for use in performing eyelash transplants in patients of all hair textures.
Eyelash Transplant With Dr.UGraft™
Dr. U’s proprietary means of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the first FUE system that can extract donor hair from any area of the body. Dr. UGraft™ advantage includes:
- Smaller puncture wounds that heal quickly and into much more discreet scars than those left by conventional FUE punches
- The ability for your practitioner to extract and transplant hair from anywhere on the body, which includes follicles on the legs, beard, chest, and pubic region. Hairs harvested from the scalp and nape grow much longer than eyelashes do naturally. They’re generally also quite straightforward and do not embody a convincingly eyelash-like texture. The hair found elsewhere on the body tends to be softer, curlier, and more natural-looking, growing to a maximum length closer to that of real eyelashes. Body hair eyelash transplants tend to require less maintenance, such as curling and trimming.
Below is the first-ever patient to, thanks to Dr. U and the Dr.UGraft™ system, undergo an eyelash hair transplant using body hair, which, in her case, happened to be leg hair.
A Dr.UGraft™ eyelash hair transplant – before and after, with mascara at 6 months.*
Before the invention of Dr.UGraft™, a body hair transplant of this caliber was impossible for everybody. Dr.UGraft™ can extract hair from any area on the body with ease, no matter what type of texture the patient’s hair embodies.
Video: Dr.UGraft Eyelash™ Transplant Advantages
The Dr.UGraft™ system can achieve eyelash hair transplant results that far exceed those of competing brands in a method called VEELASHE, Body Hair Transplant (BHT) was used for this purpose ways not hitherto possible for some patients before Dr. U and his revolutionary innovations in both technology and methodology. In the case of an eyelash hair transplant, the donor area can be any of the following:
- Pubic hair eyelash transplant
- Leg hair eyelash transplant
- Nape hair eyelash transplant
No More Guesswork
Other Areas of the Body Able to Benefit from an FUE Body Hair Transplant
These methods are certainly not limited to the application of eyelash restoration. Body hair is useful for restoring coverage in many other areas of the body. Body hair transplants can be used to fill in a receding hairline, for instance, with outstandingly natural-looking results.

Pubic hair BHT is one of the most versatile forms of FUE hair surgery in replenishing delicate areas of the body where hair from the scalp or nape may feel too conspicuous or of an inappropriate texture. A pubic hair eyelash transplant is one notable example. The natural curl of pubic hair lends itself readily to the goal of creating a row of lashes that curl naturally, just like real ones do. Those interested in improving the appearance of their facial hair may want to consider a pubic hair beard hair transplant. Pubic hair is capable of simulating the look of a robust, bushy beard and mustache to match. A pubic hair eyebrow hair transplant is another application for the thick, naturally curly follicles from down below.
Beard Hair: Both a Donor and Recipient
One other notable area that tends to respond well to BHT hair restoration is the beard area. While the Dr.UGraft™ system can utilize all body hair, the texture and curl of pubic hair is an exceptionally suited match for beard restoration. A pubic hair to beard transplant can also include a pubic hair to mustache or to sideburns transplant. Dr.UGraft™ can be enhanced coverage on any area of the face. The reverse is also true: beard hair is an excellent candidate for restoring the appearance of other areas of the body, such as the hairline.
What to Expect After A BHT Eyelash Restoration with Dr. U
Following an eyelash transplant using the Dr.UGraft™, patients can expect the following:
- The crust will form around the eyelid three or four days after surgery. Patients must remember that, although minimally invasive, an eyelash transplant does involve cutting into the skin. Crust formation is the body’s way of protecting the small wounds as they heal.
- The eyelid will acquire a pink hue somewhere around the fifth day. This clears up typically by the end of week one and disappears along with the crust. Patients should avoid rubbing their eyes and rinse the upper eyelid with distilled water periodically.
- The implanted follicles may shed within 2 – 8 weeks of restoration surgery. It is normal for newly transplanted hairs to fall out a few weeks after they have been placed. These lost hairs are not indicative of a failed transplant. Rather, they are simply the old follicles falling away to make room for new growth. The new growth should be visible 3-4 months after your procedure.
- Growth will continue for up to a year after your restoration.
