The Universe Begins with U

Successful Hair Transplant Repair in African American Patient Using the Dr.UPunch i™

Patients of African descent often have trouble finding hair loss solutions because of the tightly curled nature of their hair. Such was the case for this patient. As he began to experience hair loss, he underwent a strip surgery at another clinic to mask loss at his hairline. The surgery left him with a visible head scar and very poor growth yield. He then underwent a basic FUE procedure to achieve the coverage he hoped for in both the hairline as well as the linear scar. However, a successful hair transplant repair for patients with Afro-textured hair requires tools with features that are specially designed to extract their uniquely shaped follicles. This is why he sought help from Dr. Umar, the inventor and practitioner of the Dr.UPunch™, an advanced FUE technology with specific features. The following case documents an example of a successful hair transplant repair in African American patients.

Los Angeles FUE Hair Transplant in AFrican American results – Before and After

For more info plese visit http://www.dermhairclinic.comTo consult Dr Umar, click:…

Hair Loss in Black Men – Before Photos of Pasadena, Los Angeles Patient Treated with the Dr.UPunch i

This patient from Pasadena, Los Angeles wanted Dr. Umar to repair the mistakes made from his past two hair transplant surgeries. These images show the minimal growth in the patient’s hairline as well as the highly visible permanent scar before treatment by Dr. Umar.

Receding hairlines in black men should be treated with specialized tools to help ensure the best yield possible. This African American patient did not experience the growth he wanted
Receding hairlines in black men should be treated with specialized tools to help ensure the best yield possible. This African American patient did not experience the growth he wanted. *




Strip hair transplantation for African Americans is often not compatible with the fact that many men of this demographic prefer very short hair styles. Therefore, linear scars are extremely visible
Strip hair transplantation for African Americans is often not compatible with the fact that many men of this demographic prefer very short hairstyles. Therefore, linear scars are extremely visible *


After his direct personal experience with two past surgeries, this patient fully realized that a successful hair transplant repair in African American patients requires more specialized tools and methods. He felt very optimistic when he found Dr. Umar who designed his very own extraction devices with specially designed features that are capable of safely harvesting follicles in more challenging types of cases.

Dr.UGraft ™ Procedure Photos – Successful Hair Transplant Repair in African American Male Patient

Dr. Umar used his patented Dr.UPunch ™ device to create a donor pool of 1200 grafts to restore the hairline and conceal the patient’s scar. When performing extractions for patients of African descent, Dr. Umar first uses his rotary punch, the Dr.UPunch i ™on a small number of hair follicle grafts. If the transection rate is 10% or higher, the Dr.UPunch Curl™ is then used instead.

However, in the case of this particular patient, the Dr.UPunch ™ served as an excellent tool for harvesting the targeted donor supply of 1200 grafts. Although this individual is of African descent, with a tightly curled hair, the rotary Dr.UPunch i was highly successful because it is nuanced to perform better than conventional FUE sharp punches in this scenario. Furthermore, the Dr.UPunch ™ was sufficient for cutting through the dermis and anchoring attachments without the need to apply excessive force.

The Dr.UPunch i ™ is a hybrid rotary punch with a flared outer punch edge. The purpose of the flaring is to combine the benefits of a sharp and dull punch into a single structure. A dull, curved surface faces the follicular unit which is by far, a much safer scenario compared to exposing the graft to a sharp edge. Furthermore, in a flared punch configuration, the actual cutting edge points outward and away from the hair follicles as an added safety measure.

How the Dr.UPunch i works to safely remove many types of hair to meet different levels of patient challenges for hair restoration surgery.

The Dr.UPunch i™ connects to The Dr.UGraft™ central console component which controls a water system powered by a foot pedal feature to deposit fluid onto the grafts in order to prevent them from being exposed to the air. This contributes to bulkier, more hydrated grafts that are then able to survive long-term and produce the expected growth yield.

