The Universe Begins with U

Dr. U Completes an Eyelash Hair Transplantation for Hollywood Patient

Post Updated with Video June 18, 2020.

The female patient from Hollywood turned to Dr. U because she was unhappy with her short and thin eyelashes. She was considering an eyelash surgery in order to improve the overall fullness and length of her lashes. After some research, she decided to have the procedure done with Dr. U, who is a recognized expert in eyelash hair transplantation. For this procedure, Dr. U implemented the Dr.UGraft; which is an optimal method for successful eyelash transplantation.

How Longer Eyelashes With Leg Hair Were Achieved For This Los Angeles Patient

This patient from Los Angeles was able to get the long eyelashes of her dreams thanks to leg hair and Dr.UGraft™ technology. To learn more about Dr. Umar’s …



Before the Transplant of Permanent Eyelashes

Before turning to Dr. U, this patient had to worry about the constant maintenance of her eyelashes. She always felt like she needed to cover up for her hair’s lack of fullness with mascara.

The patient was unsatisfied with the lack of density and length of her eyelashes before her eyelash hair transplantation with Dr. U.
The patient was unsatisfied with the lack of density and length of her eyelashes before her eyelash hair transplantation with Dr. U.


Instead of dealing with fake eyelashes that are a hassle and can fall off, she wanted eyelash hair transplantation which would require much less of a maintenance regimen and result in permanent eyelashes.

Instead of continuing to style her eyelashes every day to her desired density and length, the patient decided to consult Dr. U about an eyelash hair transplant.
Instead of continuing to style her eyelashes every day to her desired density and length, the patient decided to consult Dr. U about an eyelash hair transplant.


Eyelash Hair Transplantation Using Dr.UGraft Process

In order to achieve the most natural-looking results, Dr. U implemented the use of leg hair for the patient’s eyelash transplantation. The patented Dr.UGraft allows for finer leg hair to be used instead of the usual thicker scalp hair. Leg hair requires less maintenance and grows at a much slower rate, similar to eyelashes.

Dr. U used the patient's leg as the donor area for the eyelash surgery. While most hair clinics would struggle with the angled growth of body hair during the extraction process, Dr. U had the Dr. UGraft advantage and was able to safely and effectively harvest the grafts needed.
Dr. U used the patient’s leg as the donor area for the eyelash surgery. While most hair clinics would struggle with the angled growth of body hair during the extraction process, Dr. U had the Dr. UGraft advantage and was able to safely and effectively harvest the grafts needed.


During the procedure, specialized needles were used to extract and transplant leg hair that closely resembles eyelashes. Roughly 30 follicles were grafted to each upper eyelid.

The Dr.UGraft allows for the use of any body hair, which gives the transplanted eyelashes their natural appeal.
The Dr.UGraft allows for the use of any body hair, which gives the transplanted eyelashes their natural appeal.


Eyelash surgery before and after photos:

The patient was one of the first people to have leg hair used in an eyelash hair transplantation. When compared to head hair, the leg hair is shorter, finer, and more closely resembles the original eyelashes. The patient was feeling good about the results within a month of the procedure. Around that time, she noticed her eyelashes were starting to grow longer and she was already receiving compliments from her friends. 

3 months post-operation, the patient noticed fuller and longer eyelashes.
3 months post-operation, the patient noticed fuller and longer eyelashes.*


3 months after her eyelash hair transplantation with Dr. U, the patient saw a noticeable difference in the length and fullness of her permanent eyelashes. The eyelash surgery before and after photos above and below highlight the versatility of the patient’s new, permanent eyelashes. They can be left alone for a fuller, natural look or styled and curled for a more bold, dramatic effect. 


In this patient, we found for the first time that you will have to trim less frequently when leg hair is used in an eyelash transplant. Normally when the patient curls the eyelash from head hair, they spring right back out of the curl and require perming (done in salons) to stay curled. With the use of leg hair, there is no need to perm the eyelashes to keep them curled once a curler has been applied.