Eyelash Transplant Maintenance
Post-procedure maintenance is a vital part of the eyelash restoration process. This includes monitoring the growth of the lashes as well as trimming them when they become too long. Follicles extracted from the nape will require more frequent grooming (every 2-3 weeks) than hair taken from the leg, chest, or pubic area. Hair extracted from these areas may sometimes require only monthly trimming while remaining inconspicuous.
Curling their new eyelashes regularly can help patients who have used hair taken from the nape emulate the natural texture of real eyelashes.
Dr. Umar has published numerous articles detailing his groundbreaking research on body hair transplants in general, as well as the use of body hair for eyelash restoration.
To give Dr. U a complete picture of your particular set of needs and goals, click the button below for a free online consultation:

Eyelash Transplant Using Body Hair: What You Need to Know
A transplanted eyelash will behave differently from the eyelashes you were born with. The transplanted follicles may exhibit very different growth patterns compared to those of your original lashes.
Hairs growing in the wrong direction, such as sideways, downward, or in the direction of the eyeball, may result in irritation or injury to the eye. The hair can either be trimmed frequently or removed altogether. In the hands of an experienced provider, there is less risk of this. Even with a highly skilled doctor, however, this possibility is still something one should be aware of before undergoing an eyelash restoration.
Even a successful transplant can end in results that do not meet the patient’s standards. To avoid this outcome, Dr. U greatly favors the use of body hair from non-scalp donor areas, as these tend to emulate the look of natural eyelashes most closely.
Frequently Asked Questions About Body Hair Transplants and BHT Eyelash Restoration:
Am I a valid candidate for eyelash transplant surgery?
You can be considered a candidate for eyelash transplantation if you are well informed and are clear about your goals after going over the protocol and risks surrounding the procedure with your service provider.
What are the risk factors associated with undergoing a BHT eyelash transplant?
There are some general complications you should be aware of regarding this type of procedure. These include:
- The possibility of developing an eye infection
- Swelling and bruising
- Poor growth rate due to grafts displaced by itching or otherwise disrupting the recipient area
- Ingrown hairs
- Ectropion or entropion, conditions where the eyelid will either pull away from or turn in toward the eye
- Poor placement and quality of grafts that do not achieve the desired look.
How much does a Dr.UGraft™ eyelash transplant cost?
The cost will vary from patient to patient, depending on the number of grafts needed. On average, the restoration of two upper eyelids will cost somewhere around $5,000. Before surgery, a consultation will be necessary to chart out a course of action and determine the work’s extent. If cost is a consideration, Dr. U can adjust accordingly to accommodate your financial needs.
Are there celebrities that have undergone permanent eyelashe surgeries?
Recently, Botched on the E! Channel released promotional material for their upcoming season. Featured prominently was internet personality, Pixee Fox. She spoke about the many cosmetic procedures she is famous for. Among these included her pubic hair eyelash transplant, the outcome of which she is reportedly quite satisfied with. Dr. U is an ardent believer in the power of pubic hair when it comes to crafting thick, lush eyelashes in even the most depleted candidates. He is more than capable of helping his own patients achieve larger-than-life results similar to those of Pixee Fox.
Can the Dr.UGraft™ system restore hair to other parts of the body, like my eyebrows?
Absolutely. The Dr.UGraft™ suite of tools can transplant hair from anywhere on the body to any area needing more coverage. Regardless of the recipient area being restored, FUE with the Dr.UGraft remains a minimally invasive procedure.
Does Dr. Umar treat patients who are not local to Los Angeles?
Yes. Any patient interested in FUE with Dr. U should set up a free online consultation via our online portal. For treatment, patients will need to visit his Los Angeles office to undergo surgery itself. However, while developing your treatment plan, Dr. Umar can minimize the number of in-office visits necessary, allowing patients from other cities, states, and countries to travel as little as possible.
Still, have questions about eyelash transplant surgery? More information is just a click away:
- MSD Manual Consumer Version. 2022. Entropion and Ectropion – Eye Disorders – MSD Manual Consumer Version. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 23 August 2022].
- Smith, M., 2022. The eyelashes. [online] Vision Eye Institute. Available at: <> [Accessed 23 August 2022].
- Umar S. Eyelash transplantation using leg hair by follicular unit extraction. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2015;3(3):e324. Published 2015 Apr 7. doi:10.1097/GOX.0000000000000292
- Peoplemag. 2022. Woman Underwent Over 200 Plastic Surgeries to Look Like a ‘Living Cartoon’. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 23 August 2022].