This male patient turned to Dr. U. after 35 years of failed hair restoration procedures with other clinics. He stumbled upon Dr. U. on YouTube while researching hair surgery correction. The patient was very intrigued with the Dr.UGraft method and the implementation of body hair. With plenty of chest and beard hair, this patient was a prime candidate for a Dr.UGraft body hair transplant. Body hair is very resilient and actually even thrives in DHT rich environments. Besides being ample in quantity, these grafts do very well for sufferers of male pattern baldness where the culprit tends to be high DHT levels in the scalp. The patient regained hope after learning about the amazing potential of body hair for his condition and Dr. U’s years of experience in repairing botched results from older hair restoration methods.
Los Angeles Best body hair transplant repair Using Dr UGraft FUE Hair Transplant System
Body hair transplant procedures can offer new hope for repair patients by enabling the creation of large donor pools. Many of them are left with very minimal…
Repairing Older Hair Restoration Results For Newport Beach Patient – Before Photos:
Before seeking out Dr. U’s expertise, this patient underwent 35 years of struggling with unsuccessful results from antiquated hair restoration methods at other clinics. He tried different types of surgeries with various doctors, but ultimately the transplanted hair would always fall out.

All of the patient’s procedures with other doctors were very invasive and depleted his head donor pool. Throughout his 35 year hair restoration journey, this patient underwent plug extractions, 6 scalp reductions and strip surgery resulting in 3 strip scars around his scalp. The patient also had flap surgery and implemented the use of scalp stretching devices before turning to Dr. U. All of these older methods implemented by other doctors are now outdated.

After 35 years of surgeries, the patient was left unhappy with residual areas of baldness and a lack of density throughout his scalp. Besides still showing areas of baldness, he had several large plug extraction scars on the back of his head.
Dr.UGraft ™Hair Surgery Correction – Procedure Photos:
Besides wanting to deal with his overall scalp donor depletion, this patient wanted his hairline advanced and refined for a more natural look. But after his previous surgeries, he did not have enough head donor hair to carry out his hair surgery correction. In order to achieve the desired outcomes, Dr. U. implemented the Dr.UGraft FUE transplant system. Unlike basic FUE that only uses the head donor area, the Dr.Ugraft utilizes facial, body and nape hair as well.

Dr. U. has been performing hair surgery corrections using the Dr.Ugraft for many years. For this procedure, Dr. U. was able to consistently and successfully extract body hair grafts with the use of the patented smart rotary called Dr.UPunch i ™ . Unlike with hair plugs, this tool allowed for the precise harvesting of the patient’s chest, beard and nape hair. In total the patient underwent two surgeries with Dr. U. that required 7300 grafts.

The lack of limitations of the Dr.Ugraft method expanded this Newport Beach patient’s donor pool allowing for a significantly higher hair transplant rate.
Dr.UGraft™ As the Best Corrective Hair Surgery– Before and After Results Photos:
When this Newport Beach patient found Dr. U on YouTube, he had almost given up all hope of ever restoring his natural head of hair. He regained confidence after learning about how body hair follicles can be used to create the abundant coverage he needed to restore a natural appearance while hiding the scars and damage created by previous procedures. Fast forward three and a half years later and Dr. U had performed two sessions of corrective hair surgery. The happy patient and his results are shown one year after his last surgery with Dr. U.

The use of chest, beard and nape hair allowed Dr. U. to achieve the optimal hair surgery correction. The patient’s hairline was now restored and looks like it did in 1964 when he was in college. He was overall ecstatic with the results of his corrective hair surgery. He was even more excited to show off his natural full head of hair to his frat brothers at his upcoming college reunion.

The patient now combs his thick new hair without worrying about significant hair loss or exposing hair plugs. The hair surgery correction transplanted body hair that is resilient and looks natural. There are no major signs of thinning and the previous scarring is covered up.
Video: Dr.UGraft™ Corrective Hair Surgery for Newport Beach Patient
After 35 years of outdated attempts to restore his natural full head of hair with other doctors, this patient turned to Dr. U for corrective hair surgery. After two Dr.UGraft surgeries using the patient’s body hair follicles, he now has a restored hairline and a thick full head of hair.
Frequently Asked Questions – Dr.UGraft™ Hair Surgery Correction
Is body hair transplantation the only way to repair the signs of hair plugs, scalp reductions and outdated procedures in general?
The use of body hair is an excellent option to repair the mistakes from outdated procedures. Head hair is always prioritized over the use of body hair. But when the scalp is depleted, there are no other viable options for harvesting hair follicles. Due to the precise nature of the Dr.UGraft BHT FUE, the procedure can utilize a greater number of grafts (through the use of body hair) compared to the limited older methods. With more grafts, patients can see more coverage and better growth.
Is it ever too late to undergo procedures intended for repairing older hair restoration results?
It is never too late to explore your options for hair restoration. The Dr.UGraft™ method enables wider range of solutions for various hair transplant challenges. Dr. U. has been successful at repairing old hair restoration results with the use of body hair and his patented Dr.UGraft™ procedure.
Are body hair transplant success rates generally high or does it depend on which doctor you choose?
Success rate is highly dependent on the clinic and the technology used by the doctor who is performing corrective hair surgery. As an informed patient, you always want to choose the professional who has a long successful track record with body hair transplants. Dr. U, for example, has an extensive repository of successful patient cases in the form of before and after images as well as videos depicting their experience as well as their personal testimony. The success of these procedures is largely due to the ability to harvest healthy, robust grafts, minimizing damage in the form of human or mechanical error as well as air exposure. When grafts survive long term, they are able to produce the growth and coverage desired by patients.
Can medications like Rogaine and Propecia help with hair transplants gone wrong?
These medications are meant for less severe balding and hair depletion. When hair transplants go wrong, it is usually the case that many of the grafts did not survive to produce new hair. Once the follicle dies, medication will not help to turn things around. Corrective hair surgery is always the best and most optimal way for repairing older hair restoration results or hair transplant mistakes in general.
Event he severely scarred and depleted can rely on Dr. U’s expertise when it comes to the restoration of their hair. To inquire further, you can submit any unanswered questions through the following online form:
Further Reading:
Read more about the methods and technology used for body hair transplant procedures
Learn about corrective hair surgery to fix botched hair restoration outcomes