Successful Dr.UGraft Hair Transplant Repair in African American Male Patient: Before and After Photos

Ten months after surgery, the Pasadena patient had a full head of natural looking hair. Dr. Umar reconstructed his hairline while rebuilding his temple points. He then used the remaining grafts to increase the density of coverage on the patient’s crown and to conceal the scar from his strip surgery. The patient can even wear a short-cut hair style without the scar showing, or without showing any signs of hair loss.

The photos below highlight the contrast. The patient’s happy expression speaks for itself!

Receding hairlines in black men can be reversed using grafts that are successfully harvested using specialized extraction tools like the Dr.UPunch Curl ™ *
Receding hairlines in black men can be reversed using grafts that are successfully harvested using specialized extraction tools like the Dr.UPunch Curl™


FUE transplant in black patients for hairline reconstruction also requires the creation of appropriately shaped temple points
Dr.UGraft™ FUE transplant surgery in black patients for hairline reconstruction requires the creation of appropriately shaped temple points *


hair loss in black men should be addressed with advanced FUE performed with tools like the Dr.UPunch Curl™ to avoid the creation of linear strip scars. However, with the right FUE procedures, it is possible to insert hair follicle grafts into the scar tissue to render it less visible, enabling successful hair transplant repair in African American individuals
Hair loss in black men should be addressed with advanced FUE performed with tools like the Dr.UPunch Curl™ to avoid the creation of linear strip scars. However, with a Dr.UGraft  FUE procedures, it is possible to insert hair follicle grafts into the scar tissue to render it less visible, enabling successful hair transplant repair in African American individuals *


FUE for black patients can now produce reliable growth due to healthy, unharmed grafts, thanks to the advent of highly specialized tools like the Dr.UPunch Curl ™ designed to surgically treat hair loss in black men and women for successful hair transplant results
Dr.UGraft ™ FUE for black patients can produce reliable growth due to healthy, unharmed grafts, thanks to the advent of highly specialized tools like the Dr.UPunch Curl™ designed to surgically treat hair loss in black men and women for successful hair transplant results *
FUE hair transplantation for African Americans can produce amazing coverage if the grafts are safely and successfully harvested. Advanced tools like the Dr.UPunch Curl ™ allow this type of reliable growth to become possible
Dr.UGraft ™ FUE hair transplantation for African Americans can produce amazing coverage if the grafts are safely and successfully harvested. Advanced tools like the Dr.UPunch Curl ™ allow this type of reliable growth to become possible *

VIDEO: Dr.UGraft FUE For Black Patients – Repair Case for Strip Scar and Hairline Recession

Learn more about this patient’s overall hair transplant experience and his outcome by watching this video:

Patient is African-American. Had strip surgery of over 1000 grafts for hairline several years ago with poor results: scant hairline with an unnatural and pluggy look, strip scar. Also wanted early crown thinning addressed. He went to another FUE clinic for an FUE transplant procedure of 1000 grafts. One year later, he had still seen zero growth. He did not like his scar after having had it tattooed. Finally, the patient came to see Dr U. Dr U first did a test procedure, which was successful. Next, he performed the following FUE procedure: 800 grafts to the hairline, 250 grafts to the crown, and 150 grafts to the strip scar. 10 months later, all of the patient's concerns had been eliminated.

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Frequently Asked Questions: Successful Hair Transplant Repair in African American Man

What are the factors affecting the cost of hair transplantation for African Americans?

With any patient undergoing treatment with the Dr.UPunch Curl™, cost depends on the number of grafts used to restore hair. If finances pose a major obstacle for patients considering hair restoration with the Dr.UPunch Curl™, Dr. Umar can develop a more conservative treatment plan that will minimize cost while improving natural-looking hair coverage.

How long does it take to recover from surgery with the Dr.UPunch Curl for receding hairlines in black men?

A non-invasive procedure, the Dr.UGraft™ requires no hospitalization and only local anesthesia. Immediately following surgery, the incisions crust over, with this scabbing sloughing off in about a week’s time. Wounds heal in about a month, with new hair growth beginning thereafter. In general, it takes about a year for transplanted hair to reach full growth.


Dr. U is a pioneer in the world of FUE hair transplant in patients with Afro-textured hair; to send your questions about the procedure to him directly, feel free to do so using the button below:


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