Dr.U was able to create natural looking curvature and angles for the transplanted lashes. This eyelash surgery before and after photo is from 3 months after the transplant.*
Dr.U was able to create natural looking curvature and angles for the transplanted lashes. This eyelash surgery before and after photo is from 3 months after the transplant.*


6 months after her surgery, the patient enjoys the fact that her permanent eyelashes require much less perming
6 months after her surgery, the patient enjoys the fact that her permanent eyelashes require much less perming*


The patient is able to curl and style her eyelashes 6 months after her eyelash hair transplantation.
The patient is able to curl and style her eyelashes 6 months after her eyelash hair transplantation.*


Her advice to anyone considering this procedure is “Just do it, the results come in fast!”


Video: Dr. U Completes an Eyelash Hair Transplantation

This was one of the first leg hair to eyelash hair transplantation done in Los Angeles. Dr. U’s experience and the meticulous nature of the Dr.UGraft method allowed for successful results. This patient from Hollywood was very pleased that she spoke to Dr. U and learned about this option.The patient said that the surgery did not take long and there wasn’t much healing involved. As a result, her eyelashes are now longer and fuller. 

After her VeeLashe, eyelash transplant, Michelle was able to go back to her regular routine and no longer hiding her eyelashes.

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Eyelash Transplant FAQ

What is the eyelash hair transplant process like?

Since an eyelash hair transplantation with Dr.UGraft is a non-invasive procedure, no heavy sedatives are required. The patient remains awake during the surgery, simple painkillers and anesthesia help keep the nerves relaxed. Then the surgeon makes tiny incisions on the eyelid along the edge of the border. The grafts are placed into each opening, resulting in permanent eyelashes that can withstand frequent styling. While developing your treatment plan, Dr. Umar can minimize the number of in-office visits, cutting down your travel needs. 

What is eyelash transplant recovery like?

Following an eyelash transplant, one can expect to be able to continue everyday activities as normal. Exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided and sunglasses need to be used for at least 3 weeks after the surgery. During the same 3 week period, do not use mascara and avoid getting your eyelashes wet. Medications, both oral and topical will be provided and should be used for a few weeks following the surgery or as directed by Dr. U. Each individual will be provided with their unique instructions during their consultation.

What are the pros and cons of eyelash implants?

The eyelash transplant process only takes 1-2 hours and is considered outpatient surgery. The implants will continue to grow, just like your natural eyelashes, and are permanent.  Therefore, you will need to remember to trim them. Depending on which doctor performs the procedure, cons can include eye infections, ingrown hairs, swelling, bruising, and some physical pain. There’s also a chance that the patient accidentally misplaces grafts due to itching, causing failed growth. 

If I don’t have the right leg hair, is there another kind of surgery to help me get longer lashes?

When looking at surgical eyelash implants, nape hair can be considered as an alternative as well as any other hair on the body that might match the look of eyelashes. It is important to look for the proper length and curvature in order to mimic the natural look of lashes.

Is Latisse good for eyelash regrowth? Or is surgery a better option?

Latisse is a prescription drug that can actually cause your real lash hairs to grow. However, it needs to be used on an ongoing basis to maintain your results. The monthly expense can be costly. Furthermore, the daily application may seem like an inconvenience over time. Surgery, however, does offer a permanent solution. Patients enjoy that they end up with permanently long lashes as if they were born with them.

When I Google the question, how to make your eyelashes grow back, I often see articles about using homemade remedies, like using castor oil, aloe vera oil, and lemon juice. Do these tips work?

Although the notion of DIY remedies may seem appealing, there is no concrete evidence that they actually work. Effective results can be documented through side-by-side images that show a clear and significant difference before and after the treatment. In order to avoid situations where damage has been done to the lashes and therefore requires regrowth, it would be important to avoid unhealthy practices, such as the consistent use of eyelash extensions.


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Further Reading

Learn more about how the Dr.UGraft FUE system works to safely remove hair follicle grafts from all over the body for procedures like eyelash transplantation and head hair restoration 

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